TVC 04/1 Home planet of the Jotuns, an under-water race, who depended on robotic suits to handle their needs when they had to survive on land.
Coyopa had a reputation as a despicable hellhole. The planet had disappointed nearly every species that had come upon it. At first glance, clear blue waters held a seemingly-endless archipelago of tiny islands, each with white-sand beaches and an assortment of could and often did move with each major storm, so building was next to impossible. The rains were fleeting and unpredictable, and the vegetation that grew so quickly was poisonous to most species.
Every once in a while, some cult or other decided Coyopa would be the site of their idyllic return to nature. Nature promptly ate them and spat out the bones.
The Jotuns, however, loved it. The saltwater was just the right temperature for them, they didn’t need to eat the vegetation, and they had their ships on standby so that they could escape if any particularly bad storms roared through. Plus, they had the amusement of watching the cults fall apart.
They had made plans, were they ever forced to evacuate the planet. Land cruisers were readied and sent skipping over the surface of the water toward each major cluster of islands. Jotun civilians piled into temporary suits and holding tanks that had laid submerged, ready to be lifted into the bellies of the ships. Tanks not picked up could be housed in submersible vehicles until they could be rescued.
TVC 04/2, 6 Jotuna, main city, or island, or alternate name of their planet. Unclear.
TVC 05/01 System was in sector of space Barnabas called the "Jellyfish Sector, after the prevailing race, the Jotun.