01 - Shades of Light

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Ages - Age of Magic - The Hidden Magic Chronicles Shades Of Dark >>
Rhona and Alastar, brother and sister, along with many friends and helpers (including two Arcadian mystics from The Rise of Magic), set upon a journey to turn a country's viewpoint, and to create a cooperative form of government thought of and unheard of in their times. This seems like a journey more of psychology than of technology. The setting in ancient Scotland (Clansmen), and with magic (mages, sorcerers) as a way of life makes this an interesting addition to The Age of Magic period. 513j-N7nQvL._UY200_.jpg


Chapter 1

Alastar and Rhona had come upon a burning hut, with a Fire Warlock seemingly trying to kill Sera and her father (throwing fire). Alastar enters, tries to fight warlock, is losing until Rhona enters and saves him by use of her secret, powerful magic, which she has kept hidden until now. Seems as if she can control the shadows, so that they wrap around whatever she wishes, and destroys it. She almost destroyed the warlock, but she only incapacitated him, so that Alastar could take him to castle, to the dungeons, for trial and execution.

Alastar is honored for his deeds, and in the middle of this celebration, a group of Sorcerers attacks the hall, apparently with the intention of rescuing the warlock Alastar had just captured. Sir Gildon, their leader orders all of the women and servants to safety, to the back of the castle.

Chapter 2

Alastar and Rhona take a short-cut to the back, to take Warlock to safety from the attack on the Hall, which had just been started by a group of invaders unknown to any. They get to the dungeon, and start to take the warlock to safety, when they are confronted by a woman, in thick robes, pointed teeth, white paint glowing on face, fiery eyes, attacking with fire and ICE, accompanied by three men in thick, black and purple robes, and shaven heads. They shouted “Give her to us!” indicating that they wanted Rhona, not the Warlock! As the paladins were losing the fight, Rhona again called on her magic to save everyone, and everyone saw it being used. The shadows in the room all converged on her and everyone had stopped fighting to stare in amazement and terror as the shadows engulfed her like a thick cloak, propelling her into the air. Alastar’s sister had used magic, meaning that she could no longer stay here or she would risk death. The second was that, if that was the case, Alastar wouldn’t stay either. She was evil, and should not be allowed to live, but she was his sister, and no one would hurt her.

Chapter 3

Alastar cursed his luck. He was forced to abandon the Order for a magic user, his sister. He would have to throw aside all sense of honor, mission, and become a fugitive, along with her. Rhona had collapsed from using so much energy to defend them all, so Alastar and Donnon ran with her, escaping. Donnon tried to help pull her power back, but Alastar’s lack of belief stood in the way.

Chapter 4

"You used magic, but your brother and his entire order are convinced magic is evil. It might be on you to show them otherwise.” “Except that magic is evil.” “Then so are you.” The philosophy Alastar and Rhona had to deal with in order to make peace with themselves. Magic Wars versus Holy Wars. Which side were they on now? And if something could save their lives, how could it be bad? Will find healer, Lady Estair, of Clan Renair, soon.

Chapter 5

As they were talking, they found themselves surrounded by the Clan, Lord Lokane, and his Master of War, Lady Estair. The Clan doesn’t attack them (They’re with Donnon), and they come to the Clan’s village, underground, for protection and secrecy (technology). They go underground.

Chapter 6

As Rhona had been underground in places like this before, as a teen-ager (boredom, while he had trained as a paladin), she was not alarmed. Alastar was terrified. Found a great cavern, mostly uneven-grounded, square rooms with low ceilings, many of the rooms stashed with armor and weapons. Tells Lokane that she had used real magic to save them. Lokane is a collector of all things from before the Age of Madness. Could there even have really been a world with all of this, but without the ability to do what we do with magic?” He was always trying to find out. Lokane and Estair convince Alastar and Rhona that they should all work together, and that the paladin’s sources of power (Rodrick), were really just magic with another name. Alastar is shocked and rejecting, but somehow sees that working together, paladins and mages, might have a better chance of defeating the Sorcerers, especially if they could find the Sword of Light


Chapter 07, 8

Of Alastar

Of Alastar: Estair comes to Alastar’s room, to test his loyalty. I is, need to make sure you’re loyal once you put your heart to something.” “Loyalty is my strong suit.” He tilted his head, wondering where she could be going with this. “But my loyalty still stands behind my faith.” Sister? “I’d burn the world to the ground if it meant saving her.” What to do next? Don’t know. Estair again shows him that the light effect that Gildon used was same as she could do. Gave him Clan clothes to dress in, after a bath.

