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{{Book|preseq=|prev=|nxtseq=02|next=The Darkest Night|age=Kurtherian Gambit|series=The Second Dark Ages|asin=1642020176|img=512lqaFoZ2L}}
{{Book|preseq=|prev=|nxtseq=02|next=The Darkest Night|age=Kurtherian Gambit|series=The Second Dark Ages|asin=1642020176|img=512lqaFoZ2L|blurb=
'''MICHAEL RETURNS''' to fulfill a promise to his love, but the world isn't the same place.Michael, the Archangel himself, has returned after a hundred and fifty years reconstructing himself in the Etheric Dimension.  The problem?  The world went through an Apocalypse and what little honor and justice that previously existed, is gone. Further, his love has left to the stars somewhere, fighting for those on Earth.Now, Michael has to figure out where he is, where he needs to go, help those who need help and figure out how to follow in his love's path. Because if there is one thing that Honor Demands, it is that he make good on his promise to Bethany Anne.
  '''MICHAEL RETURNS''' to fulfill a promise to his love, but the world isn't the same place.Michael, the Archangel himself, has returned after a hundred and fifty years reconstructing himself in the Etheric Dimension.  The problem?  The world went through an Apocalypse and what little honor and justice that previously existed, is gone. Further, his love has left to the stars somewhere, fighting for those on Earth.Now, Michael has to figure out where he is, where he needs to go, help those who need help and figure out how to follow in his love's path. Because if there is one thing that Honor Demands, it is that he make good on his promise to Bethany Anne.
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01/23    Michael goes out, tries to understand city more. Comes across vamps/weres attacking Enforcers. Kills Enforcers Can feel massive amount of Etheric Energy approaching New York. Sees airships hovering, vamps and Nosferatu descending on ropes, waiting to feast on people below. Jonathan and Nosferatu boss watching as Nosferatu began to descend. Michael. Disabled ship, floated away, crashed into water. Attacks Nosferatu on ground with Etheric energy, electrical, killing them, killing Amedaeusz because of his mental connection with his “people”. Jonathan already dead. Michael kills Kelvin, trying to escape. Saves Valerie an honorable vamp, Donovan’s sister, whom Donovan had set up to die in Europe. Valerie kills Donovan in fair fight.  
01/23    Michael goes out, tries to understand city more. Comes across vamps/weres attacking Enforcers. Kills Enforcers Can feel massive amount of Etheric Energy approaching New York. Sees airships hovering, vamps and Nosferatu descending on ropes, waiting to feast on people below. Jonathan and Nosferatu boss watching as Nosferatu began to descend. Michael. Disabled ship, floated away, crashed into water. Attacks Nosferatu on ground with Etheric energy, electrical, killing them, killing Amedaeusz because of his mental connection with his “people”. Jonathan already dead. Michael kills Kelvin, trying to escape. Saves Valerie an honorable vamp, Donovan’s sister, whom Donovan had set up to die in Europe. Valerie kills Donovan in fair fight.  
01/24    Michael finds Valerie has enough honor to trust her with cleaning up USA, while he goes to Europe to handle The Duke, and whatever of his children were causing problems there. (See Characters, Valerie, )
01/24    Michael finds Valerie has enough honor to trust her with cleaning up USA, while he goes to Europe to handle The Duke, and whatever of his children were causing problems there. (See Characters, [[Valerie]], )

Latest revision as of 23:31, 7 August 2018

Ages - Kurtherian Gambit - The Second Dark Ages The Darkest Night >>
MICHAEL RETURNS to fulfill a promise to his love, but the world isn't the same place.Michael, the Archangel himself, has returned after a hundred and fifty years reconstructing himself in the Etheric Dimension. The problem? The world went through an Apocalypse and what little honor and justice that previously existed, is gone. Further, his love has left to the stars somewhere, fighting for those on Earth.Now, Michael has to figure out where he is, where he needs to go, help those who need help and figure out how to follow in his love's path. Because if there is one thing that Honor Demands, it is that he make good on his promise to Bethany Anne. 512lqaFoZ2L._UY200_.jpg

01/1 MICHAEL REMEMBERS First the pain, then mind and then the memories. Body appears in the Etheric, memory of Bethany Anne, and his promise. Tries to exit into Earth world, cannot remember how, until he falls into Earth, from 20 ft. up, into a tree, naked. Goes looking for Colorado Base.

