AAR = After Action Report (TKE 01/24)
AI = Artificial Intelligence (TKG 4/4)
APC = American Pack Council (TKG 04/5)
ARCS = Automated Redistribution Construction (TGS 01/12)
BA = Bad Ass or Bad Attitude. "You name it, you got it. " (TKG 3/20)
BBADWT = Because Bethany Anne Doesn't Want To (TKG 14/24)
BRAC = Base Realighnment and Closures (TKG 4/9)
BT-FOOM = Beats the Fuck Out of Me (TKG 6/3)
BYPS (pBYPS) = Baba Yaga Protective System (Personal BYPS) (TKG 19/21)
CEREBRO = Central Entity for Relationships Exploration Bio-feedback Reporting Operations (TKE 01/3)
DUCC = Deep Undreground Command Center (TKG 13/5)
EE-LEA = Etheric Empire Law Enforcement Armor (TKH 21/1)
EI = Entity Intelligence (Electronic Intelligence) (TKG 9/20)
EPC = European Pack Council
ESD = Eat Shit and Die (Death Ray, Death Beam) (TKG 19/21)
FCC = Forsaken Cocks and Cunts (TKG 3/18)
GCM = Guardian Cadre of Marines (TKG 5/22)
GDFM = God Damned Freaking Monsters
HR = Human Resources, as HR Book
HUD (iHUD) = Heads Up Display (individual HUD) (TKG 8/4)
HUMINT = Human Intelligence (gathered from human or alien) (TKG 7/13)
ICP = Independent Computing Platforms (TKG 11/18)
LOST = Looking Over Strange Terrain
MAS = Michael's Amiration Society (TKG 6/6)
MOTIP = Mistress of the Planet (TKG 20/14)
MPPS = Motherfucking Practical Political System (TKE 01/1)
OGWFU = Oh God We Fucked Up!
OI = Organic Intelligence (as opposed to digital) (TKG 19/8)
P & B = Pay and Benefits (TKG 4/12)
PBA = Pre-Bethany Anne (TKG 6/6)
PDC = Pretty Damn Close (Earth to moon) (TKG 15/19)
PDF = Pretty Damn Far (Earth to Sun) (TKG 15/19)
PIP = Picture in Picture (TKG 11/1)
PITA = President in Training Asshole (TKG 11/1)
PTA = President in Training Asshole (TKG 11/1)
PLA = People's Liberation Army (TKG 11/1)
PWLTS = People We Love to Screw (TKG 11/8)
SI = Soft Intelligence (gained from a live source. Soft intelligences can die TKG 17/9)
STD = Seriously Tragic Development TKG 08/4)
TATP = Explosive TriAcetone Triperoxide (TKG 14/20)
TC Chambers = Teleportation Chambers A;; books
TLA = Three Letter Acronyms (TKG 02/8)
TQB = Team Queen Bitch (TKG 14/4
UEF = Unexpected Etheric Fluctuation (when arti-sun goes on) (All books)
WWDE = World's Worst Day Ever (AllBooks, TKG, TSDA, Boris chronicles, other Expansion series)