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====SV 01/1====
On board the Interstellar Cargo Ship Fortitude,  Captain Jack Marber (Human) , Co-pilot  Tc'aarlat (Yollin), and Navigator Dollen Stonebrand (Baroleon) are hailed by Captain Bamston (Skaine)  of the Skaine Patrol Vessel, Narvalt. Mist, the blood red feathered Raal Hawk perched on the hard exoskeleton of Tc’aarlat’s shoulder shrieked angrily. The Skaine was demanding information about cargo while his men  forced open a hatch,  boarded ship. Fonk and Shizz go to bridge, attacked in hall by Jack. Fonk wounded, disarmed, broken nose. Jack kills Fonk, Shizz killed by Dollen and a Bistok prod. Tuss killed by Mist and Tc’aarlat, Artok killed by Dollen, screwdrivers in his ears. Jack sent ship in reverse to ram Narvalt. Narvalt exploded, killing all. Fortitude going to Federation Base station 11.
On board the Interstellar Cargo Ship Fortitude,  Captain Jack Marber (Human) , Co-pilot  Tc'aarlat (Yollin), and Navigator Dollen Stonebrand (Baroleon) are hailed by Captain Bamston (Skaine)  of the Skaine Patrol Vessel, Narvalt. Mist, the blood red feathered Raal Hawk perched on the hard exoskeleton of Tc’aarlat’s shoulder shrieked angrily. The Skaine was demanding information about cargo while his men  forced open a hatch,  boarded ship. Fonk and Shizz go to bridge, attacked in hall by Jack. Fonk wounded, disarmed, broken nose. Jack kills Fonk, Shizz killed by Dollen and a Bistok prod. Tuss killed by Mist and Tc’aarlat, Artok killed by Dollen, screwdrivers in his ears. Jack sent ship in reverse to ram Narvalt. Narvalt exploded, killing all. Fortitude going to Federation Base station 11.
===R & D Lab, Base Station 11===
===R & D Lab, Base Station 11===
====SV 01/2====
[[Adina Choudhury]] testing Jean Dukes Special Particle Beam Gun vs. new, upgraded armor on Ecaterina. Adina fired gun, Armor deflected beam (generates a force field). Test was a success, except gun now has to be altered so that it will hold enough charge in battle. Won’t be ready for a while.
[[Adina Choudhury]] testing Jean Dukes Special Particle Beam Gun vs. new, upgraded armor on Ecaterina. Adina fired gun, Armor deflected beam (generates a force field). Test was a success, except gun now has to be altered so that it will hold enough charge in battle. Won’t be ready for a while.
===Alma Nine; Tor Val's Murder===
===Alma Nine; Tor Val's Murder===
====SV 01/2; SV 01/7, 8; SV 01/12, 13, 15, 16, 20====
Tor Val, Malatian President of Alma Nine, a newly colonized planet (eleven years ago), opens a new hospital, and announces that she has made agreement with Etheric Empire to join, so Alma Nine will soon be an interstellar planet. Her Vice President, Saf Tah, and the Security Chief, Hip Win, are not in agreement with this, and actually hate the announcement.
Tor Val, Malatian President of Alma Nine, a newly colonized planet (eleven years ago), opens a new hospital, and announces that she has made agreement with Etheric Empire to join, so Alma Nine will soon be an interstellar planet. Her Vice President, Saf Tah, and the Security Chief, Hip Win, are not in agreement with this, and actually hate the announcement.
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===[[Adina Choudhury]]===
===[[Adina Choudhury]]===
====SV 01/3, 4, 5, 6====
[[Adina Choudhury]] visits aged Uncle in Care home, looks for reference to a drug she takes (off-market), which she needs to function. Finds it.
[[Adina Choudhury]] visits aged Uncle in Care home, looks for reference to a drug she takes (off-market), which she needs to function. Finds it.
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====SV 01/4; SV 01/6; SV 01.7; SV 01/9====
Fortitude, met by Nathan Lowell, unloaded 842 computer servers (junk) ordered by Marcus Cambridge. Nathan invites Jack, Tc’aarlat (and Mist), Dollen out for a drink, hears about attack and its result. Takes them to All Guns Blazing (franchise or original on Meredith Reynolds), treats them to best drink (Crofian Cream Ale, imported from the Su-Sallok System), and Coke. Snacks consist of Pistachio nuts for Jack, a platter of drungen chips and dip for the Yollin, cubes of soft, white cheese for the Baloreon, and muri flesh for Mist.
Fortitude, met by Nathan Lowell, unloaded 842 computer servers (junk) ordered by Marcus Cambridge. Nathan invites Jack, Tc’aarlat (and Mist), Dollen out for a drink, hears about attack and its result. Takes them to All Guns Blazing (franchise or original on Meredith Reynolds), treats them to best drink (Crofian Cream Ale, imported from the Su-Sallok System), and Coke. Snacks consist of Pistachio nuts for Jack, a platter of drungen chips and dip for the Yollin, cubes of soft, white cheese for the Baloreon, and muri flesh for Mist.
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===Vix Mil's Murder===
===Vix Mil's Murder===
====SV 01/9; SV 01/13====
Vix Mil, a Parole Officer in the Department of Justice, had found it necessary to revoke the parole of an early-release offender. After he had been taken into custody, she went back to work, then to her husband’s work ( in the Weather Control Center Lab), to celebrate with him (Yan Mil) the successful completion of a project. When she left, she was followed by Mak Git, with a knife. Killed.
Vix Mil, a Parole Officer in the Department of Justice, had found it necessary to revoke the parole of an early-release offender. After he had been taken into custody, she went back to work, then to her husband’s work ( in the Weather Control Center Lab), to celebrate with him (Yan Mil) the successful completion of a project. When she left, she was followed by Mak Git, with a knife. Killed.
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===Fortitude, Mark Two; New Mission===
===Fortitude, Mark Two; New Mission===
====SV 01/ 10 - 28====
Jack, Tc’aarlat, and Adina had begun training, sparring and learning to use new weapons (Jean Duke’s specials).Adina must learn to handle the ship manually, in case the EI becomes corrupted or shuts down completely. Not doing well at first.
Jack, Tc’aarlat, and Adina had begun training, sparring and learning to use new weapons (Jean Duke’s specials).Adina must learn to handle the ship manually, in case the EI becomes corrupted or shuts down completely. Not doing well at first.
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===Team's Name===
===Team's Name===
====SV 01/28====
Team adopts the name, The Shadows, as their own.
Team adopts the name, The Shadows, as their own.