01/2 THE COLORADO BASE Finds Base, absolutely deserted. Finds apartment he and Bethany Anne used, breaks in, finds note from Bethany Anne. Clothes, weapons. He must return to her or else she will be back and “kick your ass”. Found clothing weapon stash, took 3 hours to re-learn how to myst, entered storage area. Base EI awoke, sent info to TQB space EIs about entry. 01/3 Mysts into area, gains supplies (clothes, guns-ammo-sword), leaves, looking for people. Still has trouble keeping myst form. Finds the three loyal ranch-hands, Jeremiah, Todd and Dirk. Talks, wants to join their battle.

01/2, 3, 4 Jeremiah gets message delivered by Jack Childer’s men that Sara must either sell out to him or bed him, or else. Hands hear of message, decide to join Childers rather than fight for Sarah. Three hands, on camp-out, meet Michael, take him to Ranch to meet with Sarah. Fights with her to establish abilities, confidence. Michael bests her, she accepts his help, then sends him off, naming him “Dark Messiah”. 01/5, 6 Battle at the ranch. One hour after sunset. Childers sent in messenger for answer, messenger killed. Battle begins, Michael appears, taking men out from the behind. Scalp ceased, sends out wave of fear, upsetting horses and men. Thirty three dead. Sarah Jennifer apologizes to her men, asks Jeremiah to marry her. After town battle, Michael to Sarah’s ranch. Sarah apologizes, now with Jeremiah. Michael reveals that Sarah is pregnant. Michael follows attackers to Childer’s town, finishes off rest of his gang wreaking vengeance for type of horrors they had committed. Meets Jacqueline, a werewolf, returns her sight (removed silver fragment). Supplied Jacqueline to go to Denver.

01/7, 8 JACQUELINE AND GERRY Jacqueline finds Were encampment, trades horses, etc., for supplies, cash. Meets old man, discovers he is her father, from Chicago, tells him of Michael. Gerry needs to find Michael again, for one more favor. Michael enters bar in Old Denver, gets into fight with Kraven’s toughs, looking for Jacqueline, leaves bar.

01/8 - 14 MICHAEL AND GERRY Goes to another bar in Kraven’s special Fortress/town area inside Old Denver, gets in fight, kills, and destroys men and area. Goes to top floor, to Kraven. Sends fear wave into office, kills all except Kraven, who escapes down fire escape ladders. Michael follows, kills Kraven, meets with Gerry, waiting for him to finish his killing. Gerry wounded, asks one more favor of Michael “Well, I need to ask you a favor. I need to ask if you would go rescue her again, Michael.” Joshua Timmons, Alpha of the Denver pack, was in alliance with the local vampire blood collectors, Hank and crew, and called them when Michael was in the vicinity, looking for Jacqueline. Joshua had captured her when she came to the pack. Michael kills sentries as bait to lure pack out. Pack comes out, Michael gives Gerry blood, turns him into Pricolici, and lets him avenge injury and harm to Jacqueline. Timmons shoots Gerry with silver bullets, as Jacqueline knifes Timmons with silver bladed knife, killing him. As Gerry is dying, he asks Michael to protect Jacqueline. Both Michael and Jacqueline agree. Gerry dies. Michael builds cairn over him, commemorating the site. Michael takes on the Blood hunters, kills two, Jacqueline kills one. They go to lab, find dead body, burn structure down.

01/12, 13, 15 EUROPE Donovan, son of the Duke, grandson of David, great grandson of Michael, in David’s old castle in the Fallen Lands outside of the City-States of Europe. The Duke talks to Donovan, his son. “Come Donovan, I have plans here in Europe, but I want to discuss my plans for taking the New World.” We are pulling assets out of my cities here to support you for this. We have acquired multiple zeppelins for your invasion of the New York City-State. The Nosferatu were their primary weapons. Donovan smiled in the darkness. He had over a dozen dirigibles loading supplies. “With hundreds of Nosferatu and over forty vampires, how can we fail to subjugate the human cattle?” . The holds of the ships had at least sixty Nosferatu, their insatiable hunger appeased from time to time by tossing in human cattle. The screaming entertained him. Blondes were always more fun.

