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We give her many thanks!!
We give her many thanks!!
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| Book 1 – The Dark Messiah
| Jeremiah
| “It’s damned hot out here.”
| Scar-nose
| “At some point, even gentlemen don’t give a rat’s ass anymore, and the boss will stop trying to be civil in this godforsaken uncivilized land.”
| Jeremiah
| “Cause shit just got too damned real,”
| Michael
| “Gott Verdammt!”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “Oh, that jackass.”
| “Come in, let’s discuss scuzzbucket’s latest threats
| “Okay, what’s bull-shittiest-maximus want this time?”
| Jeremiah
| “Your ass, or land, probably both,”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “What’s asshat got planned now?”
| “Well, at least the disgusting pig is finally showing his true colors.”
| Jeremiah
| “That is, if he decides it’s going to be a pain in the ass to root us out.”
| “I can’t promise you more than three for damned sure,”
| Michael
| “Now this is damned embarrassing.”
| David
| “even I know that would be a dick move.”
| Buddy
| “Dick move or not,”
| Todd
| “She’ll take her size whatever the hell they are boots and shove them up Childers’ ass,”
| Dirk
| “Damn right she caught me cussing,”
| “So, I go off and say shit or something like that.”
| “I figured, what the hell,”
| Jeremiah
| “My mom was hell on wheels about cussing.”
| “No, jackass,”
| Michael
| “Glad to know one damned thing still works.”
| Dirk
| “They come in, they kick ass, they leave. Made up of a lot of damned impressive people.”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “How about I use my supposedly weak right leg and kick your ass with it?”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “Whenever you're ready to feel my size sevens up your ass,”
| Russell
| “without that damned bitch for some of the slaves to run to for protection…”
| Jack
| “Damn, I could go with getting a little pre-victory slash before…”
| Todd
| “catch her fist and backhand the shit out of her?”
| Dirk
| “It went so damned fast I’m not sure.”
| Michael
| “anywhere near my ass.”
| “Too much time being top bitch.”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “Fuck…”
| Jeremiah
| “She really, really hates to be called a bitch.”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “And if I tell you to get the fuck off my land?”
| Jeremiah
| “We need a damned savior for this to go in our favor tomorrow.”
| Michael
| “Someone I love would tell you I’m just a stubborn, obstinate, pain in her ass.”
| Jeremiah
| “Why you sent our one seriously badass guy away?”
| “If he was to do anything, they’ll just track his ass down and kill him.”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “with the last name Nacht, to leave them the fuck alone.”
| Jeremiah
| “The best chance for a savior of this colossal fuck up and you just pissed him away.”
| Michael
| “Oh… shit.”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “Hell,”
| Russell
| “Yeah, but it’ll be a bitch to get close enough to get it in place without getting shot.”
| Jack Childers
| “They won’t remember a damned thing, but I’m sure they’ll have fun.”
| Russell
| “The hell?”
| “Can't see shit.”
| Jack Childers
| “One of those assholes must be outside.”
| Jeremiah
| “Damn, only made him duck.”
| Todd
| “What… the… hell… is… that?”
| Jeremiah
| “The hell?”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “A lot of the stories coming from TH, I thought, were bullshit.”
| “Wrong move, assholes.”
| “I’ve already apologized to Dirk and Todd for being a stupid bitch to all of you,”
| Jack Childers
| “What the fuck has that bitch ever done for you?”
| “What the fuck ever, Russell.”
| “Why is one slut worth fifty men to you?”
| Russell
| “Fuck… you…”
| Jacqueline
| “Oh… damn. You are fucking beautiful.”
| Jeremiah
| “Damned good to see you again, Michael!”
| Sarah Jennifer
| “I’m her, you dick!”
| “I was a bitch, ok? I was a kickass female who took no shit from anyone and GOD what a mistake.”
| “Not no shit from no one. But the bitch part.”
| “Someone taught me that you can be gentle, and still not take any shit from anyone.”
| Gate Guard
| “Oh, a rich bitch,”
| Jacqueline
| “Act like they can walk on water and their shit don’t stink.”
| Gerry
| “I’ll be damned, we have a shot to get you out of here, Jacqueline,”
| Lackey 1
| “He probably would be ok with a little destruction before we take it out into the street and beat the shit out of him.”
| Barkeeper
| “Then, he walks out like it wasn’t any big thing to beat the shit out of two guys.”
| Michael
| “You messed up my perfect score, jackass,”
| “What the hell,”
| Robert
| “We aren’t making anything easy, shithead,”
| Michael
| “Dammit!”
| Gerry
| “Damn…”
| “Sicknesses we thought were beat came back and kicked our ass.”
| “Hell if I know what the whole story is and frankly I’m a little fuzzy on the details after all of these years.
| “May I say, you can be an ass?”
| Gerry
| “The Alpha here is a world class dick, but he does try to protect his people.”
| Hank
| “Why do you think this guy is hot shit?”
| “How the fuck is he doing that?”
| Joshua
| “Right fucking here,”
| “I’d suggest coming and bagging his ass before he splits.”
| Hank
| “Somebody totally fucked up Kraven’s place and Joshua is thinking he’s going after his location next.”
| Izzy
| “We drag your ass all over this land each time we move, you should feel important.”
| Calvin
| “You fuckers are a lot scarier at night.”
| Izzy
| “It’s turning night outside now, asshole.”
| Hank
| “He’s just mind fucking you.”
| “Well, that’s a crock of shit, you fucking devil in a human body.”
| Daniel
| “Burn motherfuckers…buuuuurrrrnnnnn…”
| Hank
| “Beats the fuck out of me.”
| Kevin
| “Stupid ass duty for a stupid ass reason!”
| Timothy
| “Get the fuck outta the way, Alphonse!”
| Hank
| “but we can grab a few humans after we lock his ass down.”
| “You ready to send some hot lead out to fuck up another demon?”
| Calvin
| “Fuck em all up,”
| Michael
| “Fuck it…”
| Joshua
| “Motherfucker!”
| Jacqueline
| “You cocksucking motherfucking asshole!”
| Michael
| “These assholes are just stepping on my last nerve.”
| Hank or Calvin
| “Big bald fuck out there isn’t getting out of the way, can't be so smart as all that,”
| Calvin
| “Jackhole’s intelligence must be affected by the sun!”
| “What the hell is a monologue?”
| “Where the fuck is he?”
| Hank
| “Well, get the fuck up and over here!”
| Izzy
| “I swear to God I’ll kick your ass!”
| Michael
| Come kick my ass, Izzy!”
| Jacqueline
| “Because Justice is waiting to send you to Hell!”
| “Fuck it!”
| Lamont’s second (Jake)
| “Dammit, Lamont! What the hell…”
| Lamont
| “Hell no.”
| Jacqueline
| “Hell if I know?”
| Paul
| “How the hell,”
| Yuko
| “I want to grow up and be a person who doesn’t bitch about serving our Queen in a hopeless effort to help her love.”
| Jacqueline
| “I still vote to toss his useless ass off the airship so I can hear him scream in the night.”
| Paul
| “Oh shit!”
| Jacqueline
| “Dammit,”
| “Still think I should have tossed his ass out.”
| NY Were 1
| “You fucking bitch!”
| Jacqueline
| “It will heal, asshole,”
| NY Were 1
| “Listen you cunt!”
| Jacqueline
| “Not have a fucking clue I was here,”
| NY Were 4 aka Johnny
| “We got your ass now, sweetheart,”
| Jacqueline
| “Kiss my ass!”
