01 - Dawn of Destiny
Ages - Age of Magic - A New Dawn | Dawn of Darkness >> |
Another kind of magic represented in this age and area - that of control and power, and what the "good people", the mystics, did about it. | ![]() |
Introductory Review
Chapter 01
Chapter 03
Chapter 06
Julianne has returned from her battles in Arcadia (freeing the city from Adrien, with Hannah and Zeke), to find that tensions were high at the Mystics’ Temple. None of them had ever participated in politically motivated activities before, and they were investigating, through storied illusions, what might happen to them if they took various paths in the future. Some stories foretold the extinction of the mystics, some told of their survival and expansion, all IF…
Jonsen advocated being prepared for an attack, instituting self-defense training, passage of battle magic to all mystics. (Only a few had any battle-magic knowledge at that time).
Melanie advocated peace and non-involvement. Her theory was that to prepare for any war would be to invite it to their door. Her story told og Julianne’s activities in Arcadia, but she had not been properly informed, and her illusions were all incorrect. Julianne stopped her stores, and put her own truth in their minds, showing the reality of the Boulevard, the starvation and hungers of the people, Adrien’s cruelties to his subjects, and asked, “Was it not their responsibility to themselves and to the world to prepare to take action?” She won the vote, and plans for training were initiated. A meeting with the Senior staff would be held the next morning.
At the Senior Staff meeting, Julianne discusses her impending pilgrimage to find Artemis (a mystic who had gone off on his own over five years ago), and to find out “what’s out there”. Danil discusses talks about self-defense training and security precautions, etc. Margit summed up the meeting with “Julianne will led them into a fight they were too scared to start and one they needed to start to be able to live with themselves.”
At a meeting after the dismissal of Donna and her group Charles, Melanie, Jonsen, Danil, and Gunther), all voice their concerns for group while she is gone.
Jullianne tells them of her warped mind, and of Rogan. Daril worries about the strength of her shields, Melanie and all agree that they would need to hunker down, close the doors, and lay low until she came back. Danil proposed that all who knew any battle magic would pass it along, Self-defense training to be started (half of mystics ready in a month), that they needed more recruits, and that a message should be sent to Arcadia about donna (Julianne to send).
Julianne would be leaving the next day – she NEEDS solitude after rescue of Arcadias, death of Selah, and Donna’a appearance. Would try to find out more about Rogan, find Artemis who had been an expert in battle magic when he left.
If Donna returned while she was gone, lock the doors and retreat to the safety of the Temple.
Chapter 02
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
A knock was heard at the door, and, when answered, Donna and five others strode in. They were dressed in blue robes with a strange sun symbol, and seemed to almost take command of the place. Dinner enough for all? Rooms?
Julianne didn’t want a war with Donna, and didn’t want a war to destroy the mystics. Will allow Donna to plead her case the next morning, and all decisions concerning anything will be made by the group, not by any one person.
The next morning Donna is given the floor to discuss her requests, etc. Donna (eyes white with magic) showed a world where a young girl, who had already toppled evil leaders, would lead the world into a new dawn. This girl seized her destiny, and pushed on to defeat the bigger threat—the evil of mankind. She stormed the gates of Arcadia, wiping the area clean of the vermin, smiting those who lived in squalor, stealing and gambling their lives away. When she finished, those who lacked the empathy and wisdom of the mystics were cowed. We, the New Dawn, wish to help. We will provide trained fighters to stand by your side as you bring the mystics of Irth into their rightful place, as we have in our own lands.” Julianne lashed out with her mental power, anger fueling her. All people left the room, leaving Donna and Julianne (fortified with minds of Danil, Zoe, Margit and Aldred, alone.
Jullianne, accusingly spoke. You’re not doing this for the benefit of society’s dregs; you’re doing it for your leader. What kind of hold does he have over you?”
“He (Rogan) showed me the truth. These people aren’t worth saving, but they can be of use.” Julianne pushed against Donna’s shields, and figure formed before her eyes. A man, strong and beautiful, along with a feeling of pure desire. Not lust, but a desire to please, to perform like a marionette on strings for the man. Think, Donna! He’s got your head twisted so far backwards you can’t tell up from down.”
