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Species: Human

TKG12 We Have Contact/11

Incredible memory - walking research analyst in ancient and archeological history. Active in conducting, saving Expedition to find Kurtherian technology in ancient Sumerian diggings. Found nothing, but expedition survived.

TKG13 My Ride is a Bitch/04 -

Active in Schwabenland expedition, to recover Nazi/Alien technology. Did recover some, but not the right kind. Expedition survived.

THWC01 Nomad Found/14

Stayed on Earth when Bethany Anne and Empire left, helped Akio with various activities. Was 45 when WWDE happened, started Nomad series 20 years later, with establishment of Force de Guerre to help Earth regain justice, honor, integrity.

TKG21 Life Goes On/23

“Once a Marine, always a Marine. To me, there’s nothing more important than personal honor. At the end of the day, when it’s just you in that foxhole, it’s the only thing that will keep you going. When the fight’s over and you look yourself in the mirror, you want to see the honorable person looking back at you. Otherwise life is too hard.”

IBC00 Gateway to the Universe/14

Was re-contacted by Bethany Anne and Michael, upon her return to Earth, offered opportunity to go to Yollin Space, to join Bad Company, help Lance, Nathan, et al, “I want to invite you to take the War Axe through the Annex Gate and join my father, Lance Reynolds, in securing and expanding the brand new Etheric Federation.” There is a little side business called ‘the Bad Company’ I think you and your people would be perfect to slide right into.” She looked at TH and Char. “What do you think about exporting your brand of justice to the whole fucking universe?”

JJE01 You Have Been Judged/ Introduction

Apparently they did as suggested in TKG 21, and expanded to work with Bad Company. (The Direct Action Branch). At this point in their development, (JJE01 You Have Been Judged/) "We’ve had exactly three missions so far. We ended a civil war on Poddern, we broke a blockade at Alchon Prime, and we closed an interdimensional rift and eliminated the Skrima, a race of demon-like aliens who had come through it. When he first entered the bar, he opted for seats at the bar, with his back to the window. He would look at space later. He needed to observe the bar and understand the potential. Likes cold, dark beer. Hated signing the papers! “He despises bureaucrats who embrace paperwork as the epitome of productivity, "stated Char.

IBC00 Gateway to the Universe/15, 16

In the process of practicing space walking on the War Axe, Terry finds that Michael has left him a set of Jean Duke's special Pistols, to use as he sees fit in his activities. Terry was one of the most well-read people from Earth. He devoured books and loved anything by Andre Norton, Asimov, or Heinlein. The Mobile Infantry from Heinlein’s Starship Troopers used drop ship, so he had christened the transport pods on the War Axe by that name, as well. Terry looked at the FDG and its activities as a capability versus problems to be solved.

IBC00 Gateway to the Universe/ All

Used his Jean dukes Pistols and his Mameluke sword. Was Door-kicker-in Chief for the Direct Actin branch of Bad Company. His purpose in life was to drag people back to civilization, and now could actually do it for money.

Happiest when he could be in the middle of a battle raging out of control.

Three words he lived by: Honor, Courage, and Commitment

IBC00 Gateway to the Universe/25

Decided that in the future, he would do a pre-event study of the cultures involved, so he wouldn't get caught being stupid about customs or societal structures. also, needed to work out the problem of recharging suited armor during battle.

JJE01 You Have Been Judged/01

Char and Terry sign papers for Franchise of All Guns Blazing, on Onyx Station. Sign with Rivka representing AGB Enterprises.