01 - The Arcadian Druid

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Ages - Age of Magic - Tales of the Feisty Druid The Undying Illusionist >>
Adrien is dead, all of his power-hungry staff dead or gone. Arcadia has suffered immeasurable damage, the Boulevard having been 100% destroyed. But the rebellious factions that had destroyed his reign also wanted to rebuild Arcadia once again into a grand city, one of freedom and opportunity. These adventures take place about ten years after Arryn, a nine-year-old child, and her parents had been pursued by the Hunters, Adrien's enforcers. Elayne, her mother, had sacrificed her life that Arryn might escape to the Dark Forest, to the Druids who would raise her, and give her a good life. This happened, but Arryn had vowed to come back to Arcadia and solve the problem of WHY. This, the first book in the Feisty Druid Series, tells of her first efforts to do so, and of the beginning of the New Beginning. 51DrwLigHGL._UY200_.jpg


Elayne, mother of Arryn, is being chased by the Arcadian Hunters, to be put to death for the unlawful use of magic. As the Hunters get closer, Elayne knows that she must sacrifice herself to the Hunters, so that Arryn, a small girl at this time, might be able to make her way to the Druid Elysia, so that she might grow into help potential, thereby helping Arcadia and avenging her parents. Arryn DOES make it to the Dark Forrest, and is met by Elysia, her son Cathillian, and other Druids,who promise to help her and protect her.


01/1 - /4, /10 - /15

01/1 Elysia, Arryn and Cathillian were greeting the day, with pranks by the kids, when Chaos, Elysia’s familiar (a black Shire horse), warned that someone had passed the border, and was inside the Dark Forest. They needed to investigate immediately.

01/2 Elysia gets to river, connecting strongly with her magic to the surrounding Forest, just in case. Was a rearick, probably from Cella (town to the northeast), caught in the river, almost drowned. Pull him to bank, Arryn and Elysia heal. Named Samuel. Told her about Adrien’s demise, new stat of Arcadia. Arryn wants to go back, help rebuild. Samuel goes back to Arcadia, finds the city with no coin, jobs hard to get. He might be stuck here!

01/3 The Chieftain tells Arryn about Ezekiel’s visit (The Founder) several weeks earlier, and unrest and rebellion in the city. Asked for help, but Druids didn’t want to lose lives in a battle that was not theirs, so said no. all except Laurel, who went. Arryn proud that her people,the Arcadians, finally took a stand. Hurt the Druids immensely, as they had considered all they had done with her. I swore I’d go back when I was strong enough. I promised her I would end Adrien and seek justice for her death and my father’s disappearance. requests Versuch.(See Groups, Druids)

01/3, 4 Elysia makes sure that Arryn will fight the toughest the group has to offer, so that she will be known to be strong enough in Arcadia. Cathillian thinks she’s stacking the deck against Arryn, because Elysia wants her to fail, to have to stay with the Druids.

The Chieftain takes on all responsibility, saying that Elysia’s choices were correct, and would stand. The fight is on.

01/10 Nika and Arryn enter the ring together, each wanting to fight fair, and win fairly. Nika gives Arryn pointers on how to beat her. Rules No heavy magic, no weapons. This was all about skill. Arryn lost to Nika. Cathillian decides to take the Versuch also, so he can go to Arcadia with Arryn. Chaos and Cathillian takes Arryn to the river to clean up, Echo following along. Cathillian teaches her about the healing life energies of water. She doesn’t understand it yet, but he’s sure she will in the future.

01/11 Before, we worried about you going without protection. We weren’t sure if you’d be able to take care of yourself if something bad happened. Now we’re terrified of you going off without training and wasting the gifts you have.”

01/13, 14 Arryn, Elysia talk. Elysia tells her about the Dark Druids. Cathillian to train her. Druids her friends if she ever decides to come back.

01/15 Cathillian and Nika fight his Versuch. Cathillian wins all three parts, is free to go with Arryn. Cathillian and Arryn start off to Arcadia, riding Chaos and another horse. The Chieftain gave Cathillian two solid, carved, wooden bracers for his forearms, made of Heilig wood, to protect him and keep him tuned to Nature. Arryn had a new bow from Elysia, and a Heilig staff from the Chieftain, to learn to use as she got more proficient in hand-to-hand combat. They needed all of the above, as a group of four lycanthropes attacked them on their way to Arcadia. Chaos kicked two, Arryn one ans Cathillian one, with Echo’s help in blinding it.

01/16 Samuel (rearick), Andrew (Arcadian) and Ren (rearick) fight off remnants who were attacking the party of rearick Samuel went out to recruit to help the city. Remnants beaten, recruits volunteered. Samuel found just massive piles of debris, and says that Marie will need at least ten people proficient in physical magic and magitech (teachers and advanced students) to help sort it out.

01/17 Arryn and Cathillian come to gates, have to prove she’s Arcadian. Ken, a guard, takes her to guardhouse to check in records. Cathillian must wait outside gate.


