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''Mental Magic''  (Mind reading, altering appearance, psychic communication)  Practiced by Mystics     
''Mental Magic''  (Mind reading, altering appearance, psychic communication)  Practiced by Mystics     
        What the mystics practice. They are a gentle community at heart. And yes, their chosen path has made them an odd bunch. Or maybe it was their quirkiness that led them to the study. Regardless, despite the fear that Arcadians feel toward the mystics, they rarely use their power for violence. They actually alter the way we think. Mental magic requires a patience that tends to weed out evil intentions, making mental magic the rarest of the magical arts and generally the cleanest. They are, by nature, recluses. Not to mention, their philosophy of life is bent toward detachment from our world for the sake of transcendence. They believe in a heaven that is right up here.” He tapped his temple. “If it were up to them, they would stay in their mountain temple in the Heights. They make their pilgrimages into Arcadia and other cities as a way to stay connected with other men and women. A way to keep their minds connected to non-mystics. And that is, of course, also why they all drink so much. Traveling into the minds of other humans can be a very disturbing thing, not to mention that getting into a human’s mind is far harder than calling on a bird to land on your finger or moving a rock. The power of suggestion is potent, but you need to burrow through any walls that might be in place. I trained the mystics on how to also manipulate their own minds to keep others out. They are illusionists, able to create worlds with their words. But they can also use their powers to subvert the will of others. Force the minds of others into their service. They can convince the best spies to spill sworn secrets and the bravest men to quake in fear. But most mystics are pacifists and use their gifts for these things in only the direst of times. They prefer to enjoy their lives, telling stories and brightening the world around them. They also can communicate telepathically and even project their consciousness to see far parts of the universe. Mystics were the only magicians who actually utilized words, which most people thought of as spells, to focus the energy within. For this spell you will repeat the words ego sum hyacintho. Repeat the words, focusing on their texture and cadence. She did it. Not a trick. Tricks are what you and Parker used to do for money. This is something entirely different. We create magic.
What the mystics practice. They are a gentle community at heart. And yes, their chosen path has made them an odd bunch. Or maybe it was their quirkiness that led them to the study. Regardless, despite the fear that Arcadians feel toward the mystics, they rarely use their power for violence. They actually alter the way we think. Mental magic requires a patience that tends to weed out evil intentions, making mental magic the rarest of the magical arts and generally the cleanest. They are, by nature, recluses. Not to mention, their philosophy of life is bent toward detachment from our world for the sake of transcendence. They believe in a heaven that is right up here.” He tapped his temple. “If it were up to them, they would stay in their mountain temple in the Heights. They make their pilgrimages into Arcadia and other cities as a way to stay connected with other men and women. A way to keep their minds connected to non-mystics. And that is, of course, also why they all drink so much. Traveling into the minds of other humans can be a very disturbing thing, not to mention that getting into a human’s mind is far harder than calling on a bird to land on your finger or moving a rock. The power of suggestion is potent, but you need to burrow through any walls that might be in place. I trained the mystics on how to also manipulate their own minds to keep others out. They are illusionists, able to create worlds with their words. But they can also use their powers to subvert the will of others. Force the minds of others into their service. They can convince the best spies to spill sworn secrets and the bravest men to quake in fear. But most mystics are pacifists and use their gifts for these things in only the direst of times. They prefer to enjoy their lives, telling stories and brightening the world around them. They also can communicate telepathically and even project their consciousness to see far parts of the universe. Mystics were the only magicians who actually utilized words, which most people thought of as spells, to focus the energy within. For this spell you will repeat the words ego sum hyacintho. Repeat the words, focusing on their texture and cadence. She did it. Not a trick. Tricks are what you and Parker used to do for money. This is something entirely different. We create magic.
