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JJE 01/9 Daughter of Governor Flikansador of planet in Intripas system. Flutterby Flikansador is her mother. Jayita (nickname Jay) She is busting up stores on the space station. No one can control her.

A young woman with glowing pink hair walked in, looked at the table, and crossed her arms as she leaned against the wall. Gave Rivka the finger when asked to take a seat for questioning. when asked if she did it, she replied, “I did it. I did it all. I saw no other way to escape. That’s all there is, so take me away.”

01/10 Rivka charged Jayita with Felony Misconduct and Making Terroristic Threats, so that she could get her to the ship. Found that she had been emotionally abused by her Mother, and that she was really a good person, so asked her to join her as crew on the ship. Named her Jay for short. Liked the cat, and named him Hamlet. Started to paint a "no-name mural" on one of the hallway walls. won't have a name until it's finished.

JJE 02/3 Nicknamed Jay. Not enhanced yet. Going with Rivka on Mandolin job. Leaves three-day spa vacation to meet at AGB with Rivka, others, to leave.

JJE 02/21 Enhanced. Has agreed to stay with the team, so will go to Pod-doc.