Latest revision as of 02:43, 22 September 2018

Ages - Age of Expansion - Shadow Vanguard Lunar Crisis >>
Don’t dump the cargo - I paid for it fair and square with money I stole! And so begins the saga of Jack Marber, former Special Assault Marine and his alien band of traders as they cross the galaxy doing the only job that doesn’t leave them homeless. “I need eyes and ears in every system that would benefit the Federation. One way to do that is for the Free Traders of this universe to work for me…” Nathan Lowell. Nathan has a mission and is willing to pay handsomely for Jack’s time. If only Jack will represent the Federation that kicked him out of the service for what was Jack’s fault. He’s not sure they should trust him, although he likes it. His two-legged Yollin partner is trying to learn the English side of the Galactic Common language, but that doesn’t always work out so well. Adina is a member who Nathan wants on the team. No one is sure of her, not even Adina. A storm is rising and the misfits of the Fortitude have no choice but to fight it. 51-IWTojqYL._UY200_.jpg


Chapter 01

On board the Interstellar Cargo Ship Fortitude, Captain Jack Marber (Human) , Co-pilot Tc'aarlat (Yollin), and Navigator Dollen Stonebrand (Baroleon) are hailed by Captain Bamston (Skaine) of the Skaine Patrol Vessel, Narvalt. Mist, the blood red feathered Raal Hawk perched on the hard exoskeleton of Tc’aarlat’s shoulder shrieked angrily. The Skaine was demanding information about cargo while his men forced open a hatch, boarded ship. Fonk and Shizz go to bridge, attacked in hall by Jack. Fonk wounded, disarmed, broken nose. Jack kills Fonk, Shizz killed by Dollen and a Bistok prod. Tuss killed by Mist and Tc’aarlat, Artok killed by Dollen, screwdrivers in his ears. Jack sent ship in reverse to ram Narvalt. Narvalt exploded, killing all. Fortitude going to Federation Base station 11.

R & D Lab, Base Station 11

{ch|02}} Adina Choudhury testing Jean Dukes Special Particle Beam Gun vs. new, upgraded armor on Ecaterina. Adina fired gun, Armor deflected beam (generates a force field). Test was a success, except gun now has to be altered so that it will hold enough charge in battle. Won’t be ready for a while.