| “Holy fuckazoid!”
| NY Were 4 aka Johnny
| “That was a lucky shot, bitch.”
| NY Were 3
| “Well that was a hell of a fight,”
| “I’m going to move it on up to max because my nuts hurt like a son of a bitch.”
| “Who the hell are you?”
| “What the hell!”
| Jacqueline
| “This is bullshit. Chicago isn’t this much of a pain in the ass to walk around in.”
| “You motherfucker,”
| Crazy bitch
| “Big words for a little-too-stupid-to-live slut like you.”
| Jacqueline
| “Dammit!”
| “I. Am. Not. A. Slut!”
| “You hear that Michael? I AM NOT A SLUT!”
| “You crazy—assed bitch,”
| Brick
| “I just need to find some new pussy,”
| Michael
| “Dammit,”
| Jacqueline
| “Holy shit,”
| Jake
| “No fucking way, not two.”
| “God damn and steal my girlfriend,”
| Darren (who?)
| “No, not really, just fucked up the last political boss here.”
| “He fucked up people left and right. Then, he went over to the local pack’s encampment and fucked up another group,”
| Old woman
| “Should you have been running him out of town a bit quicker, maybe walking him to the city limits or just kicking his ass right here?”
| Jake
| “And that’s who is going to be making the decisions anytime a damned daywalking vampire shows the fuck up.”
| Jacqueline
| “No frilly things from the ladies… uh… damn.”
| Michael
| “Jacqueline, you seem to think that being strong and kicking ass is the opposite of being a woman.”
| Jacqueline
| “Kicked their asses and ripped their fucking heads off their shoulders. I would have ripped one arm off and used it to beat the shit out of the next guy,”
| “No fucking way!”
| “I would have come for you if I had only known. What happened to you is bullshit, on so many levels I can't even begin to comprehend.”
| Michael
| “Fucking clothes,”
| Jacqueline
| Billy’s teammates
| Mark
| “Shit!”
| Dodds
| “We got the little pecker this time,”
| Fitzsimmons
| “My big ass and you two scrawny sidekicks make us seem too harsh.”
| Dodds
| “Fuck that,”
| “My weight to strength ratio kicks your ass, you puss. Second, Wally, we don’t ask a little twatwaffle anything.”
| Fitzsimmons
| “Well, shit.”
| “Come to Poppa, you little shit.”
| Walarand
| “Hell yeah,”
| “Your ass wasn’t attacked two months ago.”
| Fitzsimmons
| “I’ve got a package of little girl pink panties for you, wuss boy,”
| “Maybe I’ll give you the yellows for swallowing your balls and putting them back in their sack where they belong,”
| Wally
| “Fuck you, Fitz.”
| Dodds
| “Take this shit, you blood fucker!”
| Fitzsimmons
| “The fuck?”
| Michael
| “The ‘fuck’ as you call it,”
| Fitzsimmons
| “The hell it will!”
| Michael
| “Hell is for children,”
| Fitzsimmons
| “Fuck… fuck you… demon…”
| Billy
| “Go fuck yourself!”
| “Shiiiit!”
| “You're going down, you bastard.”
| “Fuck…”
| Peterson
| “God dammit,”
| Enforcer 1
| “Fucking Vamps and Weres,”
| “Knew we shouldn’t have trusted those hairy fucks.”
| Peterson
| “Fire on that fucker!”
| Ted
| “Who the hell are these fuckers?”
| Ethan
| “Who the hell knows?”
| “Make your damned shots count!”
| Ted
| “What are those fuckers up to?”
| “They never gave a shit about us before.”
| “God damn, Ethan,”
| “Now’s the time you pinch her ass?”
| Ethan
| “Shiiiiiiiit,”
| “Fuck my life.”
| Janine
| “You kill these fuckers,”
| “and I’ll fuck your brains out!”
| “Motherfuckers!”
| Ted
| “Who the fuck is that?”
| Ethan
| “Hell if I know,”
| Ted
| “FUCK!”
| “Shit Janine, if I had known blood, guts and almost dying made you so randy, I’d have shot myself!”
| Milton
| “Meredith would rip my pecker off in the middle of the night and feed it to me.”
| Ted
| “Dammit, Ethan!”
| Ted
| “What the hell is happening?”
| Ethan
| “Fuck me!”
| Michael
| “and then help her toss your useless ass over the side.”
| Louis
| “There were fucking vampires all over down there. What kind of shit is going on?”
| “Now, those that you were preying on are running around killing your asses.”
| “Jackass!”
| “What the hell do you…”
| “Oh shit. You're him!”
| Ethan
| “Oh fuck it,”
| “I said no fucking way are you getting in here, I don’t care what time it is, they can all kiss my ass,”
| Book 2 – The Darkest Night
| Billy’s shipmate
| “I’m tired of stale bread and water, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that fat fuck over there has real meat on board.”
| Michael
| “was a little peace and quiet to consider my next fucking steps.”
| Jacqueline
| “Because you're Michael and shit.”
| “I can't believe I have to throw water on his face to wake his ass up.”
| “we have pirates tracking our ship into a big-ass storm.”
| Billy
| “Move your land-loving lard-ass!”
| “Is that shit working?”
| Mellon
| “Sonofabitch!”
| Billy
| “Do a better job holding your ass up, Mellon!”
| “Let’s come in like Hell’s own demons”
| Captain O’Banion
| “The hell!”
| “Gott Verdammt, we are in a fucking storm!”
| Jacqueline
| “That grumpy-assed old man.”
| Cholly
| “or we aren’t going to have anything to show for all of this damned effort!”
| Jacqueline
| “Are you shitting me?”
| “If you are fucking with me, I’ll throw your skinny vampire ass off this ship!”
| “these incoming pirates will have to take a back seat until after the ass-kicking I will give you!”
| Billy
| “What the hell was that?”
| “Stupid fucker is probably sleeping,”
| Juliana
| “and there is whatever the fuck you are actually suggesting. That shit isn’t even remotely possible for a woman and there is absolutely no chance there could be any pleasure for her at all.”
| Combs
| “What the fuck?”
| Terek
| “Land this fucking thing already or I’m going to throw up all over you!”
| Leon
| “God damn, did you see the explosion?”
| Jacqueline
| “Motherfucker, that’s my most comfortable shirt you just shot a hole in!”
| Terek
| “Oh, fuck me!”
| Jacqueline
| “How the fuck did you make this seem so easy?”
| Arnold
| “Oh, fuck.”
| Cholly
| “How the hell do you know my name?”
| Michael
| “if you release the button, or do a piss-poor job making them in the first place dammit!”
| Jacqueline
| “The fact you took out two other people should have alerted you to the fact the second asshole pirate was mine!”
| “What the fuck?”
| Mark
| “Goddammit!”
| “Don’t you fucking think about falling off or I’ll jump after you and cuss you out the whole way down!”
| Michael
| “I’m done with this fucking storm.”
| Jacqueline
| “Oh God that fucking huurrrrtttt.”
| “What the hell, Mark?”
| Michael
| “You are in no way more powerful than my fucking love.”
| Yuko
| “Sometimes, for a wonderful friend you can be such a bitch.”
| Jacqueline
| “he’s scaring the hell out of me!”
| Mark
| “Fuck if I know,”
| “But as badass as that ship looks,”
| Jacqueline
| “Fuuuuuck!”
| “I suppose she is badass too.”