01/14, 20 JACQUELINE'S TRAINING Michael begins physical training, upgrading efforts daily. Observational training, punishing lack of observance with push-ups, fight training, with pain as punishment. She finally made him sweat, and felt victorious. (15 days, until flight to New York) Continues training in Michael’s house, doing kata on his training mats, practicing focus and intent.

01/16, 18 FLIGHT TO NEW YORK Michael visits Paul Mullin, with Jacqueline and Kerri. Paul promises to change ways, to be ethical and honest, on Kerri’s life, or his own. She would kill him if he strayed, or Michael would kill her in his stead. Brick Jessims, blood dealer, sends letter to Paul in Chicago, wants to visit, resume sales. Killed by Kerri before he can make it to the house.

01/17 - 24 NEW YORK Jacqueline gets in fight with Enforcers, toughs who captured weres and vampires in New York. Almost beats them all, is rescued by Michael. Attacked again in park (Gramercy Park South) on way to Michael’s, subdued them, let them go. Went to his old home facing side of park. Deaths of 4 reported to Enforcer Control by regular police. Michael takes Jacqueline to house, shows her around. Three floors below, floors above, hermetically sealed for centuries. Continues training in Michael’s house, doing kata on his training mats, practicing focus and intent.

01/20 Billy “The Bomb” Wattson, big, black, an Enforcer, vows to catch a vampire that night. Clothes shopping! Mysts out of the house startling Jacqueline.

01/21 Michael goes out to check the city, “reads” a mind (Mark) screaming in fear. Had been at his sister’s house. How had they found him? “Reads” four men chasing him-vampire hunters. Four against one, cornered in an alley. Michael takes them all on, kills them.

01/22Brings Mark home, introduces him to Jacqueline, talks about blood, energy, and the Etheric. Gives energy to Mark, Jacqueline.

01/23 Michael goes out, tries to understand city more. Comes across vamps/weres attacking Enforcers. Kills Enforcers Can feel massive amount of Etheric Energy approaching New York. Sees airships hovering, vamps and Nosferatu descending on ropes, waiting to feast on people below. Jonathan and Nosferatu boss watching as Nosferatu began to descend. Michael. Disabled ship, floated away, crashed into water. Attacks Nosferatu on ground with Etheric energy, electrical, killing them, killing Amedaeusz because of his mental connection with his “people”. Jonathan already dead. Michael kills Kelvin, trying to escape. Saves Valerie an honorable vamp, Donovan’s sister, whom Donovan had set up to die in Europe. Valerie kills Donovan in fair fight.

01/24 Michael finds Valerie has enough honor to trust her with cleaning up USA, while he goes to Europe to handle The Duke, and whatever of his children were causing problems there. (See Characters, Valerie, )

01/25 MICHAEL, MARK AND JACQUELINEAs Michael is going to Europe, so they can stay and help Valerie, or go with him, Jacqueline on Operations, Mark on computers, technology. They both chose to go with him. Mark will have nanocytes re-programed to be able to walk in daylight. Will also change shape of body to better (It does, taller, stronger). Both will need clothes, all will need transportation. Michael has one more item to take care of – the blood-seller’s bar. Will need money for the trip, get it there. Goes to several blood bars, puts blood down drain, beats up owners if they object, trades for European coin for trip. Enforcer, the next day, decides not a good business, resigns from activity.

01/25 TRIP TO EUROPE Captain Miles O’Banion finds Michael on his ship. Captain unhappy with situation, wants Nosferatu off his ship, just wants to go back home. Michael cleans up ship, including crew who wants to turn pirate. Michael bought ship, renamed it DMS ArchAngel, and sailed off to England. Akio moves toward New York City/State, looking for him.