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     When you are a young adult in the Etheric Empire, your life can be changed in mere moments. Often for the better. Anne was saved by the Queen herself many years before on planet Earth. Now, she is struggling with focus, and coming into adulthood while her mom struggles with her own future. When Anne’s mother makes an ultimatum, the Empress steps in, and Anne’s life is saved by her young friend, with four paws.Now, Anne must grow up with her partner, and fast. Her new friends are going to need her in the future. Together, the young woman and her partner, Jinx, have a future to affect.
     When you are a young adult in the Etheric Empire, your life can be changed in mere moments. Often for the better. Anne was saved by the Queen herself many years before on planet Earth. Now, she is struggling with focus, and coming into adulthood while her mom struggles with her own future. When Anne’s mother makes an ultimatum, the Empress steps in, and Anne’s life is saved by her young friend, with four paws.Now, Anne must grow up with her partner, and fast. Her new friends are going to need her in the future. Together, the young woman and her partner, Jinx, have a future to affect.Set on the foundation laid by the Kurtherian Gambit Series, this story tells about one of the fan favorites and her new partner. Together, they just may be instrumental in changing the future of technology and life.
Set on the foundation laid by the Kurtherian Gambit Series, this story tells about one of the fan favorites and her new partner. Together, they just may be instrumental in changing the future of technology and life.
EA01/1    Constantly in trouble with parents, school. Tired, pain. constantly being disciplined with grounding, no dinner, forbidden to talk to Bethany Anne. Was disheartened, went to talk to Yelena and Beatrix, see the new puppies. No answer, so went home. Ashur came to visit Bellatrix and the pups, at Yelena’s.
EA01/1    Constantly in trouble with parents, school. Tired, pain. constantly being disciplined with grounding, no dinner, forbidden to talk to Bethany Anne. Was disheartened, went to talk to Yelena and Beatrix, see the new puppies. No answer, so went home. Ashur came to visit Bellatrix and the pups, at Yelena’s.

Revision as of 21:35, 4 August 2018

Ages - Kurtherian Gambit - Etheric Adventures: Anne and Jinx Etheric Researcher >>

    When you are a young adult in the Etheric Empire, your life can be changed in mere moments. Often for the better. Anne was saved by the Queen herself many years before on planet Earth. Now, she is struggling with focus, and coming into adulthood while her mom struggles with her own future. When Anne’s mother makes an ultimatum, the Empress steps in, and Anne’s life is saved by her young friend, with four paws.Now, Anne must grow up with her partner, and fast. Her new friends are going to need her in the future. Together, the young woman and her partner, Jinx, have a future to affect.Set on the foundation laid by the Kurtherian Gambit Series, this story tells about one of the fan favorites and her new partner. Together, they just may be instrumental in changing the future of technology and life.

EA01/1 Constantly in trouble with parents, school. Tired, pain. constantly being disciplined with grounding, no dinner, forbidden to talk to Bethany Anne. Was disheartened, went to talk to Yelena and Beatrix, see the new puppies. No answer, so went home. Ashur came to visit Bellatrix and the pups, at Yelena’s.

Their mom’s human had mentioned how the people of Earth bought and sold animals without regard for the animal’s feelings or desires. All five of the puppies decided that they didn’t think that sort of thing was in their best interest. They informed Yelena they would choose their own companion person. Jinx feeling depressed because he hadn’t yet found “her” human. Ashur, Bellatrix and Jinx go for a walk, Jinx smells something interesting at tram station. Ashur recognizes it for Anne’s smell from rescue, before, and asks that they be told of her current address.

EA 01/2 They go to visit, and are rebuffed by mother, as she had rejected language implants, and could not talk to them. She heard only barks and yips. Something inside Jinx seemed to shift, and she felt an overwhelming desire to be with the girl. Jinx was so focused on Anne as she started walking into the dwelling that she completely missed the mother’s reaction. Sheila screamed. “No, you don’t!” and lashed out with her foot, kicking Jinx in the ribs and knocking her backward. Meredith (AI) notified Bethany Anne of the incident, and she went to the Jayden’s home in time to save the situation. (Realizes she needs counseling, and Bethany Anne wants Cheryl Lynn to remind her to investigate creating such a program.) Jinx choses Anne as her person. Bethany Anne had read Sheila’s mind, and found resentment and out of control. And that she doesn’t like dogs. Bethany Anne decides to get Anne away from her home, and had emancipation papers drawn up immediately (Age sixteen, so legal), and takes her to room with Tabitha as first step.

EA 01/3 At Tabitha’s Bethany Anne instructs Meredith to supply the apartment with proper dog necessities. Moved into Tabitha’s with, literally the clothes on her back, and her tablet. Bethany Anne tries to speak without cussing, and everyone is vastly amused. The girls go to cafeteria to eat dinner. Jinx had raw round steak. Go back to apartment, Anne puts out Jinx’ dishes, etc. Tabitha nicknames Jinx “Furbucket”. Ashur’s nickname is “Fuzzball”.