| Michael
| You could say she is a real bitch,”
| Captain
| “Where the hell-“
| Jacqueline
| “Damn he can be annoying.”
| Akio
| “well, ‘so fucking cool’ is how Bobcat and William said it.”
| Sabine
| “Fuck them,”
| “Oh my god, oh my god, oh-my-what-the-fucking-shit-is-this?”
| “Goddammit!”
| “Fuck it, I’ll slit my own throat.”
| Mark
| “You fucking cheater,”
| Jacqueline
| “Oh, fuck,”
| “You fucking lunatic!”
| “There are no bitches here!”
| “Stop laying down on the job Mark and let’s kick some more ass!”
| “Bitccch, he’s minnne.”
| “But you were a badass and I was enjoying your touch too much to care.”
| Michael
| “I think that qualifies you pretty damned well to say my name.”
| “Fuck!”
| Timothy
| “Might seem weird to you, and certainly seems weird to me, but I’d put my hand on my Grandmother’s grave and swear that he just told me to aim my rifle somewhere else or he would come over here and shove it up my ass.”
| Kirk
| “Now what the hell?”
| “Your sights are gonna be all sorts of fucked up now.”
| Timothy
| “But I don’t have to worry about shitting out the barrel of my gun an inch at a time either,”
| “We got one weird-ass group out there, boss.”
| James
| “The hell?”
| “Fuck it! I’m going down.”
| Yuko
| “Damn, I missed one.”
| Sabine
| “Last night I was running away from Werewolves, now I feel like running towards them due to these jackasses behind us.”
| James
| “Oh, holy fuck…”
| Timothy
| “The hell…”
| Kirk
| “The hell are these people?”
| Michael
| If any of you dare shoot us in the back, I will personally rip your arm off and shove it up your ass.”
| Sabine
| “Don’t fuck with my friends.”
| Two guys
| “The hell?”
| “You need a good brace to fire this fucker,”
| “Wow, more kick than I had realized, fucker went to fifteen.”
| James
| “Son of a bitch,”
| Mark
| “Are you fucking kidding me?”
| Jacqueline
| “About damned time!”
| Mark
| “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
| Timothy
| “Oh, holy shit!”
| “I think I’m getting a bullet boner!”
| Mark and Jacqueline
| “Oh shit!”
| Mark
| “Damn!”
| Timothy
| “But they have really nice asses.”
| James
| “And they do have nice asses.”
| Timothy
| “Fuck it.”
| “Not like we own them, for fuck’s sake.”
| Kirk
| “They are another group, and they are here to fight the same shit we are.”
| James
| “Bad guys who were sending a shit-ton of Weres in our direction to kill us today,”
| Timothy
| “For the first fucking time in three years it feels like my future isn’t just death by whatever nasty shit my brain can dream up.”
| “That you are a fucking genius,”
| James
| “Oh, hell no…”
| “The hell…”
| “You really did tell Timothy that you would shove the rifle up his ass?”
| “Son of a bitch, Kirk! The fuck?”
| “The hell he isn’t talking!”
| “I really fucking hate you.”
| Mark
| “That would be badass.”
| “God bless, but if he starts raising his arms to the sky, drop everything and run like hell.”
| Michael
| “Protect your shooters and harass the hell out of the Weres.”
| Kirk
| “If I had to guess, they are going to pull some serious shit and don’t want us in the way.”
| Mark
| “Oh shit!”
| Sabine
| “What the hell, people?”
| Kirk
| “The hell?”
| Timothy
| “I’d have to say I don’t have one fucking clue.”
| Kirk
| “The hell…”
| James
| “No! I’m bullshitting you.”
| Kirk
| “Asshole.”
| “I… can’t… believe… something something… that… asshole… left me…something else…Prick.”
| James
| “Damn!”
| “Putting up with her mouth all the time would be a pain in the ass.”
| “Hell no,”
| Kirk
| “Hell no.”
| Akio
| “She is bitching because you scared her.”
| Jacqueline
| We are out here in the middle of a goddamned grass plain next to the city of never-being-lit anymore,”
| Michael
| “She isn’t going to buy that kind of shit.”
| James
| “She knows how badass the others are, right?”
| Kirk
| “Fuck.”
| Jacqueline
| “I’m getting some damned pistols or something next time,”
| Michael
| “Dammit! I missed.”
| James
| “No fucking clue,”
| Jacqueline
| “Ooohhhh, shit.”
| Mark
| “it’s about to get scary as hell down here.”
| Jacqueline
| “Shit, fucking shit!”
| “My damned ears are bleeding!”
| Kirk
| “Well, fuck.”
| Greta
| “What, fuck?”
| Jacqueline
| “Dammit, Eve!”
| “Damn”
| “Accept the clothes, and don’t make me bitch-slap you into next week,”
| “Michael will not be pleased to have to wait on your tardy ass.”
| Michael
| “They are playing a game of Who’s the Biggest Bitch.”
| “Bitch, female dog, Werewolf.”
| Jacqueline
| “I amm soo fucking tirredd of taking shiiit from everyyyone who mmouuths off too mmeeee!”
| “Oh, hell no!”
| Sabine
| “at least from what I know, is damned far away.”
| Jacqueline
| “what little the old bald-headed bastard allowed me,”
| “Who apparently has goddamned super-hearing.”
| Mark
| “I answered truthfully, an now you are twisting my damned words.”
| Kirk
| “Can you make sure those two assholes up there pull their guns back?”
| “Or have to listen to someone moan when we pull a rifle out of their ass.”
| Jacqueline
| “Those assholes needed a little killing,”
| Michael
| “I’ll be a son of a bitch,”
| Akio
| “I’ll tell you about the time a little girl shot me in the ass with a crossbow.”
| Mark
| “Oh shit.”
| Jacqueline
| “that training bullshit is for the birds.”
| Mark
| “Daaamnnnn,”
| Jacqueline
| “Fuck.”
| Yuko
| “The Bitch Protocol.”
| Michael
| “Well, shit.”
| Mark
| “that just twelve hours ago, we were in Europe kicking ass.”
| Jacqueline
| “Don’t you mean watching ass being kicked?”
| “Fuck!”
| “Hell yeah that’s Michael
| Choki
| “Who the fuck are they?”
| Banri
| “Dammit!”
| Jacqueline
| “I ammm the bittchhh yoouu fearrr!”
| “I will rip yourrr spine oouut yourrr ass.”
| William
| “I’ll be damned,”
| Michael
| “Well, fuck.”
| “Gott Verdammt!”
| Mark
| “That bullshit isn’t going to fly with me.”
| Michael
| “We aren’t fucking getting out of here.”
| “Not exactly the killing part, more the constant ‘kill them all’ stick up my ass."
| Book 3 – Darkest Before the Dawn
| Michael
| “Damn large words, Akio.”
| “Since he’s a genocidal megalomaniacal bastard,”
| Jacqueline
| “I think so, but what the fuck?”
| “It’s a good reaction to have when your ass needs saving!”
| Mark
| “I’m still thrilled I have the badassiest girlfriend on the planet.”
| Michael
| “That’ll teach me to do something half-assed.”
| “It would be easier to just lock the doors and beat the shit out of everyone.”
| Akio
| “If you pull out a weapon, I will blow your Gott Verdammt head off.”
| Michael
| “What the hell?”
| “Oh, shut the hell up!”
| “No fucking way,”
| Kirk
| “Don’t you point your guns unless you want to shit them out later!”
| James
| “Oh…damn,”
| Kirk
| “Hell,”
| Evan
| “Oh, hell.”