        What the mystics practice. They are a gentle community at heart. And yes, their chosen path has made them an odd bunch. Or maybe it was their quirkiness that led them to the study. Regardless, despite the fear that Arcadians feel toward the mystics, they rarely use their power for violence. They actually alter the way we think. Mental magic requires a patience that tends to weed out evil intentions, making mental magic the rarest of the magical arts and generally the cleanest. They are, by nature, recluses. Not to mention, their philosophy of life is bent toward detachment from our world for the sake of transcendence. They believe in a heaven that is right up here.” He tapped his temple. “If it were up to them, they would stay in their mountain temple in the Heights. They make their pilgrimages into Arcadia and other cities as a way to stay connected with other men and women. A way to keep their minds connected to non-mystics. And that is, of course, also why they all drink so much. Traveling into the minds of other humans can be a very disturbing thing, not to mention that getting into a human’s mind is far harder than calling on a bird to land on your finger or moving a rock. The power of suggestion is potent, but you need to burrow through any walls that might be in place. I trained the mystics on how to also manipulate their own minds to keep others out. They are illusionists, able to create worlds with their words. But they can also use their powers to subvert the will of others. Force the minds of others into their service. They can convince the best spies to spill sworn secrets and the bravest men to quake in fear. But most mystics are pacifists and use their gifts for these things in only the direst of times. They prefer to enjoy their lives, telling stories and brightening the world around them. They also can communicate telepathically and even project their consciousness to see far parts of the universe. Mystics were the only magicians who actually utilized words, which most people thought of as spells, to focus the energy within. For this spell you will repeat the words ego sum hyacintho. Repeat the words, focusing on their texture and cadence. She did it. Not a trick. Tricks are what you and Parker used to do for money. This is something entirely different. We create magic.
What the mystics practice. They are a gentle community at heart. And yes, their chosen path has made them an odd bunch. Or maybe it was their quirkiness that led them to the study. Regardless, despite the fear that Arcadians feel toward the mystics, they rarely use their power for violence. They actually alter the way we think. Mental magic requires a patience that tends to weed out evil intentions, making mental magic the rarest of the magical arts and generally the cleanest. They are, by nature, recluses. Not to mention, their philosophy of life is bent toward detachment from our world for the sake of transcendence. They believe in a heaven that is right up here.” He tapped his temple. “If it were up to them, they would stay in their mountain temple in the Heights. They make their pilgrimages into Arcadia and other cities as a way to stay connected with other men and women. A way to keep their minds connected to non-mystics. And that is, of course, also why they all drink so much. Traveling into the minds of other humans can be a very disturbing thing, not to mention that getting into a human’s mind is far harder than calling on a bird to land on your finger or moving a rock. The power of suggestion is potent, but you need to burrow through any walls that might be in place. I trained the mystics on how to also manipulate their own minds to keep others out. They are illusionists, able to create worlds with their words. But they can also use their powers to subvert the will of others. Force the minds of others into their service. They can convince the best spies to spill sworn secrets and the bravest men to quake in fear. But most mystics are pacifists and use their gifts for these things in only the direst of times. They prefer to enjoy their lives, telling stories and brightening the world around them. They also can communicate telepathically and even project their consciousness to see far parts of the universe. Mystics were the only magicians who actually utilized words, which most people thought of as spells, to focus the energy within. For this spell you will repeat the words ego sum hyacintho. Repeat the words, focusing on their texture and cadence. She did it. Not a trick. Tricks are what you and Parker used to do for money. This is something entirely different. We create magic.