“I joined Rogan because he was right. He sees so much more than the rest of us, and he will lead us to glory! By casting us out and rejecting his support, you become our enemy.”
“Get out. I won’t throw you off the mountain in this storm, but if you aren’t gone by daylight I may reconsider.” And Julia gave all orders that they be gone by the next day. Held meeting with Charles, Melanie, Jonsen, Danil, and Gunther.
Jullianne's Preparations and Departure
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Scheduling, paper work, money counted out, horses readied, packing, talking to Margit, who warns her that to bring Artemis back would entail a huge fight, as he doesn’t give a damn about people, doesn’t understand them enough to care, has no “better nature” or “sense of guilt”. To succeed, she needs to make it a challenge for him, a puzzle that needs answers. Julianne listens, agrees, goes to bed, sleeps, and has horrible dreams. Not dreams, Illusions! She shoved them out, freeing her mind.
Julianne awakens from a dream, to find herself half out of her bedroom window, almost ready to fall to her death, her three attackers still stunned from having been shoved out of her mind so abruptly. She mind-reads them, to find out how and when they had gotten there, then fights the one left (Jared – something new in his mind - hadn') physically, not using magic (they didn’t know how to fight without magic!). convulses one, another ran, jumped from window. Had stayed in the Temple the day before – had not left- sending illusions to guards, etc.. Gunther, Daved dead (found in bushes outside Temple, throats cut). Danil to take care of bodies.
Aldred’s mind searched for clues, found illusions of five people in cloaks leaving, no faces. Only two faces, Donna and ? Mind-searched Jared, evidence of tampering.
Appointed Aldred Master of the Guard in Gunther’s place, William to be his second. Organize troops, increase security. Margit, older mystics to handle Temple while she’s gone.
Two days later, Julianne begins to leave, sees Danil on horse ready to go wityh her. She doesn’t want him to come ! He convinces her he should, and they go to Craigston, to pick up rearick guard (rescheduled for more coin!) to go with them. Meets Bastian, who also wants to go with her, a recent graduate, who wanted to go on his pilgrimage. Will break off once they leave Madlands, go on his own journey. (Wants to find Rogan)
After breakfast mystics pick up rearick guards (Garret, Bette – first rearick female ever sent on guard duty), settle fees, etc., start off. Danil to keep eye on Bastian. Garrett and Danil, Julianna and Bastian in middle, Bette in rear. Julianne discusses Donna with Danil. . When I looked into Donna’s mind, there was clearly some kind of interference there. Not just the shield. It was like she’d been… controlled. Her thoughts didn’t belong to her, not truly, but I don’t think it was one of her companions. Possible from a distance? Bastian’s mind also showed slight effects of control when she had “read” him about going with her. Bette tells her of Donna’s group, who had been in town a few days before. Voices from ahead. Rearick traders from Arcadia, coming home to Craigston.
Julianne's Story
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
As Barton and Gus came abreast, pleasantries were given, Gus giving Julianne a butterfly pin he had not sold (Insects were no longer popular). Suddenly, Barton attacks Julianne, accusing her of stealing the pin. Julianne forces hers into his mind, finding and ejecting a foreign presence that had altered his thoughts. Barton fell., Garrett attacks Gus, who had been attacking Bette. Gus wounded. It’s OK. He didn’t mean to!
Barton will be OK, no mind-damage. Headache, memory spotty. Gus will be OK. Bastian in Julianne’s mind, admiring her skills. She’s weak, allows him to stay, as protection, also to know that she cared about him. Bastian still wants to contact New Dawn. Barton and Gus wake up, were told whole story. Admitted they were robbed by a group of miscreants and Julianne’s group, helped them escape. Will “set the story straight” in Craigston. Why would mystics lieabout it? To keep peace among the rearicks and the mystics. Donna not right. Because they’re wrong, Bastian. Even when we glimpse the deepest thoughts of a person, we don’t see the full picture. We can’t. And even if we could, even if we could create a utopia where people didn’t fight and everyone was safe, it wouldn’t be right. Do you understand?” “What can be more important than safety?” “Freedom. The freedom to make choices, even bad ones, the freedom to make mistakes.” Exactly what Bastian had just done in taking his chances and coming out with Julianne.
