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====TKG 18/3====
====TKG 18/3====
Russian Werewolf, who had been entrapped in Russia for years in Were form. Had lost children, family to Russian slaughter. Suffering mentally, but will heal with the years. Rescued by Boris.
Russian Werebear, who had been trapped in Russia for years in Were form. Had lost children, family to Russian slaughter. Suffering mentally, but will heal with the years. Rescued by Boris.
====TKG 18/4, 7====
====TKG 18/4, 7====

Revision as of 06:07, 6 July 2018

Wechselbalg, Werewolf

TKG 18/3

Russian Werebear, who had been trapped in Russia for years in Were form. Had lost children, family to Russian slaughter. Suffering mentally, but will heal with the years. Rescued by Boris.

TKG 18/4, 7

Peter asks her to join Wechselbalg group, as a team leader. Was a strong fighter, and a "berserker". Will work with Shun, Zhu and Jian, along with 2 others to be recruited.

TKG 18/7

Describes herself ans Bethany Anne's "shield maiden" in a conversation.

BC 03/5 Gyada, The Beast, was comfortable for the first time in centuries. Her two biggest problems had been boredom, and figuring out what the voice in her head had been. She'd been so enraged when the alien creature had changed, or as he put it, ‘improved’ her and her children, that she had ignored his threats that he would trap her in this animal’s form if she acted against him. She had helped her children escape, and had killed the alien. Nor did she regret killing the alien. At the time she had thought it must have been something from Nifelheim or Svatalfhiem. She now honestly didn't know. After all, if it had been from one of the other realms, could she have killed it?

After she killed the one who changed her and her children, she had gone back to her home village, only to have the hunters from the village try and track her down. In her anger at being attacked by her own people, she had struck out. She regretted that now. The people from her original home had hunted and chained her, but the chains couldn't hold her, and in her anger, she had destroyed the village. She had then gone around destroying the communities of any who tried to hunt her, until that man, the one who had been stronger than her, had trapped her in this lair, in her new home. And she had been trapped in the animal form.

Gyada tried to ignore the voices, the ones that spoke to her whenever she was there. But in the enforced boredom of Gods knew how long trapped in these caves, Gyada had eventually turned to the voices. Responded to them, asked questions, received answers. The voices had told her the most wondrous tales. And slowly she had come to an understanding that it was not a Jotun or any other evil creature. Every so often Gyada tried to change back to human. She remembered how it was done, but her body stayed firmly in this form. She had learned many things that would have been useful had she been able to return to her human form, but the body of the creature this being’s master had left her in was not adept at the tasks that would be required to use that knowledge. She comforted herself with the thought that at least her children had gone free. In time, the being had taught her how it, and its now dead master, had spoken.

She had no real idea of how long she’d been here. The voice had done its best to calm her while she was in pain from her hunger, and convinced she would die. It said she was drawing the energy her body needed from elsewhere. She still only had a rough understanding of this ‘elsewhere’ the being spoke of.

But then she also had trouble understanding that the creatures that had broken into her cave were humans. It hadn’t been until she had tasted their blood that she had known. This group she had encountered had smelled so different from her memories of what humans were like. They had been something unknown, and in her current form, the unknown was frightening. Not only that, they had invaded her home, the place she had become comfortable. If they damaged or destroyed it where would she go? She had been here for so long she had no idea what the outside world was like. She didn’t want to leave. But they had come deep into her home, and their strange devices had fired things that hurt her. Finally, they had been something she could eat.

The second group of new humans had been different. They had waited for her at her lair and smelled of the woods. She had not noticed them until she was too close to them to escape. They'd also had chains strong enough to hold her. It was all very strange, as they had been able to take forms unlike their human forms, but not a true beast form either. Like her children had once been able to take. She had feared her children had been affected as she was. That there were no others who could shift. She had been wrong. She lay down on the cell that her captors had made for her and listened, trying to learn the language which they spoke.

BC 03/6 It had taken TOM two months to complete the analysis of the Beast's DNA and nanites with ADAM’s help. It was odd, very odd. The species that she had been transformed into was extinct and had been for tens of thousands of years. It wasn’t even a placental mammal but was a marsupial. Thylacoleo Carnifex, the Marsupial Lion, although it was actually more like a bear in form than a lion. He and ADAM had reverse engineered how it had been done, or at least a probable method, but without ADAM, TOM would have been completely out of his depth. The other interesting thing was her nanites seemed to react to radio waves. They'd confirmed the beast was female. ADAM was reasonably sure that she had been human, as he had found sections of trashed programming. Remarkably trashed, as if they'd been deliberately destroyed by someone or something. He felt this was how she had been trapped in this beast form. The fact that the Beast was still alive and the computer still running suggested that they had gotten as far as using the Etheric for a power source, but not for communications, by the time whatever happened, happened. . What had been done to the Beast, on the other hand, was genius. A cruel, evil genius, but genius nonetheless.

Without the nanite protocols to assist a human in changing back-and-forth, he extrapolated it would be difficult, if not impossible for a human to achieve that result. Adam, can you see a potential way of reprogramming those nanites without resorting to the Pod Doc? <<Burst radio transmission containing the override in the new programming will do it. In fact, TOM, the nanites’ programming is designed for this method of update. It seems that whoever implanted these nanites and designed the programming for them wanted a way to reprogram them quickly. At least for that section of programming. Many of the programming parts are locked from reprogramming by this method, but with some effort, they could be reprogrammed. However, I do not know enough of this programming language, even from what you've taught me about programming Kurtherian code, to achieve this for the locked sections. Anyone attempting to do so would have to know about the locked sections and design a workaround before they could change them.>> ADAM contuinues to work on the re=programming routine.

BC 03/7 TOM and ADAM had sent a radio-frequency device, profgramed to change Gyada's nanites. Boris and Janna go to her cage, press the buton, and she is confused, then falls unconscious. Two hours later, they were called to her cage. Gyada had awakened and had managed to change into human female form. . She breathed in a shuddering breath of relief, overcome with a sense of wonder, joy, and solace, she started sobbing uncontrollably. Janna came in, helped her dress (motions, no common language), took her to a table to eat, then took her to her own room.

BC 03/8 Could talk to Tom and Shen when they spoke Kurtherian. Over the following weeks between TOM and Shen, they managed to teach her the basics of Russian and English. . Although she still refused to wear a bra, complaining that they were torture devices, she did take to wearing other undergarments. She could no longer hear the voice that had been her constant companion for centuries - was now without him.