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Nature magic allows us to shape life, to reawaken its potential. But you cannot create life where there was none previously. To steal from an old phrase, you can heal a tiger, but you cannot change its stripes. The mystics could do what you do, but only in the mind, only as an illusion. The change would not be permanent. Physical magic users can, of course, change things at a fundamental level and make that change permanent, but their power runs into a strict barrier when it comes to the living, organic world. The best magicians were concerned only with the inner self, the discipline to call on and control their own energies.
Nature magic allows us to shape life, to reawaken its potential. But you cannot create life where there was none previously. To steal from an old phrase, you can heal a tiger, but you cannot change its stripes. The mystics could do what you do, but only in the mind, only as an illusion. The change would not be permanent. Physical magic users can, of course, change things at a fundamental level and make that change permanent, but their power runs into a strict barrier when it comes to the living, organic world. The best magicians were concerned only with the inner self, the discipline to call on and control their own energies.
''Transmogrification''  Physical alchemy. Uses all three at one time to change matter.
''Transmogrification''  Physical alchemy. Uses all three at one time to change matter. One day for each art. Her training sessions were measured by skills, not time. There would be a chance that she wouldn’t become a polymage, which was the primary goal. Magic is one part learning, one part practice, and fifty parts mindset.      Ezekiel asks her to change Sal into the animal he should really be, to transmogrify him into  ??? Hannah creates a picture in her mind, tries all types of magic to do so, becomes absolutely frustrated and exhausted. “Focus on the image inside of you!” She breaks down , clutches Sal, and begins to cry. Feels him changing – growing two lumps on his back, which break forth into wings. Had turned him into a dragon. He joyously flies off. Hannah had pulled an image from her mind and created something brand new.
    One day for each art. Her training sessions were measured by skills, not time. There would be a chance that she wouldn’t become a polymage, which was the primary goal. Magic is one part learning, one part practice, and fifty parts mindset.      Ezekiel asks her to change Sal into the animal he should really be, to transmogrify him into  ??? Hannah creates a picture in her mind, tries all types of magic to do so, becomes absolutely frustrated and exhausted. “Focus on the image inside of you!” She breaks down , clutches Sal, and begins to cry. Feels him changing – growing two lumps on his back, which break forth into wings. Had turned him into a dragon. He joyously flies off. Hannah had pulled an image from her mind and created something brand new.
''Applied to physical tools - things they used.''  Various items created using  technologies unknown to the general public (Drawing on Etheric for energy?) to control, reward, and guide Arcadians.
''Applied to physical tools - things they used.''  Various items created using  technologies unknown to the general public (Drawing on Etheric for energy?) to control, reward, and guide Arcadians.
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TOTFD01/2      ''Healing''          Near drowning: Place your hand over his heart and one on his forehead. Push everything out of your mind and focus on the nature around you. It’s full of life and energy. Harness that energy and push inward, toward him. Fill him with it. She pushed everything away. The only thing allowed in her mind was the sound of the river, the feel of the wind on her skin, and the feel of the damp ground beneath her. Soon, her hands felt warm as energy filled them. As she felt it grow, she released it, pushing it toward the rearick. Within moments, his eyes opened as he took a deep breath. His cheeks turned rosier as their normal color slowly returned.
TOTFD01/2      ''Healing''          Near drowning: Place your hand over his heart and one on his forehead. Push everything out of your mind and focus on the nature around you. It’s full of life and energy. Harness that energy and push inward, toward him. Fill him with it. She pushed everything away. The only thing allowed in her mind was the sound of the river, the feel of the wind on her skin, and the feel of the damp ground beneath her. Soon, her hands felt warm as energy filled them. As she felt it grow, she released it, pushing it toward the rearick. Within moments, his eyes opened as he took a deep breath. His cheeks turned rosier as their normal color slowly returned.
    Concussion: Had quite a hit on the head a little over a month ago in a battle. Went fishin’ when that damned bump ta the head came back ta pay a visit. Vision went cloudy, and I fell in.” I should be able to help with that,” Elysia said, placing a hand on his head. Her jade green eyes flashed an even darker green as she channeled magic through Samuel. The wound on his head disappeared,along with whatever pain came along with it as well.  