The Gates of Arcadia
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
At the Queen’s Inn. Mystics tolerated, but don’t press their luck. Bastian critical of young girl working in a bar. Would be OK if it were a boy. Garrett feels same way. Julianne gets word that Amelia, Chancellor, would like to meet with her immediately, so showers, dresses, goes off with Garrett as guard to the Academy. Danil, Bastian, Bette stay there.
Julianne, Garrett pass through the city, stop a rape, get to the Academy, meet Amelia. Amelia tells about Talia, Scarlett. Julianne tells her about Donna, and the attacks. Will be going past the Madlands, to find out more. Wish each other good journey. Julianne leaves Amelia’s office runs into Garrett speaking to Marcus. Marcus, also, going into the Madlands, to check on remnants.
Shows up to go with Julianne when she starts off the next morning. Danil hurt (really likes her personally), and has shut his mind to her completely. Bette senses the problem, says make both of them wait until she has made up her own mind. Bette makes her name her horse – Cloud Dancer. Bastian sore, can hardly walk. Three days later, Bastian a mess. He was tired, crabby, and sore from head to toe, not to mention covered in grime. All need a rest before they enter the Madlands. Marcus calling the shots. Double guards, no fires. Lots of experience.
The Madlands; The Attack
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Marcus reviews rules. Travel fast. Don’ split up, EVER. Leave no one behind, or they’re dead. No fires. No loud noises. No hunting, remnants can smell fresh blood from miles away. If in a bad place, sacrifice a horse. Gives Bastian a magitech weapon. Blew a piece out of a tree. Only a stop-gap, until Marcus could get there. Bastian doesn’t know how to fight- Anticipate, predict, plan. Julianne glad to have Marcus, as Danil and Bastian both liabilities in their way.
Madlands smelled slightly acidic, coppery. From all of the blood they had soaked up, remnant and human. Reach an abandoned city- crumbled buildings, trees askew through windows, creepers, vines, glass .Massive structure, remnants in the lower floors? Oppressive sense of danger around them. Suddenly, ground opened under them, horses fell, Cloud Dancer on top of Julianne, knocking her out.
All survive, find themselves in below-ground building. Horses standing. Remnants attack. All fighting, defeat remnant group. Julianna wondering if mystic magic was good on remnants, or only humans. Julianne falls into semi-trance rest, then into deep sleep, in camp. Woke the next morning, ready to ride off, when shattered by a scream.
Find a female remnant, compound fractured leg. Asks them for help. Garrett wants to kill her, Danil wants to read her mind, asks Julianne for help. Danil enters, collapses. Julianne can’t enter. Marcus kills her. When Julianne tries to enter Danil’s mind, she finds only pain, hunger, and fire. When she tries later, finds only a growling wolf, teeth bared at her.
Escaped from the area, fled far, finally stopped into a clearing, setting guards, sleeping. Danil still unconscious. Awakened by Bette, Julianne realizes that something is hiding in area, trying to approach noiselessly. A group of remnants suddenly attack, and as one is standing over Danil’s body, Julianne enters its mind, and forces it to stop. After Bastian kills it, Julianne collapses, unconscious.
Marcus on guard all might. Bette comes and cleans up his wound. Marcus went to sit by Julianne’s side, hoping she’d waken. She did, was almost well. Concerned for Bastian (sent her human thoughts when she was inside the remnant), and Danil, not yet awakened from contact. She tries to enter his mind, but can only send memories, like Bastian had done to her. She sends them to Danil, he wakes up, remembers. He talks to her. All ok. , ready to move, as Marcus needs sewing up on his shoulder/chest, before he bleeds out. Half a day should do it.