| Sabine
| “Shit!”
| Adlar
| “It’s feeling too damned weird,”
| Meinard
| “You need to get laid and grow the fuck up.”
| Derick
| “Bones, you ass!”
| “If you fuck up the Duke’s chalet, he will probably end you and my life will be better for it.”
| “Where the hell?”
| Leo
| “Put your damned finger down!”
| “It gives humans some damned good benefits,”
| He’s the Number Two over there and a real asswipe.”
| “make damn sure that asshole is dead and buried.”
| Harry
| “Damned dust.”
| Noah
| “We are damned near immortal, I bet you.”
| Thomas
| “What the hell, we been together since we all beat the shit out of Charley William in fourth grade.
| Mark
| “No shit?”
| “Yes shit.”
| Michael
| “Fuck it.”
| Sabine
| “This asshole,”
| Michael
| “The goddamn sun?”
| Thomas
| “Dammit”
| “Fucker must be stronger than we thought.”
| Sabine
| “Dammit!”
| Samantha
| “Well, why the fuck are we yacking here about sexual innuendos then?”
| Stephen
| “I’m going whoring with the first part of the money,”
| “The hell?”
| Sabine
| “Dammit, you move fast!”
| Jan
| “If you will just promise to wear it when you yank that sonofabitch’s heart out of his chest, then our daughter will be avenged,”
| Sabine
| “Dammit”
| Michael
| “Well, shit.”
| “Well… hell.”
| Noah
| “What the hell?”
| “What the fuck are you talking about?”
| Jacqueline
| “Doing this without an air supply sucks ass.”
| “Can't be seen as pussies.”
| Harry
| “We don’t need any of those fuckers getting loose while we deal with someone coming in from the outside.”
| Leo
| “We have good intelligence that Noah, may demons eat his corpse in hell, was killed during a kill-or-capture operation in Germany,”
| Mickie
| “Hell, I would.”
| “Hell,”
| Sabine
| “Bethany Anne is going to be waiting awhile for you to heal from me sticking the Jean Dukes special up your ass and pulling the trigger!”
| “Just one more Gott Verdammt word, Mr. ArchAngel.”
| “then I’ll fucking die taking down yet another level of dickheads that need taking out.”
| “we’re fucking doing it because we wouldn’t be any-fucking-where else than right by your side.”
| “Damn right you're proud,”
| George
| “How the hell are we going to see any red in their eyes?”
| “It’s fucking noon outside,”
| Terry
| Harry
| “Goddamned better guns than we got!”
| Leo
| “Hooooly shit,”
| Oscar
| “Who the hell?
| “Fuuuuuuuck meee,”
| Leo
| “Tell everyone to stay the hell away from those three.”
| “if I’m right, that is the baddest motherfucker on our planet.”
| Michael
| “These fucking hurt,”
| “Hellacious kick,”
| Sabine
| “Pussies”
| “Oh, hell no! I take that back.”
| Harry
| “Welcome to my lair, motherfucker!”
| “Survive that, you sonofabitch!”
| Michael
| “Don’t you dare mess up my coat, and leave my damned hat alone!”
| “Dammit”
| Sabine
| “Four more fuckers who won’t be bothering Michael.”
| “No shit?”
| Akio
| “No, I do not shit you,”
| “No shit?”
| Sabine
| “Ok, I’m talking out my ass.”
| Michael
| “Sonofabitch, Akio”
| “since she kicked his ass and then killed him.”
| William
| “Sonofabitch!”
| Sabine
| “Fuck it.”
| Yuko
| “Jacqueline was ready to come all the way here and kick Michael’s ass,”
| “I love you, but you can be such a logical bitch sometimes.”
| “Let me change that to logical bitch frequently.”
| Michael
| “It hurt like a Gott Verdammt sonofabitch.”
| “I’m so damned old all of my give up, got up and left my body already.”
| “and the knowledge that I had the best people working to get me out of the cocked-up place I got myself in.”
| Book 4 – Dawn Arrives
| Michael
| “Man, that woman knew how to get shit done…”
| Mark
| “I understood that China was like, I dunno… the ass-end of nowhere?”
| Raiden
| “Dammit.”
| Soldier scout
| “Shit!”
| Raiden
| “Son of a bitch!”
| “Turns out those chickenshit Chinese soldiers don’t want to engage.”
| “Hell yeah, now it feels right!”
| Michael
| “I will rip your finger completely off and shove it up your ass.”
| “Shit,”
| “Damned airtight shit,”
| “Fuck it. Bethany Anne has a dog, and now I’ve got a cat.”
| Bethany Anne
| “that you should take so fucking LONG!”
| “Do you know how much shit I’ve had to put up with in the last century and a half?”
| “They made me a Gott Verdammt EMPRESS!”
| “Lying around on your ass, I bet!”
| Michael
| “I don’t believe healing from a nuclear explosion is the same thing as lying around on my ass,”
| Bethany Anne
| “Why don’t you think about how to answer me politely while your ass sits in the Etheric until I come get it!”
| Michael
| “What, no ‘fuck?’ As in ‘fucking rank piece of fetid fish food?’”
| Bethany Anne
| “I’ll feed you to the fucking fish, you gag-sacking dried-out cockroach-sodding bunghole-filler!”
| “You are a fucker!”
| Michael
| “She did not just take my fucking hat!”
| Bethany Anne
| “Gott Verdammt!”
| “Where are you, you bastard?”
| “You toad-licking huphalump!”
| “You bitch!”
| Michael
| “But no one calls me a bitch!”
| Mark
| “Did she just call him a crusted bunghole of a space-zombie?”
| Eric
| “What the hell, I’ll go for the long shot.”
| Bethany Anne
| “That conceited gigantic –“
| John
| “Damn! You obviously take after your mother,”
| Gabrielle
| “Ok, pay up bitches!”
| Bethany Anne
| “You ass! I gave you a moving eulogy.”
| Michael
| “I don’t know our future, but know that I’ll always be with you, through hell and back…”
| “That is one sexy bitch,”
| Mark
| Those ladies who are seeking the right answer, truth be damned, aren’t helping their relationships.”
| Jacqueline
| “Now you can look at that sexy bitch out there.”
| “did I just call the Queen a sexy bitch?”
| ArchAngel II
| “You called me a sexy bitch, and I’ll accept that as a compliment.”
| “the Queen wants enough firepower to ‘lay waste to a shit-ton of idiots,’ as she puts it,
| Mark
| “Daaaammn,”
| Eric
| “Are you shitting me?”
| John
| “I don’t want to come in there and try to save your ass.”
| Demitry
| “Shit,”
| Jacqueline
| “You would be proud, Dad. I caught me a good one, and I promise not to fuck it up.”
| Barnabas
| “you have to stop pulling this kind of shit.”
| Bethany Anne
| “A real ass-kicking date, is it?”
| I’ve got to listen to Adam Asswipe here?
| “I don’t suppose you would provide me with a description of all this shit between me and you, would you?”
| “I’m getting randy again, but I’d hate to have to wait for you to kill this asshole.”
| Giles
| “Oh, hell. What have I gotten myself in for?”
| “but I do know from watching relationships play out in the stories in the archives that this is the part where you get your finger out of your ass and go find him!”
| Giles
| “I was trying to explain that while she is quite the badass, she’s actually quite the… well, leader.”
| “I’ll bet these people are going to be worshiping the goddess of the stars who came to save them, but also kicked ass and took names.”