EA 01/4 Jinx decides she wants to go to school with Anne, to better learn Language and customs, (Had problem with “hot dogs” for lunch. ) Tabitha will talk to Bethany Anne to make it so.

EA 01/5 Mason come to visit, makes peace, is happy things are better. Anne and Jinx go to school next day, haver incident with boy pulling dog’s ears, Anne pulls boy’s ears. Tabitha gets involved, all OK. Anne gets to school, no dogs allowed. With Bethany Anne’s consent and intervention, she does so.

EA 01/6 Jinx comes to Tabitha with information about Anne. Dogs can smell bad things happening to their people. Anne has an extra smell like that, and I think it means she’s sick. “Of the smell? One hundred percent,” Jinx assured Tabitha. “Of what it means? No idea. I’m just guessing, based on the smell itself. Like I said, it’s yucky. Tabitha tells Bethany Anne, and they put Anne in the original pod-doc the next morning. Anne is hesitant about going into the machine, so Jinx jumps in with her. A few hours later, Anne was diagnosed with leukemia. TOM can cure her, but if he does so, cannot limit her enhancements. So be it, but does not need combat upgrades.”

EA01/7 Mason (Dad), learns about illness, feel badly about not understanding condition. Anne and Jinx had been in the medical device for six weeks, four days, fifteen hours, and twenty-seven minutes, they emerge. Anne optimized too the fullest. Found out that Jinx had also been enhanced to the greatest degree, almost as big as Ashur now. Anne and Jinx can mind-speak to each other, as well. ADAM also sets up a link to him. Anne to train with Peter, to get used to new body.

EA 01/8 Anne’s eyes glow red when she’s upset. Related to Bethany Anne? Yes, through the Pod-doc. ADAM gives her a verbal command channel to Meredith. Meets with Dad, tells him everything except about the red eyes. Both extremely hungry since emerging. Anne cried at experience of having no pain, not tired.

EA 01/9 Both Anne and Jinx meet with Peter, begin physical training. Defensive. Anne to begin with Joseph. It was his job to help shape people who had never done stuff like this before into soldiers. Joseph pleased. Once she got the form correct she was able to meet and exceed the number of reps required of new soldiers. One problem. Anne refused to attack. Peter convinced her she should (What if someone was trying to capture Jinx?), and Anne turned into an attacking entity, fire balls, mist. Jinx felt energy, tapped into it, came to defense. Peter turned into Pricolici to defend himself. Stephen stopped it all, having stopped by to watch Jennifer spar. Anne talks to Stephen, Bethany Anne about the whole situation. She’ll figure it out.

EA01/10 School work easier now, as She and ADAM could hold a whole conversation in her mind in between words of her teacher. Anne and Jinx settle matters when four boys bullying another (a gay boy, Josh). Christina, Nathan and Ecaterina’s daughter (now nine years old), heard the ruckus, saw Anne beating up weres, wondered what was going on. Anne tells her, Josh chimes in with what is going on around the school, and Anne tells Meredith to be on the look-out for various things going on around the school.

EA01/11 Anne and Jinx going home from school one day, find Christina banging her hear against a tree, alphabet swearing (“For Fuck’s Sack, Why The Fuck Can’t I G? T? R ??!”) Anne will help her to learn to change to Pricolici form, so she can go on operations with her parents. Thinks it’s in learning how to channel her energy to achieve the form. (Anger brings on massive surge in energy. Not necessary to use anger. The ham story). No unusual energy needed to change to were or back, so use same theory on change to Pricolici. Gave Christina a vial of her blood to drink, to tap more energy. It worked, except that Were and vamp blood don’t mix, and Christina might get sick from it. She didn’t. Because of her “out of the box” thinking, appointed Etheric Researcher by Bethany Anne. ADAM to Team BMW, Jean Dukes, and anyone else who might be able to help you that you are authorized for assistance and information at the highest levels. Only work that’s directly for me or that directly affects our military strength and efficiency will take precedence over your inquiries. The Empire, which is me,” she motioned to her chest with her thumb, will pay you as a junior researcher. That will be reviewable the first time you bring me something that works and has a useful purpose. Anne now happy she has a job, and Jinx happy because he might get steak more often.

EA 01/12 Anne has made peace with her father, and is even talking Etheric energy with him, so maybe they’ll both be famous. Will move out of Tabitha’s apartment in three-four days. Anne lies to Tabitha about her physical work-outs with Peter, so she’s assigned more, tougher hours. Peter explains it to her in relation to protecting Jinx, one of most valuable dogs in the Empire. OK with them. Decide they want to be the ones handing out the bruises.