Julianne lowers Marcus pain level, making it more comfortable for him to travel. Suddenly more sensitive to him emotionally. As the day progresses, Julianne and Bastian talk more about what he had found in her mind, and Danil’s, and that some if it was still there.
The Cottage
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Mariana, an older woman who lives alone in her cottage, answered the door when Bette knocked, granting them shelter and food as they needed it in return for work on her property. All were able to clean up, water and brush the horses, etc., Annie was happy to have them. Bette sewed up Marcus’ wound.
Annie told them of the group of new Dawn people who had moved in, taken the village, worked the men and boys until injured or dead, starved all. Had taken Annie’s sons. Annie thinks that remnants have more heart! Julianne wants Bastian to mind-read her, find what she’s hiding/remembering. Julianne wants to stay for a few days. OK with Annie, as long as they work for their keep.
Annie tells them of the reward/punishment magic (rapture or itching in theIr mind). August, their leader, had most magic. Could control a whole village by keeping those around who liked the rewards. Could make people think they were better when they really weren’t (Illusions). But the animals knew . Cat wouldn’t leave Susie when she got sick, even when Susie knew she was better (August told her so).
Julianne tells Annie she wants to go into the village, if annie will tell all she knows about their Magic and August. Also, Artemis had passed through there. Julianne tells Annie her plan is to destroy the New Dawn Group. Did Artemis create them? Maybe. Artemis might have taken Little Lilly with him (talks to animals, related to them, they won’t hurt her.) Group wants to go into town, see if it IS Artemis, or ?? Should be safe as long as they stay shielded. Julianne asked to travel Annie’s mind, get all of the information she could. Annie allowed it, so Julianne knew town layout, thew streets, the people, the faces of people Annie knew, Annie’s sons, etc.. Low profile, will be walking in.
The Village
Chapter 30
Julianne, Bastian, and Danil walk into town, information only. Don’t want to start a fight without others there for back-up. Wore their robes, as easier to camouflage. Farmer’s mind was fixated on his next high, but lethargic. Tested mind of one of the mystics. Stronger than a normal person, so didn’t penetrate. Was frustrated because didn’t know extent of enemies’ power, or unknown weaknesses. Helped a person suffering a punishment, left him with knowledge to remember it. Passed people going into town, all with gifts for their Masters. Masters used a crude combination of mind control, softening of the will, and torture mixed with lavish heaping of reward for doing as the masters wished.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Group sees a Master had hit a child, ad was striding off with her ovrer his shoulder. Julianne recognizes Lilly (animal magic), and determines to go after her to rescues her. Julianne turns herself into an illusion of Master August, with Danil and Bastian as her new associates. Goes into shed, finds guard leaning over Lilly.
Julianne orders Jackson, the guard to turn her over, and takes Lilly, shows her the disguises, and gets her help in escaping from Master August. Lilly leads them to an abandoned bakery, through it to edge of town, where they hide. Master Black Tooth comes on them, drawn by Julianne’s seeming magical weakness, and Julianne knocks him out with her staff. Julianne searches his mind for shield strength secret, finds it’s a feed-back system, three minds combined. Will study it later. Tells Master to report to August that they all need to be out of town by morning. Find Bastian and Lilly, who have found a place to hide until nightfall.
Lilly shows them a good place to hide, thickening the ferns around them. Her bird friends tell her the search has stopped. The guards had hurt Temper, the cat, and Lilly was upset at that. Group starts back to cottage, Bastian carrying Lilly (Exhausted). Hoofbeats, Danil grabs her, leads her to Bette and Garrett, and horses. They mount, Lilly telling them what the horses recommend, and start back to Annie’s. Julianne, having seen trhe condition of the village and the people, vowed that The New Dawn had done this, and the New Dawn was going down.
The location of Artemis was still a mystery, so they’d have to work without him. Group sit and plan, drawing battle sites where Masters may be. Annie and Lilly to hide in close-by hunters’ caves, until safe. Not a reconnaissance mission. The real thing. They would finish it now.