| Bethany Anne
| “make sure we have finished all the tasks we have to do, and get the fuck off this planet.”
| Giles
| “If the answer is yes and everything else goes to shit, then you’ve still done your job, in my book.”
| “One of the Bitches?”
| John
| “No. I don’t think you want that kind of ass-kicking all of the time.”
| “You stepped up to help those people, and you didn’t flip out when we gave you shit.”
| Giles
| SHIT. She’s reading my motherfucking mind!
| Bethany Anne
| “Giles, why the fuck do you carry books?”
| “Can't have you doing your archaeological-civilization-saving thing and falling prey to malaria or whatever shit goes on out there.”
| Giles
| “Holy fuckwipes of a Yollin’s pancreas,”
| Bethany Anne
| “Oh for fuck’s sake, stand up TH!”
| “Come up here and let’s talk like folks who have kicked some ass and now are going to get a little well-deserved R and R.”
| “It can be sliced into little fucking pieces, but where one is removed, another takes its place. Fucking cockroaches!”
| “What do you think about exporting your brand of justice to the whole fucking universe?”
| “To take your skills and your get-shit-done attitude to a place that will cause your eyes to pop.”
| Bobby
| “you need to pay attention too, you stupid bitch.”
| “But the truth is, you were a heartless bitch who already ended too many lives,”
| Sandra
| “Fuck!”
| Robin
| “Into the great beyond to kick alien ass,”
| John
| “You can't bullshit a bullshitter,”
| Kiel
| “No, no bullshit.”
| Scott
| “help stomp out shit that is going on.”

Revision as of 18:37, 20 June 2018

Super Fan Trista Collins created this list of cursing in the Second Dark Ages books 1-4 in order of use.

We give her many thanks!!

Book 1 – The Dark Messiah
Jeremiah “It’s damned hot out here.”
Scar-nose “At some point, even gentlemen don’t give a rat’s ass anymore, and the boss will stop trying to be civil in this godforsaken uncivilized land.”
Jeremiah “Cause shit just got too damned real,”
Michael “Gott Verdammt!”
Sarah Jennifer “Oh, that jackass.”
“Come in, let’s discuss scuzzbucket’s latest threats
“Okay, what’s bull-shittiest-maximus want this time?”
Jeremiah “Your ass, or land, probably both,”
Sarah Jennifer “What’s asshat got planned now?”
“Well, at least the disgusting pig is finally showing his true colors.”
Jeremiah “That is, if he decides it’s going to be a pain in the ass to root us out.”
“I can’t promise you more than three for damned sure,”
Michael “Now this is damned embarrassing.”
David “even I know that would be a dick move.”
Buddy “Dick move or not,”
Todd “She’ll take her size whatever the hell they are boots and shove them up Childers’ ass,”
Dirk “Damn right she caught me cussing,”
“So, I go off and say shit or something like that.”
“I figured, what the hell,”
Jeremiah “My mom was hell on wheels about cussing.”
“No, jackass,”
Michael “Glad to know one damned thing still works.”
Dirk “They come in, they kick ass, they leave. Made up of a lot of damned impressive people.”
Sarah Jennifer “How about I use my supposedly weak right leg and kick your ass with it?”
Sarah Jennifer “Whenever you're ready to feel my size sevens up your ass,”
Russell “without that damned bitch for some of the slaves to run to for protection…”
Jack “Damn, I could go with getting a little pre-victory slash before…”
Todd “catch her fist and backhand the shit out of her?”
Dirk “It went so damned fast I’m not sure.”
Michael “anywhere near my ass.”
“Too much time being top bitch.”
Sarah Jennifer “Fuck…”
Jeremiah “She really, really hates to be called a bitch.”
Sarah Jennifer “And if I tell you to get the fuck off my land?”
Jeremiah “We need a damned savior for this to go in our favor tomorrow.”
Michael “Someone I love would tell you I’m just a stubborn, obstinate, pain in her ass.”
Jeremiah “Why you sent our one seriously badass guy away?”
“If he was to do anything, they’ll just track his ass down and kill him.”
Sarah Jennifer “with the last name Nacht, to leave them the fuck alone.”
Jeremiah “The best chance for a savior of this colossal fuck up and you just pissed him away.”
Michael “Oh… shit.”
Sarah Jennifer “Hell,”
Russell “Yeah, but it’ll be a bitch to get close enough to get it in place without getting shot.”
Jack Childers “They won’t remember a damned thing, but I’m sure they’ll have fun.”
Russell “The hell?”
“Can't see shit.”
Jack Childers “One of those assholes must be outside.”
Jeremiah “Damn, only made him duck.”
Todd “What… the… hell… is… that?”
Jeremiah “The hell?”
Sarah Jennifer “A lot of the stories coming from TH, I thought, were bullshit.”
“Wrong move, assholes.”
“I’ve already apologized to Dirk and Todd for being a stupid bitch to all of you,”
Jack Childers “What the fuck has that bitch ever done for you?”
“What the fuck ever, Russell.”
“Why is one slut worth fifty men to you?”
Russell “Fuck… you…”
Jacqueline “Oh… damn. You are fucking beautiful.”
Jeremiah “Damned good to see you again, Michael!”
Sarah Jennifer “I’m her, you dick!”
“I was a bitch, ok? I was a kickass female who took no shit from anyone and GOD what a mistake.”
“Not no shit from no one. But the bitch part.”
“Someone taught me that you can be gentle, and still not take any shit from anyone.”
Gate Guard “Oh, a rich bitch,”
Jacqueline “Act like they can walk on water and their shit don’t stink.”
Gerry “I’ll be damned, we have a shot to get you out of here, Jacqueline,”
Lackey 1 “He probably would be ok with a little destruction before we take it out into the street and beat the shit out of him.”
Barkeeper “Then, he walks out like it wasn’t any big thing to beat the shit out of two guys.”
Michael “You messed up my perfect score, jackass,”
“What the hell,”
Robert “We aren’t making anything easy, shithead,”
Michael “Dammit!”
Gerry “Damn…”
“Sicknesses we thought were beat came back and kicked our ass.”
“Hell if I know what the whole story is and frankly I’m a little fuzzy on the details after all of these years.
“May I say, you can be an ass?”
Gerry “The Alpha here is a world class dick, but he does try to protect his people.”
Hank “Why do you think this guy is hot shit?”
“How the fuck is he doing that?”
Joshua “Right fucking here,”
“I’d suggest coming and bagging his ass before he splits.”
Hank “Somebody totally fucked up Kraven’s place and Joshua is thinking he’s going after his location next.”
Izzy “We drag your ass all over this land each time we move, you should feel important.”
Calvin “You fuckers are a lot scarier at night.”
Izzy “It’s turning night outside now, asshole.”
Hank “He’s just mind fucking you.”
“Well, that’s a crock of shit, you fucking devil in a human body.”
Daniel “Burn motherfuckers…buuuuurrrrnnnnn…”
Hank “Beats the fuck out of me.”
Kevin “Stupid ass duty for a stupid ass reason!”
Timothy “Get the fuck outta the way, Alphonse!”
Hank “but we can grab a few humans after we lock his ass down.”
“You ready to send some hot lead out to fuck up another demon?”
Calvin “Fuck em all up,”
Michael “Fuck it…”
Jacqueline “You cocksucking motherfucking asshole!”
Michael “These assholes are just stepping on my last nerve.”
