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Shepherd, child Human

POH01 Rogue Mage/11, 12, and others

In the many smaller battles of the Heroes Brigade against Titannus and his raiders, the Brigade tries to save a farm family of young husband, wife, and son. The husband is killed, Daeken tries to save the wife and son, but Titannus had already fatally wounded her. However, Daeken gets to her soon enough for her to plead with him to save her son, Shepherd, because he is special. He is 4 -5 years old at that time.

His mother tells him to go with Daeken, as she dies, and he does. However, he does not speak at all. If Daeken wants him to respond, he must ask in question form, and Shepherd will reply with one pinch of Daekon's shoulder affirmatively, two pinches for a negative response. Shoulder, because Daeken is usually carrying him on his back, wherever he goes, and into whatever battle he is fighting. He had tried leaving him with a family when he had first taken him, and Shepherd found him, in the middle of the battles, so he goes with Daeken everywhere.

Daeken cannot ascertain in what way he is special, as he does not talk. However, Daeken has noticed that twice, when Shepherd was around, something has been "wrong" with his interactions with the enemy, and Daeken had won. They have suffered some disconnection between their energies and their actions, for no reason.

Daeken has a suspicion that Shepherd is responsible, but it is not clarified in any way in this first book of the series.