Concussion: Had quite a hit on the head a little over a month ago in a battle. Went fishin’ when that damned bump ta the head came back ta pay a visit. Vision went cloudy, and I fell in.” I should be able to help with that,” Elysia said, placing a hand on his head. Her jade green eyes flashed an even darker green as she channeled magic through Samuel. The wound on his head disappeared,along with whatever pain came along with it as well.  
TOTFD 01/5    ''Familiars''    Druids usually had a natural creature to aid them in their connection with the Etheric, and with nature. They could usually mind-speak with them. In some cases, the familiar would increase in size with the connection, like Chaos to Elysia, or the Chieftain’s black bear, Zobig, or even Cathillian’s golden eagle, Echo. Only those sharing a connection with the bloodline with the Chieftain seemed to gain that trait. For all others, a small change in size could happen, but more than likely, it would show increased intelligence, differences in color, or other various characteristics.  Luna was the familiar to another warrior, Nika.
TOTFD 01/5    ''Familiars''    Druids usually had a natural creature to aid them in their connection with the Etheric, and with nature. They could usually mind-speak with them. In some cases, the familiar would increase in size with the connection, like Chaos to Elysia, or the Chieftain’s black bear, Zobig, or even Cathillian’s golden eagle, Echo. Only those sharing a connection with the bloodline with the Chieftain seemed to gain that trait. For all others, a small change in size could happen, but more than likely, it would show increased intelligence, differences in color, or other various characteristics.  Luna was the familiar to another warrior, Nika.
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TOTFD /10      ''General Usage''        Our magic is only as strong as our will is. Basically, there’s a magical door that we all o      pen when we begin doing magic. Most of the time, it’s only a crack. Enough to learn to heal or grow basic plants. In other cases, like the Chieftain and the Founder, it opens more and more all the time with practice and dedication.
TOTFD /10      ''General Usage''        Our magic is only as strong as our will is. Basically, there’s a magical door that we all o      pen when we begin doing magic. Most of the time, it’s only a crack. Enough to learn to heal or grow basic plants. In other cases, like the Chieftain and the Founder, it opens more and more all the time with practice and dedication.
    In working with the rearicks in replanting the forests around Arcadia, Cathillian took them out and planted acorns, testing them with druid energy transfers, , sensitivities, etc., to see if there were any  candidates to learn druid magic. . He fouond Samuel and one other that had promise. To show the power of druid magic, , he planted an acorn, as they had done, , and transferred his energy to it. Within moments, the plant broke through the ground and began to grow even taller and thicker. In less than a minute it had grown to three feet tall and two and a half inches across at the base.
In working with the rearicks in replanting the forests around Arcadia, Cathillian took them out and planted acorns, testing them with druid energy transfers, , sensitivities, etc., to see if there were any  candidates to learn druid magic. . He fouond Samuel and one other that had promise. To show the power of druid magic, , he planted an acorn, as they had done, , and transferred his energy to it. Within moments, the plant broke through the ground and began to grow even taller and thicker. In less than a minute it had grown to three feet tall and two and a half inches across at the base.
TOTFD 01/23    ''Teaching Nature Magic''        Because some of you have been using physical magic your entire lives, you're actually at a disadvantage.You think knowing how to cast physical magic would put you ahead. It makes sense, but I promise you it's more of a hindrance than anything. Those from the Boulevard that have little to no knowledge of magic will have a much easier time grasping the basics because the two magics are different in every way. Creation and destruction.
TOTFD 01/23    ''Teaching Nature Magic''        Because some of you have been using physical magic your entire lives, you're actually at a disadvantage.You think knowing how to cast physical magic would put you ahead. It makes sense, but I promise you it's more of a hindrance than anything. Those from the Boulevard that have little to no knowledge of magic will have a much easier time grasping the basics because the two magics are different in every way. Creation and destruction.

