Janna Dmitrievna, Captain

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BC01 Evacuation/06 Captain Janna Dmitrievna. She was tall, about five feet eleven inches tall. With long blond hair and pale skin, her face was strong with Tartar features, displaying an exotic beauty. Boris is surprised to see her. "She could be the sister of the woman I loved a century ago. The one that was executed by the Reds. It took me by surprise is all. Especially since she even smells the same."

BC02 Retaliation/08 Her hair color had changed to a deep strawberry blonde after the extensive Pod-doc sessions. BC02 Retaliation/13 Her original tall, willowy body was now slightly taller, with fuller hips, a larger bust line, and a perfectly fantastic gait. The sway of her ass was mesmerizing. Her long red-blonde hair was entrancing.

BC02 Retaliation/08 “According to your file, which ADAM forwarded to me, you were one of the calmest, most level-headed, most calculating soldiers or junior officers any of your COs had ever had. Weres are more aggressive. Until you get used to it and learn to harness it, you are no good on the battlefield. Consider it a form of rehabilitation. You don’t send a soldier straight back out after recovery.” It seemed that her hair color wasn’t all that had changed. Her temper had as well.

BC01 Evacuation/06 Her mission for Russian military intelligence had started simply enough. Infiltrate Nashi, find out any armed or militant formations that might be recruiting. Report back. When her reports indicated that radical factions were developing in the Nashi, it earned her a promotion and orders to organize and lead a more comprehensive infiltration of those groups. That was when she found out that military-grade equipment was being diverted to the factions and that they were training on company and battalion-sized operations. Then she learned that a reinforced company was being sent on an ‘internal removal’ operation against a town known to be populated by White Russian descendants. It was the Nashi’s political rhetoric that there were only Russians. No Reds, Whites, Greens or other factions. That for Russia to be strong, unity was needed. Nashi in and of itself wasn’t an issue. It was the fanatics that joined this armed wing, the NVG (Nashi vooruzhennye gruppythat were a concern. Janna was trying to resist Bethany Anne's truth energy, but could not, so she told all. So you aren’t here to support the attack, and you have, effectively, been fired and left to survive or die on your own?” “Yes," Jana replied "though I hope to link up with some of my team. I doubt any of us would make it through a regular border crossing, though. I’m sure our faces are now flagged.”

BC01 Evacuation/07 Janna agreed to stay on Earth, as Boris' Third in Command, moving with the refugee column, in a camoflaged Command Post, an old cargfo container, Pod Engines and acceleration, all communications, etc., with Bethany Anne

BC02 Retaliation/07 Age? History? Had faced rigid military rules from the age of sixteen. (Lied to get into service.) Was 25 at time of this encounter, Boris probably over 400. “I do not talk of my life with family. They abandoned me to the streets when I was eight. I saw much suffering, but was a great reader, even back then, and the librarians took care of me when they were able. I was always in the library, learning, safe and warm. I suspect that they felt pity. It was not until I applied to join the army that I sat for my first test. I have a great memory, so I found it easy. Then I was assigned to a unit that my uncle commanded. He was suspicious that we might be related and ordered a private DNA test, not wanting to compromise either his group or his career. This showed that we were close relatives, and he knew of only one missing female relative within five years of my claimed age. He was aware that my age was younger than I had told them.” She shrugged, remembering the time, “He reported it, and the GRU gave me a choice. Take officer training and transfer to where I obviously had skills or be court marshaled and end up destitute. I had skills that could aid the country better than as a common soldier. I eventually accepted.”

BC02 Retaliation/06 Changed to were. After Janna had swallowed so much of Boris’ blood, she was brought to TOM and ADAM and a Pod-doc for analysis. They found even more anomalies with her blood, that perhaps a third Kurtherian clan had visited Earth and re-programmed some if the nanocytes, but it was o old that TOM had no knowledge of their techniques and results. <<All I am saying is without further data we can only reach three conclusions. One, there was a Kurtherian of an older Era on this planet. Two, he modified the nanites of the group that changed the Wechselbalg for his own, unknown, purposes. Three, as a consequence of Janna’s actions in saving Boris we may need to take measures to enable her to survive and leave the stasis we have her in.>> And we will want to put Boris in to ameliorate the aggressiveness on his nanites after we fix the programming. Janna had to go into Pod-doc again, for several hours for her final re-progamming, after which Boris would re-train her as a Wechselbalg.

BC02 Retaliation/08 Looks as a werebear She was extraordinarily large for a female bear, taller than normal and at least seven hundred and fifty kilograms in weight. She had brown-grey fur and was similar to Boris in body shape and markings. If she were thought to be a normal bear, a zoologist would describe her as belonging to the Siberian subspecies of brown bear. Though smaller than Boris, the difference in size was not as large as in nature – instead, it was closer to the difference in size in their human forms. Her form would still need to finish filling out but that would come in time. Her muscles would strengthen, and she might still gain a bit more weight. The world had more scents and… her train of thought was interrupted as she failed to coordinate the movement of all four legs. Her back paws tangled each other, propelling her into a hard fall onto her face. In the back of her mind, she thought she could hear a chuckle. She turned in irritation and stared at Boris, who was facing away from her. Huffing at his back, she started to climb carefully back onto her feet when he turned to look over his shoulder at her. With a challenging roar, he began to run. Concentration and precise movement were abandoned in her response to the challenge. Scrambling without thought to her feet, she wrenched her body back up and into the exhilaration of the chase. His scent clearly showed the path he traveled, and as she gained confidence, she picked up the pace. Within an hour she was fully confident in the form but was still trailing Boris.

BC02 Retaliation/08 Training: “The first thing you need to learn now is, even in your human form, you will be stronger.” He pulled out one of the captured weapons he had returned from the raid with. Grabbing the barrel with one hand, he casually bent it. “You will need to be lighter on the trigger of any gun, or you will damage it. They are designed for humans, except my custom AA-12.” “Remember three main things. First, unlike an ordinary bear, for whatever reason, I have never found it hard to balance on my hind paws. Use that. It is an advantage. You have claws, use them. You can bite hard, it is a potent weapon, but doing so can expose yourself. Be observant of your situation before you use it.” Janna asked how to change. Boris couldn't tell her, as he just did it, so he went to Danislav, to ask him to show her. Danislav had learned to change when he was older, so would remember how. “It won’t take you long, but your first half hour or so you’ll be clumsy as hell. So don’t try to spar with him then. You will get hurt if you do. “If you like what you are wearing I would suggest that you get undressed. If you stay in those clothes, they’ll be wrecked when you change. Oh, and after you change, a lot of animals will be skittish around you. The predator scent lingers for a time. I don’t know of a were that doesn’t like changing every so often for the hell of it. I’m sure there are some, but it is a lot of fun being an animal.“The key is to really want to change. Once you manage to transform there is a kinda switch in your mind’s eye that you can just flick. Then you change. No mystical clap-trap. It’s that simple.”