Of Rhona: Rhona: Meet Larick and Volney, mystics, practitioners of mental magic, traveling the world to learn of other powers to bring back to Arcadian Valley to train. Will try to assess her powers, identify them. Cannot do so, although seems to be a form of physical magic. Have never met them before. They are dark. Will try to discover the magic, help her understand it, then try to harness it. They had to create an illusion of danger before her instincts took over, and drew the shadows out. Clan base under siege by sorcerer.

Chapter 09

Clans to retreat. Cannot fight in the tunnels. Move to a fighting position in the hills (Fortress of Stirling) and then, if they’re still on our tails, we stand our ground. Alastar to disguise himself as a clansman, or other clans will burn him to death if they discover he’s a paladin. Lokane to take his elite guards, set up a distraction so that clansmen and families can get to Stirling. Meet with Remnant on the way. Alastar leads the charge to destroy them. Fire mages help, Sorcerer cast water on the fires. Sorcerers accost Rhona, offer her peace for clansmen of she joins them. No, releases powers of shadow. Sorcerers teleport away, remnants all killed. Clansmen keep going towards castle, more remnants come. Lokane and his guards take them on. Lokane’s clan almost get to castle, new clansmen appear, put out a forcefield holding remnants back.

Sorcerers re-appear, sending ice spears down on group. Estair wounded, Alastar goes back for her. Cannot use healing powers of paladin, or secret will be out. Larick and Volney using mystic powers to fend off teleporters.

Chapter 10

Larick and Volney will distract teleporters minds away from escape of Alastar and Rhona, who MUST find Sword of Light to defeat Sorcerers of Gallant (See Groups, Sorcerers of Gallant . Garret agrees to supply them (special armor, Flame swords, other stuff). Donnon goes with them, will take them to his clan, so that Alastar can heal them of the Plague that has shown itself in the Highlands – the Black Plague.


Chapter 11, 12

Garret’s Wind soldiers created a monster wind that carried Rhona, Alastar and Donnon out and over the Remnants, landing them towards the back of the pack. Lokane’s Elite Squad landed to the right, creating a confusing diversion. Donnor created, with his Flame magic and a path through the remnants that Rhona and Alastar took, Rhona fighting in her body, but as more remnant came, Rhona took her true shadow form, kills many, but is exhausted from energy usage. Lokane and fighters come, give them a chance to escape to the tunnels. Rhona NOT to use magic, or she will be found again. All rest, will be able to help with a slight healing spell by Alastar. Alastar has doubts about his beliefs (See Magic, Roneland, Doubts)

Chapter 13

Remnants find them in tunnels, Donnon and Alastar finish them off. Rhona senses one running off, a scout, and takes shadow form to go after, disappear him. As they exit near to Donnon’s village, see smoke. Village is burning. Did his daughter, Kia survive?

Chapter 14

Yes! And it was the paladins who had burned it, Taland being the one in charge. Taland attacked Donnon, hitting him in the head while another paladin crushed his hand and wrist.

Chapter 15

And the remnants came, again. Rhona is taken, with Donnon and Kia, promising Alastar she will be back for him. Alastar saw the three sorcerers transporting them out of the area. The paladins kill the remnants, and take Alastar to the castle, and Sir Gildon, to be crucified as an example to paladins who betray their kind.

Chapter 17

Taland taunts him, in camp, making him further doubt the veracity of the Order. He remembers little things that Gildon had done, that he had not questioned before. Was totally losing faith. Then a small white light , a fairy, came, in essence telling him he was right, so he used that power to fell them, untie himself, and walk off, telling the fairy to “Find them!” He was done with his old ways. He would fight to ensure their safety, and he would oppose all who stood in the path of righteousness. He found Donnon, who had conquered many of the remnants with fire, but Donnon did not recognize him, and Alastar realized he had gone insane. Then he had to heal his mind! And he did. Donnon created a spark, and used fire to gain a path of escape. They were going to find Rhona and Kia. Will go ask clan Lockmire for help (Water mages). Alastar’s “fairy” will lead him to anyone he has a connection with.