Hank or Calvin “Big bald fuck out there isn’t getting out of the way, can't be so smart as all that,”
Calvin “Jackhole’s intelligence must be affected by the sun!”
“What the hell is a monologue?”
“Where the fuck is he?”
Hank “Well, get the fuck up and over here!”
Izzy “I swear to God I’ll kick your ass!”
Michael Come kick my ass, Izzy!”
Jacqueline “Because Justice is waiting to send you to Hell!”
“Fuck it!”
Lamont’s second (Jake) “Dammit, Lamont! What the hell…”
Lamont “Hell no.”
Jacqueline “Hell if I know?”
Paul “How the hell,”
Yuko “I want to grow up and be a person who doesn’t bitch about serving our Queen in a hopeless effort to help her love.”
Jacqueline “I still vote to toss his useless ass off the airship so I can hear him scream in the night.”
Paul “Oh shit!”
Jacqueline “Dammit,”
“Still think I should have tossed his ass out.”
NY Were 1 “You fucking bitch!”
Jacqueline “It will heal, asshole,”
NY Were 1 “Listen you cunt!”
Jacqueline “Not have a fucking clue I was here,”
NY Were 4 aka Johnny “We got your ass now, sweetheart,”
Jacqueline “Kiss my ass!”
“Holy fuckazoid!”
NY Were 4 aka Johnny “That was a lucky shot, bitch.”
NY Were 3 “Well that was a hell of a fight,”
“I’m going to move it on up to max because my nuts hurt like a son of a bitch.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“What the hell!”
Jacqueline “This is bullshit. Chicago isn’t this much of a pain in the ass to walk around in.”
“You motherfucker,”
Crazy bitch “Big words for a little-too-stupid-to-live slut like you.”
Jacqueline “Dammit!”
“I. Am. Not. A. Slut!”
“You hear that Michael? I AM NOT A SLUT!”
“You crazy—assed bitch,”
Brick “I just need to find some new pussy,”
Michael “Dammit,”
Jacqueline “Holy shit,”
Jake “No fucking way, not two.”
“God damn and steal my girlfriend,”
Darren (who?) “No, not really, just fucked up the last political boss here.”
“He fucked up people left and right. Then, he went over to the local pack’s encampment and fucked up another group,”
Old woman “Should you have been running him out of town a bit quicker, maybe walking him to the city limits or just kicking his ass right here?”
Jake “And that’s who is going to be making the decisions anytime a damned daywalking vampire shows the fuck up.”
Jacqueline “No frilly things from the ladies… uh… damn.”
Michael “Jacqueline, you seem to think that being strong and kicking ass is the opposite of being a woman.”
Jacqueline “Kicked their asses and ripped their fucking heads off their shoulders. I would have ripped one arm off and used it to beat the shit out of the next guy,”
“No fucking way!”
“I would have come for you if I had only known. What happened to you is bullshit, on so many levels I can't even begin to comprehend.”
Michael “Fucking clothes,”
Billy’s teammates “HELL YEAH!”
Mark “Shit!”
Dodds “We got the little pecker this time,”
Fitzsimmons “My big ass and you two scrawny sidekicks make us seem too harsh.”
Dodds “Fuck that,”
“My weight to strength ratio kicks your ass, you puss. Second, Wally, we don’t ask a little twatwaffle anything.”
Fitzsimmons “Well, shit.”
“Come to Poppa, you little shit.”
Walarand “Hell yeah,”
“Your ass wasn’t attacked two months ago.”
Fitzsimmons “I’ve got a package of little girl pink panties for you, wuss boy,”
“Maybe I’ll give you the yellows for swallowing your balls and putting them back in their sack where they belong,”
Wally “Fuck you, Fitz.”
Dodds “Take this shit, you blood fucker!”
Fitzsimmons “The fuck?”
Michael “The ‘fuck’ as you call it,”
Fitzsimmons “The hell it will!”
Michael “Hell is for children,”
Fitzsimmons “Fuck… fuck you… demon…”
Billy “Go fuck yourself!”
“You're going down, you bastard.”
Peterson “God dammit,”
Enforcer 1 “Fucking Vamps and Weres,”
“Knew we shouldn’t have trusted those hairy fucks.”
Peterson “Fire on that fucker!”
“Who the hell are these fuckers?”
Ethan “Who the hell knows?”
“Make your damned shots count!”
Ted “What are those fuckers up to?”
“They never gave a shit about us before.”
“God damn, Ethan,”
“Now’s the time you pinch her ass?”
Ethan “Shiiiiiiiit,”
“Fuck my life.”
Janine “You kill these fuckers,”
“and I’ll fuck your brains out!”
Ted “Who the fuck is that?”
Ethan “Hell if I know,”
Ted “FUCK!”
“Shit Janine, if I had known blood, guts and almost dying made you so randy, I’d have shot myself!”
Milton “Meredith would rip my pecker off in the middle of the night and feed it to me.”
Ted “Dammit, Ethan!”
Ted “What the hell is happening?”
Ethan “Fuck me!”
Michael “and then help her toss your useless ass over the side.”
Louis “There were fucking vampires all over down there. What kind of shit is going on?”
“Now, those that you were preying on are running around killing your asses.”
“What the hell do you…”
“Oh shit. You're him!”
Ethan “Oh fuck it,”
“I said no fucking way are you getting in here, I don’t care what time it is, they can all kiss my ass,”
Book 2 – The Darkest Night
Billy’s shipmate “I’m tired of stale bread and water, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that fat fuck over there has real meat on board.”
Michael “was a little peace and quiet to consider my next fucking steps.”
Jacqueline “Because you're Michael and shit.”
“I can't believe I have to throw water on his face to wake his ass up.”
“we have pirates tracking our ship into a big-ass storm.”
Billy “Move your land-loving lard-ass!”
“Is that shit working?”
Mellon “Sonofabitch!”
Billy “Do a better job holding your ass up, Mellon!”
“Let’s come in like Hell’s own demons”
Captain O’Banion “The hell!”
“Gott Verdammt, we are in a fucking storm!”
Jacqueline “That grumpy-assed old man.”
Cholly “or we aren’t going to have anything to show for all of this damned effort!”
Jacqueline “Are you shitting me?”
“If you are fucking with me, I’ll throw your skinny vampire ass off this ship!”
“these incoming pirates will have to take a back seat until after the ass-kicking I will give you!”
Billy “What the hell was that?”
“Stupid fucker is probably sleeping,”
Juliana “and there is whatever the fuck you are actually suggesting. That shit isn’t even remotely possible for a woman and there is absolutely no chance there could be any pleasure for her at all.”
Combs “What the fuck?”
Terek “Land this fucking thing already or I’m going to throw up all over you!”
Leon “God damn, did you see the explosion?”
Jacqueline “Motherfucker, that’s my most comfortable shirt you just shot a hole in!”
Terek “Oh, fuck me!”
Jacqueline “How the fuck did you make this seem so easy?”
Arnold “Oh, fuck.”
Cholly “How the hell do you know my name?”
Michael “if you release the button, or do a piss-poor job making them in the first place dammit!”
Jacqueline “The fact you took out two other people should have alerted you to the fact the second asshole pirate was mine!”
“What the fuck?”
Mark “Goddammit!”
“Don’t you fucking think about falling off or I’ll jump after you and cuss you out the whole way down!”
Michael “I’m done with this fucking storm.”
Jacqueline “Oh God that fucking huurrrrtttt.”
“What the hell, Mark?”
“You are in no way more powerful than my fucking love.”