01/2 - 20

01/2 Talia, applicant for Dean of Student’s position at Academy, is talking to Amelia, new Chancellor of Academy, about former bad times when Adrien was Chancellor. Amelia characterized Adrien as charismatic, intelligent, well-spoken and powerful, but a real son-of-s-bitch. Was cold, cruel, and vengeful. Would kill anyone who stood in his way, even children.

01/4, 5, 6, 9 Talia and Amelia go to Dean’s Office to talk more. Academy at low ebb due to the disturbances in the City-teachers missing, Professors not pushing the curriculum, new students from the Boulevard having to be brought up to basic standards in magic, application overwhelming in number. And Talia didn’t trust Amelia. She was TOO nice. Talia remembers her plans, reads her Father’s letter (See Characters Talia.) Talia plans to conscript some of the students to help her in her revenge. Amos, from the Boulevard, will be the first. Amos learns that she is Adrien’s daughter, and is out to revenge her father’s death. This city will burn for taking him away from me—not once, but twice.” Talia punches him, then kicks him unconscious. Is making progress in converting Jackson to help her.

01/11, 12 Amelia has lots of work to do. Find Doyle (Adrien’s assistant) before he rounded up a group of sympathizers and started another battle, plan rebuilding of Queen’s Boulevard. Plans to be out and about, not like Adrien.Marie, Assistant, helping with details. Finding extra hands to do the Boulevard work first priority.

01/14 Amelia visits Sully’s (Bar), for relaxation. Hears talk about rebuilding the city. Decides that if she can get admired for helping, it will not allow discrediting remarks to be heard.

01/16, 18 Marie, Amelia’s assistant, interviews Samuel, the rearick, who wants to help rebuild the city, along with others he can get to volunteer to do so, as well as others. Marie approaches Talia with these plans she has checked through with Amelia. tALIA thinks it’s a good idea, and might take that week off to visit Cella (friends, acquaintances). Goes, with group of twenty, to start on rubble.

01/20Talia has interviewed and hired three applicants, Jakob, Shelley, and Scarlett (someone who wants to help her). Physical magic teachers. Talia anticipates setting them up to help her with her devious plans.


01/19 - 25

01/19 Guards call Amelia down, to interview Arryn and Cathillian re stay in city. Amelia finds the reputable and honest (mind-reading), is excited to have a Druid to help. Arryn to look for Father, join the academy. Amelia wants her to teach basic nature magic, Cathillian to just look around the City. Amelia takes them to a reconstructed Noble House (used to belong to Lord Girard – Hannah and Ezekiel had used it for their city dwelling – The Rise of Magic). Arryn wants to make a difference, to affect change. Agreed to the house, and teaching at Academy.

01/20 As Talia is planning to go away for a week, she kills Amos, eliminating him as a problem (He has already told her about Jonathan and his group). Amos promises her that his death will be her undoing, that’s what will haunt her! Amos’ body found, Arryn able to tell he wasn’t murdered there, on the ground. Look for a place saturated with blood, will find the killer

01/21, 23 Cathillian goes exploring, finds Samuel and Andrew talking about need for wood, and Remnant attack. Cathillian offers to help heal those infected. Arryn goes exploring to old house, memories. Meets Celine, her aunt, Mother’s sister.

01/23Cathillian, out with Rearicks to plant trees and get more wood, finds that Samuel has a natural affinity for nature’s energies. Cathillian approaches him to learn Druid magic. Samuel says no.

01/24, 25 Amelia had returned to Arcadia, learned of Amos’ murder, told his mother. Had no news of Doyle, although had a rumor that he was collecting a group of Nobles to come back and re-take the City. Amelia DOES get news of Doyle, that he’s twenty miles outside the city, and that if Arryn wants to come with the 10 guards, she might be able to find out information about her Father. Arryn accepts the invitation. Scared. First time she will have met a live enemy. Doyle runs Amelia through the stomach, Cathillian kills Doyle, Arryn has bad feelings about Talia.



Druids find Death Arrow inside Barrier Wall, take to Chieftain. Jenna and Aeris, two young Druids, have defected to Dark Druids, and will probably help them attack. Make wall stronger! Grow more, twine more, make trees stronger.


01/21, 22, Epilogue

01/21, 22Talia goes to Cella, nearby city and where she used to live, to recruit guards and rearick to help with rebuilding Boulevard. Scarlett (a mystic) meets her there, offering help with Talia’s plans, to offer more power and to help further. Talia’s evil plans. Talia makes deal with Governor to help with rebuilding, if son, Nathaniel, can attend Academy free.

01/Epilogue Talia meets Arryn, is warned by Scarlett to be careful of her, that Arryn would be her undoing. Scarlett finds Jackson talking with some of the Boulevard boys, turns them on Jackson. Takes Jackson to Talia, so that Talia might begin to develop a core of supporters to retake Arcadia in her father’s image.