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Species: Torcellan

TKE01 Payback is a Bitch/01

Uleq, Torcellan. White skinned, pure silvery hair (TVC 03/5)

A recent Torcellan recruit into the company. Senior Partner, in charge of Operations, KGB, an interstellar company which deals in many things both legitimate and illegitimate. Are trying to move some of their products off of Devon (High Tortuga), and are hav-ing problems, because Baba Yaga has monopolized almost all of the transport companies, making it impossible for them to move their goods without losing money.

Az tells him,"Your Torcellan background predisposes you to whitewash what we do. To secure your future you will need to address your ambivalence and own your participation, or get out of our business. If we allow you to continue lying to yourself to preserve your sensitive Torcellan morals and desire to avoid conflict, you will likely do something inappropriate.” Is second in command of KGB Company, an interstellar company which deals in many things both legitimate and illegitimate. Are trying to move some of their products off of Devon (High Tortuga), and are hav-ing problems, because Baba Yaga has monopolized almost all of the transport companies, making it impossible for them to move their goods without losing money. “I don’t come from a species as,” he glanced at his partners, “violent as either of yours. We are taught from the beginning what is appropriate. Gunrunning, slaving,” he nodded to Imon, “and drugs that addict users from the first hit are simply not in that category.” “But I want more. You are right, Imon…I want to have my brishek while retaining my Torcellan ethics and morals.” “I owe you both an apology and an acknowledgment. I will not run from what I am becoming. I chose this future, so I will accept it and move forward.”

TVC 03/3 ULEQ'S HISTORY Same Uleq who was in earlier series. Killed his previous allies, and is now representing the Yennai Corporation. Was same "Torcellan", unnamed, who worked with Crallus in running the mercenary groups. Uleq tells him: Second child, older sister favored. “My sister, however, is blind to the true nature of the threats we face. Both she and my father think the humans are nothing to bother ourselves with. They say the universe has seen empires rise and fall, and nothing ever changes the fact that business prevails.“They don’t understand the threat humans pose,” the Torcellan continued. His voice carried the resentment of someone who has made a point time and again, only to be ignored. “They never give up and they never back down, even when it would be prudent to do so. They’re damnably clever, they’re ambitious, they have some bizarre sense of morals they think everyone should follow, and they fight like demons. If we don’t stop them right now, they will spread over all of settled space, and we will have nothing left. But if we can kill one…” the Torcellan continued. “Just one, and most importantly, get the ship with the AI core, we will have a chance. We’ll have their passcodes, and we’ll have computational power far beyond anything we could hope to buy now.”

Crallus could see the wisdom of the Torcellan’s words. The humans had taken over Yoll, they had defeated vast fleets, and then they had come to a tiny planet in the middle of nowhere and taken that over, too. And they were expending resources to keep it under their rule. The universe could change radically in the coming years, Crallus realized. Now that the Torcellan referred to the whole universe as if it were one cohesive object subject to massive forces, Crallus could see the truth of that. He couldn’t see it any other way. Humanity might change the whole universe, unless someone dealt with them.

TVC 03/26 Uleq died by Barnabas' hand, in the Yennai battle, as he had planned to integrate a small bomb with the nuclear reactor, demolishing EVERYTHING at the base.