Yuko “Sometimes, for a wonderful friend you can be such a bitch.”
Jacqueline “he’s scaring the hell out of me!”
Mark “Fuck if I know,”
“But as badass as that ship looks,”
Jacqueline “Fuuuuuck!”
“I suppose she is badass too.”
Michael You could say she is a real bitch,”
Captain “Where the hell-“
Jacqueline “Damn he can be annoying.”
Akio “well, ‘so fucking cool’ is how Bobcat and William said it.”
Sabine “Fuck them,”
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh-my-what-the-fucking-shit-is-this?”
“Fuck it, I’ll slit my own throat.”
Mark “You fucking cheater,”
Jacqueline “Oh, fuck,”
“You fucking lunatic!”
“There are no bitches here!”
“Stop laying down on the job Mark and let’s kick some more ass!”
“Bitccch, he’s minnne.”
“But you were a badass and I was enjoying your touch too much to care.”
Michael “I think that qualifies you pretty damned well to say my name.”
Timothy “Might seem weird to you, and certainly seems weird to me, but I’d put my hand on my Grandmother’s grave and swear that he just told me to aim my rifle somewhere else or he would come over here and shove it up my ass.”
Kirk “Now what the hell?”
“Your sights are gonna be all sorts of fucked up now.”
Timothy “But I don’t have to worry about shitting out the barrel of my gun an inch at a time either,”
“We got one weird-ass group out there, boss.”
James “The hell?”
“Fuck it! I’m going down.”
Yuko “Damn, I missed one.”
Sabine “Last night I was running away from Werewolves, now I feel like running towards them due to these jackasses behind us.”
James “Oh, holy fuck…”
Timothy “The hell…”
Kirk “The hell are these people?”
Michael If any of you dare shoot us in the back, I will personally rip your arm off and shove it up your ass.”
Sabine “Don’t fuck with my friends.”
Two guys “The hell?”
EVE “You need a good brace to fire this fucker,”
“Wow, more kick than I had realized, fucker went to fifteen.”
James “Son of a bitch,”
Mark “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Jacqueline “About damned time!”
Mark “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Timothy “Oh, holy shit!”
“I think I’m getting a bullet boner!”
Mark and Jacqueline “Oh shit!”
Mark “Damn!”
Timothy “But they have really nice asses.”
James “And they do have nice asses.”
Timothy “Fuck it.”
“Not like we own them, for fuck’s sake.”
Kirk “They are another group, and they are here to fight the same shit we are.”
James “Bad guys who were sending a shit-ton of Weres in our direction to kill us today,”
Timothy “For the first fucking time in three years it feels like my future isn’t just death by whatever nasty shit my brain can dream up.”
“That you are a fucking genius,”
James “Oh, hell no…”
“The hell…”
“You really did tell Timothy that you would shove the rifle up his ass?”
“Son of a bitch, Kirk! The fuck?”
“The hell he isn’t talking!”
“I really fucking hate you.”
Mark “That would be badass.”
“God bless, but if he starts raising his arms to the sky, drop everything and run like hell.”
Michael “Protect your shooters and harass the hell out of the Weres.”
Kirk “If I had to guess, they are going to pull some serious shit and don’t want us in the way.”
Mark “Oh shit!”
Sabine “What the hell, people?”
Kirk “The hell?”
Timothy “I’d have to say I don’t have one fucking clue.”
Kirk “The hell…”
James “No! I’m bullshitting you.”
Kirk “Asshole.”
“I… can’t… believe… something something… that… asshole… left me…something else…Prick.”
James “Damn!”
“Putting up with her mouth all the time would be a pain in the ass.”
“Hell no,”
Kirk “Hell no.”
Akio “She is bitching because you scared her.”
Jacqueline We are out here in the middle of a goddamned grass plain next to the city of never-being-lit anymore,”
Michael “She isn’t going to buy that kind of shit.”
James “She knows how badass the others are, right?”
Kirk “Fuck.”
Jacqueline “I’m getting some damned pistols or something next time,”
Michael “Dammit! I missed.”
James “No fucking clue,”
Jacqueline “Ooohhhh, shit.”
Mark “it’s about to get scary as hell down here.”
Jacqueline “Shit, fucking shit!”
“My damned ears are bleeding!”
Kirk “Well, fuck.”
Greta “What, fuck?”
Jacqueline “Dammit, Eve!”
“Accept the clothes, and don’t make me bitch-slap you into next week,”
“Michael will not be pleased to have to wait on your tardy ass.”
Michael “They are playing a game of Who’s the Biggest Bitch.”
“Bitch, female dog, Werewolf.”
Jacqueline “I amm soo fucking tirredd of taking shiiit from everyyyone who mmouuths off too mmeeee!”
“Oh, hell no!”
Sabine “at least from what I know, is damned far away.”
Jacqueline “what little the old bald-headed bastard allowed me,”
“Who apparently has goddamned super-hearing.”
Mark “I answered truthfully, an now you are twisting my damned words.”
Kirk “Can you make sure those two assholes up there pull their guns back?”
“Or have to listen to someone moan when we pull a rifle out of their ass.”
Jacqueline “Those assholes needed a little killing,”
Michael “I’ll be a son of a bitch,”
Akio “I’ll tell you about the time a little girl shot me in the ass with a crossbow.”
Mark “Oh shit.”
Jacqueline “that training bullshit is for the birds.”
Mark “Daaamnnnn,”
Jacqueline “Fuck.”
Yuko “The Bitch Protocol.”
Michael “Well, shit.”
Mark “that just twelve hours ago, we were in Europe kicking ass.”
Jacqueline “Don’t you mean watching ass being kicked?”
“Hell yeah that’s Michael
Choki “Who the fuck are they?”
Banri “Dammit!”
Jacqueline “I ammm the bittchhh yoouu fearrr!”
“I will rip yourrr spine oouut yourrr ass.”
William “I’ll be damned,”
Michael “Well, fuck.”
“Gott Verdammt!”
Mark “That bullshit isn’t going to fly with me.”
Michael “We aren’t fucking getting out of here.”
“Not exactly the killing part, more the constant ‘kill them all’ stick up my ass."
Book 3 – Darkest Before the Dawn
Michael “Damn large words, Akio.”
“Since he’s a genocidal megalomaniacal bastard,”
Jacqueline “I think so, but what the fuck?”
“It’s a good reaction to have when your ass needs saving!”
Mark “I’m still thrilled I have the badassiest girlfriend on the planet.”
Michael “That’ll teach me to do something half-assed.”
“It would be easier to just lock the doors and beat the shit out of everyone.”
Akio “If you pull out a weapon, I will blow your Gott Verdammt head off.”
Michael “What the hell?”
“Oh, shut the hell up!”
“No fucking way,”
Kirk “Don’t you point your guns unless you want to shit them out later!”
James “Oh…damn,”
Kirk “Hell,”
Evan “Oh, hell.”
Sabine “Shit!”
Adlar “It’s feeling too damned weird,”
Meinard “You need to get laid and grow the fuck up.”
Derick “Bones, you ass!”
“If you fuck up the Duke’s chalet, he will probably end you and my life will be better for it.”
“Where the hell?”
Leo “Put your damned finger down!”
“It gives humans some damned good benefits,”
He’s the Number Two over there and a real asswipe.”
“make damn sure that asshole is dead and buried.”
Harry “Damned dust.”
Noah “We are damned near immortal, I bet you.”
Thomas “What the hell, we been together since we all beat the shit out of Charley William in fourth grade.
