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TVC books 05, 06 Jotun (suit, tentacles) (TVC 06/12). An agent of the Jotun Interplanetary Intelligence Agency, along with Wev, who were instrumental in hiring Kantar to kill Huword and Biset, and in countering the Senate committee, the Infrastructure Revitalization Committee. Was more than just a fellow spy. He and Wev had begun to look alike, and to communicate mentally, as they had been together for such a long time. ?when Wev died, part of Gil died, also. After Wev's death in the fight to rescue Jeltor, he joined with Barnabas to defeat Grisor, head of the committee, and they almost did so.

In the process, he wanted to become known by his full name, Gilwar, not just by Gil. A scientist, not a trained fighter. A hacker/programmer, useful in getting into Jotun systems.