08 - We Will Build

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Moon Base planned, created, concepts implemented, first Moon Base launched. Many new people introduced: Barnabas, Cheryl Lynn, Barbara Nickers, ADAM's own “Bitches”. TQB Enterprises begins to be recognized by world as major player. 51d1Yrc4zFL._UY200_.jpg

Michael Anderle states full philosophy of series in after-logue, after Chapter 25, invited readers to join him at #WEWILLBUILD.

ADAM, the Chinese, and the World; ADAM starts to recruit his "Bitches"

Chapter 01

Chapter 04

Chapter 05

Chapter 20

Chapter 18

ADAM has discovered that the Chinese were hacking TQB's companies, trying to gain access to finances, technology, etc., to start a cybernetic warfare on USA. Had warned them to stop. Bethany Anne told him to continue with surveillance (harden all of our computers), but "Don't start WWIII."

Adam shows Bethany Anne that every major world power has digitally compromised locations, signifying digital warfare abilities. All continents covered in oranges and reds (HUD display)

Bethany Anne instructs ADAM, as Anonymous, to investigate interfering with such actions. Bethany Anne gives ADAM go-ahead to clean up terrorist groups around the world (Parastoo, Chinese group, heading grid attacks), as MyNam3isADAM

ADAM starts attack on Dark Web. (partycactus5, br0kengod, d3stryer. First 3 of his "bitches - unethical hackers around the world)

Barbara "Barb" Nickers

Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Chapter 06

Chapter 09

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 15

Chapter 18

Chapter 23

Instructed to work overtime on investigation of "Entity" responsible for attacks on terrorists. Barbara continues research, called big “entity” the monster squad, and begins to wonder who has ordered this activity. Researched that angle, as well. TQB Enterprises comes up for first time as possibility.

Barb discovers that she is being watched, so decides to try to get in touch with the "monster squad" for protection.Frank Kurns becomes aware of Barb, and decides to rescue a "damsel in distress in Washington DC. Asks ADAM how to do so.

Meets with Barb for supper, followed, Bethany Anne rescues Barb, flies out with Frank, cussing him all the way home! Barb to stay on Polarus with Frank for a couple of weeks.

Wants to "sign up" to help.


Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Barnabas meets with Frank Kurns and Bethany Anne, establishing project to track "ripples" in Etheric. US Gov. has no UnknownWorld dept. any more, since Frank went with TQB.

Colorado Base, "The Pit"

Chapter 02

Chapter 25

Most up-to--date of a space focused command center you might want.4 levels, 6 work areas, 18 computers. IT head, Tom Billings. Jeffrey, Tom billings, Team BMW meet. Banter re Marcus and Gabrielle.

Lance, Kevin, Stephanie plan escape route and a second location from Colo. Base, “Just in case” position became untenable. Camouflaged tunnel, towards East (unpopulated). Room for all of Base personnel, under cover. A landing room for Bethany Anne. Wechselbalg for Base Militia, as well as new vampire group.Australia might be good location. TQB Enter. Owned many companies there, could move base components, supplies, ahead of time, no one would know. A base in container-sized parcels.Add TOM and Jeffrey consulting on problems.

Moon Base Established; Practice Launch base in Paraguay purchased, established.

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Chapter 05

Chapter 10

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 19

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Moon-Droid One. Dune buggy, on moon, taking samples, finding and over-riding US gov. detection Units on Moon. Sent up on first container to Moon. Security check on all permanent employees. Robert McCarty possible spy, passing info off base. (True) Need more vamps for security guards

In planning for water on moon base, and growing systems, they need a lady that is focused on regenerative plant growth systems,.

Bethany Anne takes her first trip to the moon.

Team BMW needs to figure out food, air, water, sanitation, housing and manufacturing, at a minimum In case USA might want to nuke Moon Base (has asteroid destruction capabilities), would need anti-missile batteries on Earth side of Moon. Anything will work, with anti-grav metal pods, etc.

Jeffrey recruiting crew/staff for moon base. Resumes collected, will go out on interviews with Michael. Paraguay is not part of the Outer Space Treaty, that Boquerón where Filadelfia is located has about two people per square kilometer and that we have purchased over a thousand acres in a remote area. Build it here and send it down at night.There is NOTHING in Paraguay. No electricity, no water that you would want to immediately drink, no gas, no entertainment, no plumbing. It’s almost like I’m asking you to build a livable moon base right here on Earth.” Cargo containers transported to Paraguay, worked out new design so video could help align containers properly. Engineered modified connectors. Designed practice drills to set up container compound on Moon.trying to connect them, will test them at South Pole (freezing), underwater (do not leak), etc. Suits as well.

Lair Technologies, a Paraguay-based Company, announced a Moon Base launch on all News channels of world. Oviedo reports on Paraguay launch of containers to dark sides of the Moon. Dark side so that their intent is to go into space, not attack the Earth. Invite astronomers to view the launch through their ‘scopes, so everyone will know it’s not a hoax. Newly developed engines to lift, will not divulge the technology

Oviedo expresses international complexity of all team members, and promises future footage of efforts.