Alma Nine; Tor Val's Murder

Chapter 02

Chapter 07

Chapter 08

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 20

Tor Val, Malatian President of Alma Nine, a newly colonized planet (eleven years ago), opens a new hospital, and announces that she has made agreement with Etheric Empire to join, so Alma Nine will soon be an interstellar planet. Her Vice President, Saf Tah, and the Security Chief, Hip Win, are not in agreement with this, and actually hate the announcement.

Saf Tah and Hip Win form an alliance to ruin Tor Val.

After the announcement, Tor Val closeted her in her office, with DO NOT DISTURB instructions to her assistant, Bay Don. Bay Don obeyed, even blocking Saf Tah out, as well as all reporters, etc. When she decided to go home to her daughters, she was picked up by Hip win in a different car. Gan Roi, the driver, had sold out, and was about to crash the limo. Crashed into the side of a high school building.

Cal Car, News Reporter, Channel 3.” There’s been an accident. A terrible, terrible accident. Tor Val is dead.” Three-day period of mourning, An hour ago, I issued a decree which amends the constitution of Alma Nine, allowing me to take on the role of President with immediate effect, instead of expecting either of these poor, grieving girls to struggle to fill such an important position." And the weather control system went crazy, filling the air with thunder, lightning, and flooding rain. Saf Tah was almost electrocuted when lightning struck the microphone, and jumped to his hair.

Bay Don went to Weather Control Lab to see what could be done about weather for Tor Val’s funeral. Found lab in chaos.

No one knew what had happened, and if they didn’t know what, they couldn’t find out why, or how to fix it. Then gravity changed, and building collapsed. Bay Don survived.

Cal Car, News Reporter, now broadcasting from outside Presidential Building, in the weather, interviewing mourners, etc.,

Adina Choudhury

Chapter 03

Chapter 04

Chapter 05

Chapter 06

Adina Choudhury visits aged Uncle in Care home, looks for reference to a drug she takes (off-market), which she needs to function. Finds it.

Goes to buy drug from Mosco Asdale, dirty, greasy. He doubled the price – half cash and half in “trade”. Adina backs up into tall, heavy female. Adina’s problem was that she was a Wechselbalg, and was trying to control it with DNA suppressants.

When she had been attacked, she changed and killed them, then came home to take drugs and clean up. Problem was, that Bad company had Mosco under surveillance, so they saw everything. Ecaterina understands, and thinks she might not be prosecuted as long as she was working undercover for Ecaterina.


Chapter 04

Chapter 06

Chapter 07

Chapter 09

Fortitude, met by Nathan Lowell, unloaded 842 computer servers (junk) ordered by Marcus Cambridge. Nathan invites Jack, Tc’aarlat (and Mist), Dollen out for a drink, hears about attack and its result. Takes them to All Guns Blazing (franchise or original on Meredith Reynolds), treats them to best drink (Crofian Cream Ale, imported from the Su-Sallok System), and Coke. Snacks consist of Pistachio nuts for Jack, a platter of drungen chips and dip for the Yollin, cubes of soft, white cheese for the Baloreon, and muri flesh for Mist.

Nathan explained that he had tipped off the Narval about them, because he wanted to see how they would handle a miserable opponent. They had done well, and he wanted to hire them for a special job. They were all angry, and started to man-handle Nathan, when Dollen opened his jacket and exposed a bomb strapped to his chest.

Dollen read off the demands of the group he represented, Dark Tomorrow. Jack Nathan socked him, as did Jack, and Mist flew down to retrieve the detonator. A Ranger, Ricky Milton Smith, took him into custody. And all was OK.

The girls in the Bachlorette Party chased their Shrillexian stripper into the men’s Restroom, followed by Shrillexian screams.

Nathan knew about Dollen, and was waiting for him to make a move, so that they could get him for terrorist activities. Jack relates his prior Federation Marine activities (Dark tomorrow, jail time, dishonorable discharge, etc.,) and Nathan offers him a chance to get even, through Federation activities.

Nathan wants them to work for him as “covert intelligence operatives," as spies. After discussing bonuses, working conditions, etc., they agreed. Will need a new navigator. Adina Choudhury is available. Mist voted for her, as well as Jack. Tc’aarlat thought shipping was a man’s field, at which time Adina handled him roughly enough that he agreed.