Chapter 19

Arrive at Lockmire’s moats, talk with Layla, a water mage. Magic Ward on again in full force, paladins killing, fighting. Estair there, with Lokane and others. Alastar tells them of his renewed beliefs, of one magic, and of a united Light and Dark. Gordon distrusts him, then accepts on Donnon’s word. Form a partnership with Donnon (fire), Gordon (water), Alastar (paladin), Estair (healer/fire). Estair and Alastar come to agreement that they could go further, when the time was right.

Chapter 21

Alastar talks new vows, for the world to take, new possibilities for civilization. Sleepy, then spirit fairy appears again. Time to go to find Rhona and the sorcerers. Gordon offers a set of paladin armor for Alastar to use, Layla brings them horses, a secret the clans have been developing. Alastar had never been on a horse, got SORE! Estair will heal him when they stop. Fairy was helping, too. They realize that they will be the ones to bring the unceasing battles (clans/Storm Raiders/Remnants/Sorcerers) to an end.

Chapter 22

Fairy takes off, in northerly direction, same as clouds and thunder. All follow, find sorcerers. Alastar leaps off horse, kills one with battle axe. Donnon finds, hugs Kia, who changes in to Her, the witch. Donnon goes crazy, fights her. She’s winning, until Alastar kills her with his sword through her mouth. Alastar sees Rhona needs help, sends healing strength toward her. It works. Blocked spears of ICE, sent tendrils of Darkness out to strangle enemies. All four attack sorcerers, in own way – Light (Alastar), Darkness (Rhona), Fire(Donnon, Kia), Water (Gordon), Arrows (Estair). Suddenly, all Magic exploded, Wodain killed by Alastar, Irdin weaker. They disappeared, leaving Alastar et al alone. Rhona had won, at least for today.


Chapter 16

When the Sorcerers tried to take over her mind, she let the shadow in, knowing they would find was darkness. She embraced the darkness, so that it was everything. One of them, Wodain, withdrew, and found his body crawling with long black lines on his skin, crawling like snakes. SHE will be displeased! Irdin was angry, and weak. He had again incapacitated Donnor, and snatched Kia, to keep her in line. Teleported to Irdin’s house to take her mind. Locked Rhona and Kia (fire mage) in a dungeon.

Chapter 18

After a rest, recuperative, Rhona wants to use shadows to escape from dungeon, with Kia. Tried to move with shadows, didn’t work. Kia used Fire magic to melt hinges of doors, door fell outward. Ran upstairs, trying to conserve magical energy. Why hadn’t they come after her, as she had used her magic? Something was wrong. Wodain was crazy. Felled Irdin, but only an illusion. Irdin and Rhona speak, he trying again to convince her to come over to them. She sees the truth of his lies, and uses an excuse caused by Kia to escape in the shadows. All an illusion. They found themselves back in the dungeon again.

Chapter 20

Talk about belief being basis of magic. Rhona let it loose – came out in a field of remnants, around small fires, old, crumpled buildings, ruins, concrete chunks, crashed airplane, etc. Fight the remnants, Kia collapsing from use of energy. Rhona knows only escape is giving full control over darkness to the shadows, to the magic, so she does. Saw Alastar,s spirit, so knew which direction to go, but not enough energy left. They escaped the remnant, but the sorcerers were still after them.


Chapter 23

"When they return, we’ll be ready.” “How can you be so sure?” Rhona asked, familiar with that look in his eyes that meant he had a plan. “We’re going after the Sword of Light (to Sair Talem), so that the paladins will unite under me. When the King of Gulanri lends his support, there might be an alliance with the clans. When the Lost Isles stand united, no force will pose a threat.” “The people of Roneland need to know. They have to be told what’s coming, so they can prepare,” Gordon continued. “We must return and warn them. At least, some of us.” “We’ll all ride back,” she said. “It wasn’t so far, and we must ensure you arrive safely. We’ll regroup, stock up for the longer journey, and then set off for Sair Talem.”

Donnon and Kia to stay in Roneland, Rhona and Alastar, Estair and Gordon to go to Sair Talem.

Estair comes to Alastar, asks, “You sure you’re ready for this?” He answers, “We’re about to ride off to an island known for its ghosts, covered in remnant, all so that we can find a mystical item no one has found before. Then we’ll ride back to try and unite the lands against an army of sorcerers and who knows what. Yet, in spite of all that, lying here with you on top of me is the most terrifying of all.