Running outgoing video with 15 second delay to allow “looping” if anything goes wrong. (Steve Hewgley, “Coach”, Penn's second.). Pod above landing to offer view to the world. 7 Containers land, U-shaped, 2-3-2 configuration, one slight leak in a connection, dislocated, turned around, re-connected, all OK. Congratulatory meeting re success of Launching , Landing, construct of Base

Cheryl Lynn

Chapter 03

Chapter 08

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 16

John Grimes' cousin, Cheryl Lynn, moving onto base, meets Patricia, Lance, Bethany Anne, Ashur.Tina has met Marcus (will take her on trip into space), and Tod has met William and Bobcat.

Meets Nathan and Ecaterina, visits Marcus re Tina's space trip. Asks Patricia about the "long game" and the "short game".

Marcus takes her to Ad Aeternitatem to meet Peter., turns to pricolici for her. She is convinced. Meets with John tells him he's right.

Heads meeting to set stage for PR for Moon Activities. Discuss info, videos, legality of operating on moon from ? what country? Oviedo suggested as news reporter.

Cheryl Lynn wants to go live during Moon Launch.(Telling in advance, wait until others find out, go live during the event.) Live = best solution. All vote for it.

Vampire Problem in Australia; Kamiko Kana

Chapter 05

Chapter 06

Chapter 07

Chapter 08

Chapter 09

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 21

Chapter 24

While updating frank Kurns' software, ADAM discovered a potential vampire problem in Australia. Richard and Samuel having problems with tribute to the "Queen". Gabrielle, Scott and Darryl meet with them. Richard and Samuel tell Gabrielle all of the details. Gabrielle et al go to fortrewss, meet Kamiko Kana, the "Vampire Queen". As her men are killed, Kamiko Kana escaped through the Etheric. Frank visits Michael in Argentina for facts re Kamiko Kana. Kana orders ambush of Scott and Darryl, warned by Jordan. Kana wanted Gabrielle. Scott wounded, Jordan dead.

Team comes in to clean up mess in restaurant. Gives Pip paperwork check, will be back in 3 months. New Queen, things will be done in new ways. Better for people.Gabrielle pulls bullets out of Scott, gives him some of Bethany Anne’s blood to drink to help healing. Gabrielle volunteered Samuel and Richard for the first two Vamp volunteers at the base.Plan to get Kana. John to come along.Stephen calls Bethany Anne, telling her of this event. She decides not to join, leaving it to the Queen’s Own, as had been assigned.Plan to attack Kana in Shanghai. Bethany Anne plans to be there, unbeknownst to them, because she does not want Kana to escape into Etheric.

Team lands in China, 3-rock meteorites fly through, 3rd one breaks sound barrier, causing huge noise which disguises their entrance through Kana’s roof. Kill guards on top floor, learning from one that Kana on next floor down sends guards up to investigate.Guards coming up stairs from below. Killed. Kana’s ceiling rains down, Kana planning to walk Etheric to escape. Bethany Anne got to her before she could do so. Bethany Anne stripped her of her Etheric powers, and pushed her back into her own bedroom, with the TEAM. Gabrielle decapitated her.

Attack on Colorado Base

Chapter 19

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Terry deLeon cases Base, disguised as PR reporter. No admitted.

Richard and Samuel find Terry traversing Colorado Base, trying to get to GPS location for surveillance. Snack on him before taking to Bethany Anne. Awoke in cell on Colorado Base. Remembered vampires, scared, tried to commit suicide, but couldn’t find glasses which held poison capsule.

Meets Samuel Is mind-wiped or shocked into insanity. Returned to Wash. D.C. Found, hospitalized. Just keeps muttering “The Vampires are here!”

Michelle S. Brown-Williams, Dr.

Chapter 18

Hydroponics expert, working in Africa, interviewed by Marcus and Jeffrey. Rides in pod, joins Moon Base staff.

Michael Pendergrass joins Moon Team

Chapter 15

Chapter 22

Qualified in engineering, high-performance vehicles, aerospace and mechanical repair.” Name shortened to Mr. Penn

Penn appointed Commander of about-to-be Moon Base. Launch in 8 hrs.

Stephanie added to Base

Chapter 13

Stephanie added to base as Head of Engineering.Working with Kevin on defenses, layered defenses for targeting human trespass, motion activated cameras to find in-coming drones, actions of fast reaction teams to counter. Being overrun by needy civilians, etc

Michael and Bethany Anne

Chapter 04

Michael and Bethany Anne personal for first time

Giannini Oviedo arrives

Chapter 19

Giannini Oviedo arrives at Colorado Base, is admitted.

Peter Silvers visits

Chapter 25

Peter visits Dad, Jonathan, at home. first time since he left Pack