Vix Mil's Murder

Chapter 09

Chapter 13

Vix Mil, a Parole Officer in the Department of Justice, had found it necessary to revoke the parole of an early-release offender. After he had been taken into custody, she went back to work, then to her husband’s work ( in the Weather Control Center Lab), to celebrate with him (Yan Mil) the successful completion of a project. When she left, she was followed by Mak Git, with a knife. Killed.

Yan Mil, out of his mind with her death, locked himself in his apartment, will not answer.

Fortitude, Mark Two; New Mission

Chapter 10

Jack, Tc’aarlat, and Adina had begun training, sparring and learning to use new weapons (Jean Duke’s specials).Adina must learn to handle the ship manually, in case the EI becomes corrupted or shuts down completely. Not doing well at first.

Ship upgraded- engines, bridge, weapons. New name, ICS Fortitude, Mark Two. (See Vehicles)

There are five planets in the Ordanian Hub, all orbiting a dark energy star. Each one is home to some breed of criminal. Thieves, murderers, people traffickers, and much more besides. Will be going to Alma Nine, to investigate death of Tor Val. Try to approach planet, appear to be crashing. Ship being struck by series of gravitational waves. Out of control.Adina decides to turn ship 90 degrees, and ride the waves like surf, down to the planet. It works.

Ship landed, three open hatch to disembark. Faced with troops, armed.

Taken to Army barracks cells. Suspected of causing gravity disturbances.

Greeted by Saf Tah, in the cells. Identities confirmed. Welcomed through the bars.

Saf Tah meets with them in President’s Office, against Bay Don’s wishes. Threw her to the floor on his way in.

Jack, Tc’aarlat, Adina confront Saf Tah re immediate swearing in ceremony, after funeral.

Another gravity wave strikes, crashing the ceiling down on the five beings in meetings. Tc’aarlat saves Saf Tah and assistants, Adina saves Bay Don, changing to Were (stronger), moving a filing cabinet over them for protection. Scientist Jon Rey killed by metal on his bunk, in underground safety room. Jack vows to get to the bottom of the cause of the gravity waves. Find a scientist. Saf Tah smiling, liking Etheric people better. (But really not! Intending to put them under power of Dark Tomorrow planets.)

Cal Car, News reporter, to interview Tor Val’s two daughters, remembering Tor Val’s efforts, activities.

Zeb Lok, scientist, had found cause of waves. Alma Nine scientists had done it to themselves. Yan Mil’s gravitons were capturing the nanobots and controlling them, bringing them down to the planet. Mist to get into apartment (open window), get the keys to unlock door from outside.

Successful, Apt. opened. Found dead body of Yan Mil hanging from a computer cord.

Find file, last note, on computer. Body removed, all go back to view last file, note. VIX IS COMING! Vix being a storm of weather and gravity waves that will destroy Taron city in three hours. Programmed by Yan Mils, in memory of his wife, Vix, assassinated on same day as Tor Val, and not remembered at all. His revenge on them all.

Saf Tah feels he cannot evacuate the city – too many deaths. Mol Gat, assistant, leaves him.

Solo and Zeb Lok hack into storm’s system, will need Vix Mil’s DNA to access system. DNA coded as password. Take Pegasus to morgue, controlled by Solo, find body missing, but remember cut from knife still in kitchen at their home. Go there, get knife, but stopped by shipjackers wanting the Pegasus. Less than 10 minutes before storm hits. Pegasus, with Zeb and knife, ram way into apartment, but too late. Storm started, gravity waves forcing buildings, Pegasus to be destroyed.

Jack fires JD Special at roof creating hole for Zeb to get through to get to computer. Knife, blood was recognized, storm stopped. Pegasus completely destroyed. Adina knocked out, now everyone knows about changing to were.

Tor Val’s Funeral. Bay Don, Mas, Val walk behind coffin to park, where others waiting. Whole city along streets, in mourning color. 120 other caskets also will be sent off – those who had died in the storms, including Vix Mil and Yan Mil.

Saf Tah waiting to be introduced as the new President, heard, instead his traitorous words repeated in a recording his assistant had made about the attack coming to Alma Nine. Jack et al go to him, capture him, will take him to Base 11.

Mas Val assumed Presidency, with sister, Ran Val.

Team's Name

Chapter 28

Team adopts the name, The Shadows, as their own.