Bartholomew Thomas
TKG3 Love Lost/16
Contacted by Frank Kurns to interview for position of Cpt. of Polaris. Retired Navy, upset with way Navy was running retired officers’ mentoring program, so asked to take an early retirement. HATES name Bartholomew. Goes by B. Thomas throughout books.
TKG11 Sued for Peace/19
Appointed Capt. Of first Puck battleship destroyer, QBS Defender
TKG13 My Ride is a Bitch/8
Now an Admiral in Etheric Empire Navy
TKG21 Life Goes On/11
Has had no girlfriend for over three years. Last one, Nancy, was interested only in his position, and how it would/could reflect upon her, so he ditched her.
Upon seeing how successful William had been in finding Kathy, he decided that he might try that dating site, especially as Meredith and ADAM were running it. No further info in this book.
Active in most mjor decisions throughout books of entire Gambit.