Revision as of 00:55, 22 July 2018

When societies were developing, they all had to find a source of energy to do so. Some cultures found ways to get energy from physical sources (manpower, animal power, oil, coal, electricity, nuclear). Others discovered various ways of doing it mentally, drawing from another dimension or another source of some kind. Because they did not have any technological way of understanding what was happening, where it was coming from or why, they called it "magic. Humans found that there were some who had a greater talent for creating this "magic" than others, and even some specialized unique forms of magic - physical manifestations (spells), cooperative efforts with nature (weather, fire, water), and mental magic - illusions (the mystics) Listed are how "magic" developed in various ways in different books from the many series. There are six different explanations of magic in this section, from six different series/books.

ARCADIAN MAGIC: According to old Einstein, energy and matter are the same thing, so if you had limitless energy, you could manipulate matter. Nanocytes in blood (pre-programmed -Boris Chronicles) gave access to that energy (werebears, werewolves). Ezekiel helped with that endeavor in Arcadia, , and helped teach those with talent how to use that energy to better their lives and the lives of others.

TROM 01/11 - 16 Physical Magic (combat, defense, building, force-fields). Most often practiced. Physical magic gives you the ability to control and even change non-living matter. The better you get at it, the more complex your magic can be. Magic doesn’t work because of an action taken or a spell spoken by you. The only thing you need to do to cast magic is to focus your energy out and direct it to do the work. . But we found early on this was more easily said than done. So, as we developed the art of physical magic. He moved his arms around, his hands held certain ways. “We created routines and practices, each one connected to a different kind of spell. There is no power in the ritual. It’s all within you. Fireballs. Yes! Passion! Directed anger and rage. We just have to get you to direct it. You need to be careful, control both your desires and passions. You need to be able to balance your emotions with your desire for control. If you unleash passion without control, you could blow up this whole damn tower if you feel it too much in your core.

Natural Magic (Healing, animals, plants and trees, weather Practiced by Druid Unlike physical magic, nature magic requires a willingness to call out to the power hiding in the natural world, not to the power within you. Whereas physical magic is a form of domination of a strong will imposing itself on the inanimate, nature magic is more like supplication. With physical magic, we tell the object to act. With nature, we ask and it responds. A partnership between humans and nature is formed. The supplication of nature is as vast as one’s imagination. I can control the weather, call down lightning, animate plants, and even ask the River Wren here to stop its flow to allow me to pass. There is something fulfilling about working with things, not just on them. The secret hidden power of nature magic is the power to heal. The world will grant us some of its own life energy if we ask it, and we can channel that energy into another being. The natural world gives with pleasure, if we borrow with a deep sense of responsibility and stewardship. The relationship is quite symbiotic. The interaction of the power within us and the world’s energy is like a dance. We just have to lead without stepping on too many toe

Instructed her to make a small plant blossom. The druids practice nature magic all of the time. Don’t forget, the magic is within you and there is power in the created order.” Your task is to connect the two. Physical magic uses hand motions to help focus. The druids find touch to be the most important. This staff,” he glanced down at the knotty piece of wood in his hand “is more than a decorative walking stick for an old man. It keeps me connected to the natural world. Most druids carry a similar object as a way to keep a hand on nature at all times. Clever, really. The druids will help you find your own object. But for now, simply try to connect with the source itself. Instead of trying to command something to happen, she imagined a beautiful blossom in its place. The blossom unfurled. You must meditate every day out there. You will only get stronger and the bond will be reciprocated. Nature will do your bidding, but it might also require something of you.

