Tabitha's Diary Characters

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DW01 Beyond The Frontiers/

In Behind the Frontiers, a story within a story was created, to show the development of the major characters in both the TKG series, and in this new, DW (Deuces Wild) series. The main characters in Deuces Wild are listed as main characters - Nickie, Grim, and Durq - under their own names, as is Tabitha, a major character in many books. In this one, Tabitha's diary expands on Tabitha's experiences, bringing in characters that may never be seen again, so they have been listed here, just in case, and, hopefully more easily found.

The major characters in the diary are, of course, Tabitha, and her Tontos, Hirotoshi, Ryu, Akio, Jun, Kouki, and Katsu. Shin is also mentioned as a member TKG16 Never Surrender/14, 15. Died in the fight against Straiphus System. TKG16 Never Surrender/25. How Tabitha handled Shin's death is a major story line in this book, as well as Nickie's personal maturation. Other characters mentioned (and can be found by Search, in the book), are, on Farha Station, the Bar, Edif. Okk, Guildert (a local Torcellan information broker - 3 Skaine ships, trading guns for drugs, slaves)

Three Skaine ships, running guns, slavers. Blinky (Vel'un, slaves), Blue (Klik'ad), Beans (Droze)

Jane Kelly, Captain of QBS Nor'easter, brought Achronyx to the Team.

Don Guido (Unknown alien species), information broker, at Yeven's bar. Recommended to Tabitha by Guildert. Christmas lights in his hair. Klio, big blue alien mistaken for Don Guido.

The Medicine Theft from Tiw: Hlith’ven (an Ulie - delicate, unsuited to fighting). Not a real thief, was being blackmailed by Rotciv (not a Skaine, much to Tabitha's disappointment), the real gangster. who was setting him up for more illegal activities. The to were to meet in the Q’abis system. Tabitha and Team showed up instead, , Tabitha was going to kill Rotciv, but changed her mind, and took him back to Farha Station, turned him in to Inspector Borven (assured his promotion) . Let Hlith'ven go.

The other characters in N2S2 are: Angie (See Characters, Angie ),Lilah, George Danvers, Terrence, Margie, Dan, Kelly. all listeing to Tabitha's story, and all entranced, no matter how many times they have heard it, as it changed slightly each time, depending on who it was related to.