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Species: Human

the Fallen

TOTWK01 Knights Creed/06, 9

Jailbird in original role, because he used magic in an unauthorized fashion in the Protectorate. Is a fire mage- can heat metal, with his hands, enough to melt it ( got out of jail with Astrid that way) fireballs, can pull metals from the earth, form them into items, as needed. Had light armor, with some sort of old-world material making up the sleeves, with hard, black plates attached at the chest, shoulders, and forearms. His thighs and shins were similarly covered. The plates didn’t look like metal, but Astrid had no time to wonder. the Sacred Steel armor. Eyes turned black, then bright orange when doing magic. Knows how to make crude gun, bullets. Important in book, later. Knowledgeable fighter with knives, as well. Only one stable enough to help Astrid when she was wounded. Kept her alive by keeping her upright, breathing, helped to remove arrows in her chest, until she had time to heal. Military planner, helped train villagers, bandits in rudimentary fighting tactics.

TOTWK01 Knights Creed/31

Originally from Mongolia, an area still known by its original name. Dour, angry most of the time. Temper very volatile. Was a monk in Mongolia, member of a monastic group "Order of the Forge". Broke his vows when he fell in love there. Now in love with Moxy, the Pixie. Has made peace with his monastic problems, “I know now that I can serve the Forge and the world that it produces.”