Lilly awakens them all, New Dawn on the move. Julianne gets Marcus to agree to take Annie and Lilly to safety, and then to return to help fight. Lilly translates Tarchus’ views, finds The image that passed from the bird to the girl—and then to Julianne—had showed a column of dark-robed people , marching behind their leader in two lines towards Annie's house, flanked by a column of plainly dressed fighters on either side, armed with swords and cudgels. They were led by a figure whose golden robes almost twinkled in the moonlight. Donna, called the Master’s Voice, had been there.
Julianne was able to slip through the shielding of one of the guards, Tarik, and he allowed her to take control of his body. She did, and the massacre began. Tarik reached for the nearest mystic, killed her. Other guards fought him, but the shields were broken, and the guards were no longer under mind-control, Tarik died, Julianne sending him on with a promise of fame as a hero. Julianne searches the open minds of some of the mystics, looking for the clues – the movements, the words, the structrures that promoted the shielding bonds. She finds that distraction will break the shields, and that fighting is a distraction, so sent Bette and Garrett to cause as much commotion as they could, while Bastian and Danila ns she wrought their havoc in the mystic minds.
Snuffy (bear) appeared to carry Lilly, as Annie, Lilly and Marcus went to safety. Remnants attack the three, but Snuffy had smelled them coming, and was ready. Annie cracked the head of another remnant with a huge tree branch, leaving Marcus to dispatch the third one. Bear bitten on front paw. Will let Marcus look at it. Marcus cleans it, puts salve on it, bandages it, and they go on. They go on until Snuffy leaves, as he doesn’t want to scare the other people. Marcus looks at who he means, and sees help.
August and forces attack Annie’s cottage. Bette and Garrett try to cause consternation, then Bette screams.
Annie had brought Marcus and Lilly to a group of refugees, who had escaped the village, and were living in a hidden area, a rocky overhang and a clearing. After talking to the people, Marcus realized that one of them was Artemis, for whom they had been looking. Long beard, grimy, dirty, tattered shirt, gnarled fingers, snow white eyes.
As the arrows from Bette and Garrett broke the mystics shields, Julianne swept into the minds of the guards they had controlled, giving them the key to freedom they had wanted. Guards started slashing out at mystics, laying waste to any who got in their way. Julianne was touched by a mystic who was looking to bond, and did so momentarily, sending illusions of fiery arrows raining down, explosions, and burned bodies, infecting each impenetrable shielded group with illusions as their shielding broke, infecting them with horror and despair.
Julianne fought with a group of guards in Annie’s barnyard, when suddenly they went blank, and Julianne saw their mystic bloody and dying, and an old man with a staff and a bloody knife stumbling away. She then found Bette and Garrett in the barn, with Garrett trying to resist a command to kill Bette. Julianne helps him concentrate while Bastian looks for the mystic to kill be fore it’s too late for the rearicks.
Marcus appears in the fray, beside a grey-haired old man, eyes white, who was holding the illusion of a fiery dragon to scare off the army. They ran.
After the Fray
Chapter 41
It was all my fault, said Artemis. I didn’t mean to. I was researching. You can’t study a spell without a subject. I didn't think he'd do… well, all that. He (Rogan) said he just wanted to be my friend. He probably didn’t mean it. Most don't.” “It takes approximately three days to reverse the spell, then twelve more weeks for full rehabilitation. “So, you can undo the spell that made them his lackeys? Free these mystics and the rest of the town?
Artemis sat up. “The town? Oh no. They'll need more healing than a few weeks’ worth. The mystics, though, he just used plain old magic on those. Feedback loop. Pretty simple when you think about it. I wonder why someone didn’t come up with it before this.” I'll teach you the trick of it, and how to link up for shielding, too. Designed that one myself,
Artemis agrees to help reverse all of the spells, damage he had caused, because it was all his fault. Once that's done, we can hunt down August——and try to find Rogan. And we deal with him—permanently.” Problem solved.