Mental Magic (Mind reading, altering appearance, psychic communication) Practiced by Mystics What the mystics practice. They are a gentle community at heart. And yes, their chosen path has made them an odd bunch. Or maybe it was their quirkiness that led them to the study. Regardless, despite the fear that Arcadians feel toward the mystics, they rarely use their power for violence. They actually alter the way we think. Mental magic requires a patience that tends to weed out evil intentions, making mental magic the rarest of the magical arts and generally the cleanest. They are, by nature, recluses. Not to mention, their philosophy of life is bent toward detachment from our world for the sake of transcendence. They believe in a heaven that is right up here.” He tapped his temple. “If it were up to them, they would stay in their mountain temple in the Heights. They make their pilgrimages into Arcadia and other cities as a way to stay connected with other men and women. A way to keep their minds connected to non-mystics. And that is, of course, also why they all drink so much. Traveling into the minds of other humans can be a very disturbing thing, not to mention that getting into a human’s mind is far harder than calling on a bird to land on your finger or moving a rock. The power of suggestion is potent, but you need to burrow through any walls that might be in place. I trained the mystics on how to also manipulate their own minds to keep others out. They are illusionists, able to create worlds with their words. But they can also use their powers to subvert the will of others. Force the minds of others into their service. They can convince the best spies to spill sworn secrets and the bravest men to quake in fear. But most mystics are pacifists and use their gifts for these things in only the direst of times. They prefer to enjoy their lives, telling stories and brightening the world around them. They also can communicate telepathically and even project their consciousness to see far parts of the universe. Mystics were the only magicians who actually utilized words, which most people thought of as spells, to focus the energy within. For this spell you will repeat the words ego sum hyacintho. Repeat the words, focusing on their texture and cadence. She did it. Not a trick. Tricks are what you and Parker used to do for money. This is something entirely different. We create magic.

What the mystics practice. They are a gentle community at heart. And yes, their chosen path has made them an odd bunch. Or maybe it was their quirkiness that led them to the study. Regardless, despite the fear that Arcadians feel toward the mystics, they rarely use their power for violence. They actually alter the way we think. Mental magic requires a patience that tends to weed out evil intentions, making mental magic the rarest of the magical arts and generally the cleanest. They are, by nature, recluses. Not to mention, their philosophy of life is bent toward detachment from our world for the sake of transcendence. They believe in a heaven that is right up here.” He tapped his temple. “If it were up to them, they would stay in their mountain temple in the Heights. They make their pilgrimages into Arcadia and other cities as a way to stay connected with other men and women. A way to keep their minds connected to non-mystics. And that is, of course, also why they all drink so much. Traveling into the minds of other humans can be a very disturbing thing, not to mention that getting into a human’s mind is far harder than calling on a bird to land on your finger or moving a rock. The power of suggestion is potent, but you need to burrow through any walls that might be in place. I trained the mystics on how to also manipulate their own minds to keep others out. They are illusionists, able to create worlds with their words. But they can also use their powers to subvert the will of others. Force the minds of others into their service. They can convince the best spies to spill sworn secrets and the bravest men to quake in fear. But most mystics are pacifists and use their gifts for these things in only the direst of times. They prefer to enjoy their lives, telling stories and brightening the world around them. They also can communicate telepathically and even project their consciousness to see far parts of the universe. Mystics were the only magicians who actually utilized words, which most people thought of as spells, to focus the energy within. For this spell you will repeat the words ego sum hyacintho. Repeat the words, focusing on their texture and cadence. She did it. Not a trick. Tricks are what you and Parker used to do for money. This is something entirely different. We create magic.

Effects of Magic Magic is exhausting.The hours of repetitive practice exhausted her strength and the focus sapped her will. Why didn’t more people do all three kinds? Students found it easier to focus on only one branch, the branch that came most naturally to them. Over time they became more and more entrenched in their disciplines, and it became nearly impossible to branch out. Combinations of magic are powerful and, perhaps more importantly, unpredictable. They allow for a creativity that can give a distinct edge in all of your endeavors. Connection to nature allowed me to summon a storm, but it was my skill with physical magic that allowed me to channel that power into a precise attack.

Nature magic allows us to shape life, to reawaken its potential. But you cannot create life where there was none previously. To steal from an old phrase, you can heal a tiger, but you cannot change its stripes. The mystics could do what you do, but only in the mind, only as an illusion. The change would not be permanent. Physical magic users can, of course, change things at a fundamental level and make that change permanent, but their power runs into a strict barrier when it comes to the living, organic world. The best magicians were concerned only with the inner self, the discipline to call on and control their own energies.

