Astrid Sala
Species: Human
Knight of the Well
TOTWK01 Knights Creed/01
She had always been much larger than the other girls of her House, tall and big-boned, and always just as strong as the boys. Growing up, she became just as strong as most men, if not stronger. She was the only female Knight of her former House. Most of the women warriors of her homeland gravitated to combat roles that required stealth, cunning and finesse. That wasn’t so with Astrid. Fights best with a rope, coiling, strangling, bashing, immobilizing.
TOTWK01 Knights Creed/01, 2, 3, 4
Noble family had lived in Nistiria, which was ruled by Minister Kostoff and his minions. Kostoff had taken their home and forced them all into exile. When he had forced her out, he gave her a choice of eight items to take with her. She took her leather pack, her rope, her boots, and a few other things. Vowed vengence.
Had been living in forests for almost three years, now time to rejoin humanity. She hadn't said a word to anyone, not even herself, in years.
Hunts by emptying mind, becoming still, letting animals come to her.
Draws of The Well for Energy. Gives her strength, stamina, seems to guide her to the right places at the right times. The Well also gave her the power of healing, which happens so fast that her body sizzles as it heals. "Trust in the Well, and observe its intention, as the Well sustains all life."