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Species: Crenellians

IBC00 Gateway to the Universe/20

Terry Henry had nicknamed them Crooners, because Crenellians was too long a name.

IBC00 Gateway to the Universe/24

Ankh’Po’Turn, a Crenellian , one who seemed to cooperate with the humans.

They said to him, “You are the only one who seems capable of looking at the big picture. What makes you different and how can we get some of these others to see things that way? It is how the universe works,” Terry explained. “They consider me a radical.” The small alien never bowed his head or shoulders. He showed no emotion at all. “In my experience, Ankh, those are the ones who change the world, for both good and bad. But your help has saved lives. I think we could use you as a liaison between the Bad Company and the Crenellian government. Heaven knows that I can’t be trusted to talk with your president.”

They offered him a chance to leave his world. “Maybe it’s time they got out to see the galaxy. It’s a beautiful place out here, Ankh.” "I expect some of the Federation’s sharpest minds from our research and development group would like to talk with you, too. The Crenellians remind me of a good friend of mine. I think you guys would get along famously with him, outside of the Crenellian proclivity toward genocide, that is.” (Referring to Ted, at R2D2 station). “I will consider it,” Ankh said, not changing his expression. Later, on the War Axe, A small humanoid alien was being escorted by Marcie and Kaeden.

JJE02 Destroy The Corrupt/09

Terry Henry Walton recommended him. “Ankh’Po’Turn. He’s a Crenellian who has been working with Ted for a little while now. He has the chops, and he has a new AI that he carries around with him, just like Ted. Small humanoids with oversized heads and no sense of humor. He doesn’t eat much or take up much space. He’s tenacious, and will help you with your technical issues. The Crenellians are a cerebral lot. He won’t party with you or do anything you might consider fun, but he’s a player. When the chips were down, he was right there with us, using his mind to save our lives. If he agrees to go with you, you won’t be sorry. If Ankh is on board, he’ll probably want his AI to take over the ship duties so the two (Chaz and Ankh’s AI) aren’t butting heads . Ankh appeared from around a corner. The Crenellian carried the case with his AI, one of Plato’s Stepchildren called Erasmus, like a backpack. Ankh originally said no, and then TH talked to him. “Ankh!” Terry stopped him a second time. “You will be challenged like never before by people who are hostile to our way of life. You will be in constant combat with the digital worlds we have created to make our lives easier. That’s where the evidence exists. You know that there only two people in the whole universe who can get into any system, find the info, and get out without anyone ever knowing they were there. That’s you and Ted, and Ted isn’t going to leave Felicity for any longer than he has to. The Federation is calling. Is the Ankh-man going to answer?”

He thought a minute, then negotiated for double pay and his own room, unlimited Etheric energy, and double rations.” She agreed. Ankh boarded the corvette.