Transmogrification Physical alchemy. Uses all three at one time to change matter. One day for each art. Her training sessions were measured by skills, not time. There would be a chance that she wouldn’t become a polymage, which was the primary goal. Magic is one part learning, one part practice, and fifty parts mindset. Ezekiel asks her to change Sal into the animal he should really be, to transmogrify him into ??? Hannah creates a picture in her mind, tries all types of magic to do so, becomes absolutely frustrated and exhausted. “Focus on the image inside of you!” She breaks down , clutches Sal, and begins to cry. Feels him changing – growing two lumps on his back, which break forth into wings. Had turned him into a dragon. He joyously flies off. Hannah had pulled an image from her mind and created something brand new.

Applied to physical tools - things they used. Various items created using technologies unknown to the general public (Drawing on Etheric for energy?) to control, reward, and guide Arcadians.

Transportation	 Speeder - two-wheeled bicycle, (a cart cut in half), used by upper class for transportation
Weapons	  Used by Hunters to control Unlawfull: Tall bronze staff,, blue tip, electrocute, torture and kill
                                                            : Fire balls, to explode and shatter and burn whatever they hit
                                                             : Teleporting items, barrels, boards, logs, to hit, injure, crush targets
                                                             : Tags, brands - magically adhering to foreheads, labeling them as Unlawfulls. Cannot be removed but by "Magic":

Conveniences Before he could reach for the door handle, it hummed and swung open to welcome him. One of the advances that Adrien had made was his application of the magical arts to tools, both common and spectacular

DRUID MAGIC TOTFD 01/8 Ethetric Energy Usage Using magic drains the hell out of your energy. Physical magic is the worst because it takes more energy than any other type and it doesn't give anything back at all. Mystical magic isn’t much better, but they can heal themselves some with meditation. Nature magic is the opposite. It’s pure. It’s life. Touch the energy from the water. Feel it and pull it into yourself. When you can learn to absorb the energy, you can learn how to recycle it and heal yourself. We walk around barefoot to have a constant connection with nature. But water’s stronger. We just can't carry it with us. When any other druid heals, they only use their own magic—meaning their own energy—and push it toward whatever they are healing. That means they get weak quickly—just like if they'd used physical or mystical magic. If you learn to use the energy of nature around you instead of just yours, then it won't drain you so much. You're essentially healing yourself as you cast, but it has its limits, and I doubt it would work well with any other type of magic use—like physical. Heal yourself as you cast? But—that would mean that druids could have almost endless energy in battle if they just learned how to recycle the energy around them. No. But it would allow someone to fight a little longer. As for powerful healing, there is only one element that can deliver a lot of life energy at one time, and we’re standing in it.

He pulled a knife from a small sheath on his belt using the knife to make a deep cut down his free forearm. Blood immediately poured through the wound and into the water. Without saying a word, he lowered his arm into the river. Arryn’s eyes widened as she watched the wound close almost instantly without him touching it as she’d seen other druids do while healing themselves or others. And she only felt a tiny amount of energy come from him as he healed himself.Once you’re comfortable enough with the power nature offers, and once you can control it, you’ll use half the energy, but yield greater results. It’s the only type of magic that gives as much as it takes.

TOTFD 01/16 Opening the Wall This magic is a little different than healing. Most of the time, we focus on the energy within nature and use our own to grow it into something more.” This time, we’re making the connection to the life directly in front of us and asking it to move. Focus on what you want to happen, which in case you hadn't figured it out, is for the plants to part. It was something almost similar to the power that was used when one of the druids communicated with their familiar. Not quite like telepathy, but a bond with nature.

