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Gayda remembered, "But there was a sense of excitement about the pain he caused. The cruelty was as much an end in itself as a means to an end."Paul turned to Boris and the others. "Have you finished that list and narrowed down by removing answers that fit only one?" They gathered round the table, eliminating answers that only covered one or two pieces of the puzzle. Finally, they were left with a half dozen: Fire, Despair, Fear, Nothing, Hope, and Grace.
Gayda remembered, "But there was a sense of excitement about the pain he caused. The cruelty was as much an end in itself as a means to an end."Paul turned to Boris and the others. "Have you finished that list and narrowed down by removing answers that fit only one?" They gathered round the table, eliminating answers that only covered one or two pieces of the puzzle. Finally, they were left with a half dozen: Fire, Despair, Fear, Nothing, Hope, and Grace.
BC 04/6  Over the years, despite or perhaps because of his change into a Were, '''Paul''' had slowly withdrawn from the combat forces. He had spent nearly as large a percentage of his life as Boris soldiering. More of it in proportion actively fighting. After the destruction of the world he had known, he'd lost his sense of humor, as well. Eventually, he had become an analyst. There was also the incident that had so upset Alecta, his wife, that Boris had felt compelled to pull him from the field.
Also, Paul and Boris had a falling out over Olaf. They had fallen out some about twenty years ago when Boris refused to send Olaf on missions with any real danger. Things had been cordial but cool between them. It had taken a large serving of crow, but Boris was making an effort to reach out to Paul now.
For the last twenty-five years, Paul had been responsible for arranging the critique of every operation and training exercise. He also made good use of his schooling in psychology, helping troopers deal with the effects of battle fatigue and combat stress.

Revision as of 04:37, 7 July 2018

BC 01/4, 5 In the town of Romanovka,, Boris had been the pack leader, Paul his Enforcer. Paul was marries to Alecta. Paul had been in the Australian special forces before meeting Alecta. Paul knew Boris was a Werebear and just shrugged it off. Paul tended to be a big-mouth, telling things he should have kept secret, letting everything out that was private.

BC 01/7 Paul decides to stay on Earth, as Boris' Second, along with Janna, his Third. Alecta has no skills to contribute to the Earth Group, but doesn't want to go to space without Paul, even though she would be with their children. (two boys, 12 and 15) Aunt to take guardianship? But Alecta doesn’t have any military experience, nor a reputation as a hunter, tracker or a decent shot. She’d be useless to the group compared to what she could contribute to the space-borne group.With a Master’s degree in metallurgy, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in geology and mining and five years of industry experience Janna will see if Cheryl Lynn can put her into the design group.

BC03/16 Paul was very strange to her in many ways. In her time, she would have considered him a follower of Loki. A capable fighter, and from everything she had heard, not without courage. He always seemed to have a jest available and didn't appear to see combat as anything more than a job. Something that he had to do, not something that was filled with honor and glory. He trained his militia to approach war in the same fashion. War, to him, was simply business. It was more of a profession like smithing or farming than the calling she remembered it being for her. He always played the fool. The buffoon, the idiot, the jokester. Even when training townspeople in their militia duties he did it with jokes and funny situations gotten in and out of. Always to emphasize the skills he was teaching.

This was a completely different Paul, one who was deadly serious. One who wasn't playing the idiot. He has two different masters degrees in psychology. One in aberrant psychology, the other in Combat and Post-Combat psychology, Alecta said. Boris was amazed, also. It wasn't often Paul acted seriously. He was always thoughtful in combat, but Boris had seen him avoid a mugging by laughing in the face of the guy who pulled a knife. He was a little unnerving in the way he could get out of any situation he got into.

Gayda remembered, "But there was a sense of excitement about the pain he caused. The cruelty was as much an end in itself as a means to an end."Paul turned to Boris and the others. "Have you finished that list and narrowed down by removing answers that fit only one?" They gathered round the table, eliminating answers that only covered one or two pieces of the puzzle. Finally, they were left with a half dozen: Fire, Despair, Fear, Nothing, Hope, and Grace.

BC 04/6 Over the years, despite or perhaps because of his change into a Were, Paul had slowly withdrawn from the combat forces. He had spent nearly as large a percentage of his life as Boris soldiering. More of it in proportion actively fighting. After the destruction of the world he had known, he'd lost his sense of humor, as well. Eventually, he had become an analyst. There was also the incident that had so upset Alecta, his wife, that Boris had felt compelled to pull him from the field. Also, Paul and Boris had a falling out over Olaf. They had fallen out some about twenty years ago when Boris refused to send Olaf on missions with any real danger. Things had been cordial but cool between them. It had taken a large serving of crow, but Boris was making an effort to reach out to Paul now. For the last twenty-five years, Paul had been responsible for arranging the critique of every operation and training exercise. He also made good use of his schooling in psychology, helping troopers deal with the effects of battle fatigue and combat stress.