Boris Chronicles, all books.
Romanovka in the frst books, when in the original town site, New Romanovks when town moved to the Archangelsk Base area.
This was the town Boris was protecting in Siberia.
BC01 Evacuation/02 Supports a town Romanovka, in Siberia. "I protect them because of an oath I swore to my love before the predatel'skaya negodyay Reds had her executed. I swore I would save as many White Russians from the State as possible. I did, with the help of some Cossacks, I also aid and defend. This is where most of those I shield come from, their descendants.The rest are pack. I protect them to honor her memory. 'Tis all I have left.I worked as a mercenary after the war to build up the necessary infrastructure. Also, to send the brightest away for a better education than would be possible in central Russia. Our town is viewed with suspicion by many outside Siberia. Inside Siberia, everyone is descended from prestupniki, criminals of one sort or another, so no-one judges another. Paul, a good friend, was his Enforcer. "
"I am bound to them by blood oath and heart oath. I cannot in good conscience swear such an oath to you. I would, to honor Michael and the changes you started in him, swear an oath to aid you in any way I can that is not prevented by my previous promise. "By my blood on your blade, in memory of Michael, I swear service as I am able to you. He took one knee before Bethany Anne, "On this world, my service is yours."
After it was attacked, he battled to free the town and the people, then allowed them to make their own decisionas to whether to stay there, or to move into space with Bethany Anne. The Refugee column was the group of people who were to go to space, and were to meet her at the Mongolian Border, as she did not want to send ships to pick up Russian People on Russian soil.
After Boris had captured and refurbished Konrad's Archangelsk Base, many of the townspeople moved out of Romanovka to New Romanovka, the Archangelsk Base area, now renamed, and Boris continued his administrations/redemptions from that new area, in Eastern Siberia.