Mark “No shit?”
EVE “Yes shit.”
Michael “Fuck it.”
Sabine “This asshole,”
Michael “The goddamn sun?”
Thomas “Dammit”
“Fucker must be stronger than we thought.”
Sabine “Dammit!”
Samantha “Well, why the fuck are we yacking here about sexual innuendos then?”
Stephen “I’m going whoring with the first part of the money,”
“The hell?”
Sabine “Dammit, you move fast!”
Jan “If you will just promise to wear it when you yank that sonofabitch’s heart out of his chest, then our daughter will be avenged,”
Sabine “Dammit”
Michael “Well, shit.”
“Well… hell.”
Noah “What the hell?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Jacqueline “Doing this without an air supply sucks ass.”
“Can't be seen as pussies.”
Harry “We don’t need any of those fuckers getting loose while we deal with someone coming in from the outside.”
Leo “We have good intelligence that Noah, may demons eat his corpse in hell, was killed during a kill-or-capture operation in Germany,”
Mickie “Hell, I would.”
Sabine “Bethany Anne is going to be waiting awhile for you to heal from me sticking the Jean Dukes special up your ass and pulling the trigger!”
“Just one more Gott Verdammt word, Mr. ArchAngel.”
“then I’ll fucking die taking down yet another level of dickheads that need taking out.”
“we’re fucking doing it because we wouldn’t be any-fucking-where else than right by your side.”
“Damn right you're proud,”
George “How the hell are we going to see any red in their eyes?”
“It’s fucking noon outside,”
Harry “Goddamned better guns than we got!”
Leo “Hooooly shit,”
Oscar “Who the hell?
“Fuuuuuuuck meee,”
Leo “Tell everyone to stay the hell away from those three.”
“if I’m right, that is the baddest motherfucker on our planet.”
Michael “These fucking hurt,”
“Hellacious kick,”
Sabine “Pussies”
“Oh, hell no! I take that back.”
Harry “Welcome to my lair, motherfucker!”
“Survive that, you sonofabitch!”
Michael “Don’t you dare mess up my coat, and leave my damned hat alone!”
Sabine “Four more fuckers who won’t be bothering Michael.”
“No shit?”
Akio “No, I do not shit you,”
“No shit?”
Sabine “Ok, I’m talking out my ass.”
Michael “Sonofabitch, Akio”
“since she kicked his ass and then killed him.”
William “Sonofabitch!”
Sabine “Fuck it.”
Yuko “Jacqueline was ready to come all the way here and kick Michael’s ass,”
“I love you, but you can be such a logical bitch sometimes.”
“Let me change that to logical bitch frequently.”
Michael “It hurt like a Gott Verdammt sonofabitch.”
“I’m so damned old all of my give up, got up and left my body already.”
“and the knowledge that I had the best people working to get me out of the cocked-up place I got myself in.”
Book 4 – Dawn Arrives
Michael “Man, that woman knew how to get shit done…”
Mark “I understood that China was like, I dunno… the ass-end of nowhere?”
Raiden “Dammit.”
Soldier scout “Shit!”
Raiden “Son of a bitch!”
“Turns out those chickenshit Chinese soldiers don’t want to engage.”
“Hell yeah, now it feels right!”
Michael “I will rip your finger completely off and shove it up your ass.”
“Damned airtight shit,”
“Fuck it. Bethany Anne has a dog, and now I’ve got a cat.”
Bethany Anne “that you should take so fucking LONG!”
“Do you know how much shit I’ve had to put up with in the last century and a half?”
“They made me a Gott Verdammt EMPRESS!”
“Lying around on your ass, I bet!”
Michael “I don’t believe healing from a nuclear explosion is the same thing as lying around on my ass,”
Bethany Anne “Why don’t you think about how to answer me politely while your ass sits in the Etheric until I come get it!”
Michael “What, no ‘fuck?’ As in ‘fucking rank piece of fetid fish food?’”
Bethany Anne “I’ll feed you to the fucking fish, you gag-sacking dried-out cockroach-sodding bunghole-filler!”
“You are a fucker!”
Michael “She did not just take my fucking hat!”
Bethany Anne “Gott Verdammt!”
“Where are you, you bastard?”
“You toad-licking huphalump!”
“You bitch!”
Michael “But no one calls me a bitch!”
Mark “Did she just call him a crusted bunghole of a space-zombie?”
Eric “What the hell, I’ll go for the long shot.”
Bethany Anne “That conceited gigantic –“
John “Damn! You obviously take after your mother,”
Gabrielle “Ok, pay up bitches!”
Bethany Anne “You ass! I gave you a moving eulogy.”
Michael “I don’t know our future, but know that I’ll always be with you, through hell and back…”
“That is one sexy bitch,”
Mark Those ladies who are seeking the right answer, truth be damned, aren’t helping their relationships.”
Jacqueline “Now you can look at that sexy bitch out there.”
“did I just call the Queen a sexy bitch?”
ArchAngel II “You called me a sexy bitch, and I’ll accept that as a compliment.”
“the Queen wants enough firepower to ‘lay waste to a shit-ton of idiots,’ as she puts it,
Mark “Daaaammn,”
Eric “Are you shitting me?”
John “I don’t want to come in there and try to save your ass.”
Demitry “Shit,”
Jacqueline “You would be proud, Dad. I caught me a good one, and I promise not to fuck it up.”
Barnabas “you have to stop pulling this kind of shit.”
Bethany Anne “A real ass-kicking date, is it?”
I’ve got to listen to Adam Asswipe here?
“I don’t suppose you would provide me with a description of all this shit between me and you, would you?”
“I’m getting randy again, but I’d hate to have to wait for you to kill this asshole.”
Giles “Oh, hell. What have I gotten myself in for?”
EVE “but I do know from watching relationships play out in the stories in the archives that this is the part where you get your finger out of your ass and go find him!”
Giles “I was trying to explain that while she is quite the badass, she’s actually quite the… well, leader.”
“I’ll bet these people are going to be worshiping the goddess of the stars who came to save them, but also kicked ass and took names.”
Bethany Anne “make sure we have finished all the tasks we have to do, and get the fuck off this planet.”
Giles “If the answer is yes and everything else goes to shit, then you’ve still done your job, in my book.”
“One of the Bitches?”
John “No. I don’t think you want that kind of ass-kicking all of the time.”
“You stepped up to help those people, and you didn’t flip out when we gave you shit.”
Giles SHIT. She’s reading my motherfucking mind!
Bethany Anne “Giles, why the fuck do you carry books?”
“Can't have you doing your archaeological-civilization-saving thing and falling prey to malaria or whatever shit goes on out there.”
Giles “Holy fuckwipes of a Yollin’s pancreas,”
Bethany Anne “Oh for fuck’s sake, stand up TH!”
“Come up here and let’s talk like folks who have kicked some ass and now are going to get a little well-deserved R and R.”
“It can be sliced into little fucking pieces, but where one is removed, another takes its place. Fucking cockroaches!”
“What do you think about exporting your brand of justice to the whole fucking universe?”
“To take your skills and your get-shit-done attitude to a place that will cause your eyes to pop.”
Bobby “you need to pay attention too, you stupid bitch.”
“But the truth is, you were a heartless bitch who already ended too many lives,”
Sandra “Fuck!”
Robin “Into the great beyond to kick alien ass,”
John “You can't bullshit a bullshitter,”
Kiel “No, no bullshit.”
Scott “help stomp out shit that is going on.”