TOTFD01/2 Healing Near drowning: Place your hand over his heart and one on his forehead. Push everything out of your mind and focus on the nature around you. It’s full of life and energy. Harness that energy and push inward, toward him. Fill him with it. She pushed everything away. The only thing allowed in her mind was the sound of the river, the feel of the wind on her skin, and the feel of the damp ground beneath her. Soon, her hands felt warm as energy filled them. As she felt it grow, she released it, pushing it toward the rearick. Within moments, his eyes opened as he took a deep breath. His cheeks turned rosier as their normal color slowly returned. Concussion: Had quite a hit on the head a little over a month ago in a battle. Went fishin’ when that damned bump ta the head came back ta pay a visit. Vision went cloudy, and I fell in.” I should be able to help with that,” Elysia said, placing a hand on his head. Her jade green eyes flashed an even darker green as she channeled magic through Samuel. The wound on his head disappeared,along with whatever pain came along with it as well.

TOTFD 01/5 Familiars Druids usually had a natural creature to aid them in their connection with the Etheric, and with nature. They could usually mind-speak with them. In some cases, the familiar would increase in size with the connection, like Chaos to Elysia, or the Chieftain’s black bear, Zobig, or even Cathillian’s golden eagle, Echo. Only those sharing a connection with the bloodline with the Chieftain seemed to gain that trait. For all others, a small change in size could happen, but more than likely, it would show increased intelligence, differences in color, or other various characteristics. Luna was the familiar to another warrior, Nika. Luna certainly had a unique blue tint to the dark grey in her fur, especially around the darker places on her neck and tail. The rest of her was light grey or snowy white. Finding a familiar was yet another rite of passage, like the Versuch. And even though the Elders had tried to aid her in the connection, it was a step that Arryn wasn’t so sure she would be able to have, at least not anytime soon. Even without having a familiar of her own, she certainly had a gift with animals—including the familiars of others. I’m the only person in the village that Zobig hasn’t tripped, and Luna has attacked me the last three mornings when I wake up.”

TOTFD 01/15 Heilig Tree Wood from this tree was super-strong, and carried magical powers with it. The wood was used for staffs for the druids. one of which was given to Arryn to start with on her trip to Arcadia. It was her full height, and light in color. The long staff twisted from the bottom all the way up. At the very top, the wood split into several vine-like pieces as they wrapped around a beautiful stone. It was green in color and reminded her of the green of the druids’ eyes when they cast magic. It was breathtaking.

“This wood is nearly unbreakable.It would take the strength of a man three times Cathillian’s size to sever it, or the magic of a very powerful druid. In our tribe, when someone begins the death process, they’re taken to the Heilig tree. In their final moments, they channel what is left of their life force and their power into that tree until they take their final breath, growing it and fortifying it. The tree itself does not have power, but what it does have is strength. It’s stronger than any other tree in this forest and grows more and more so with the passing of any druid in our tribe.Only an Elder druid has the power to cut even a single twig from one of its mighty limbs. This tree is used for protection. This tree is what is used to craft the shields that our warriors carry and the armor that they wear. While it may not be as sharp, it’s certainly stronger than any steel.

At nearly seventy feet in girth, and over two hundred feet tall, the giant sequoia had been a place of solitude for her. The tree meant a lot to the Druids because of its age and size, not that it was a physical symbol of what the druid people stood for and those they’d lost.

TOTFD /10 General Usage Our magic is only as strong as our will is. Basically, there’s a magical door that we all o pen when we begin doing magic. Most of the time, it’s only a crack. Enough to learn to heal or grow basic plants. In other cases, like the Chieftain and the Founder, it opens more and more all the time with practice and dedication. In working with the rearicks in replanting the forests around Arcadia, Cathillian took them out and planted acorns, testing them with druid energy transfers, , sensitivities, etc., to see if there were any candidates to learn druid magic. . He fouond Samuel and one other that had promise. To show the power of druid magic, , he planted an acorn, as they had done, , and transferred his energy to it. Within moments, the plant broke through the ground and began to grow even taller and thicker. In less than a minute it had grown to three feet tall and two and a half inches across at the base.

TOTFD 01/23 Teaching Nature Magic Because some of you have been using physical magic your entire lives, you're actually at a disadvantage.You think knowing how to cast physical magic would put you ahead. It makes sense, but I promise you it's more of a hindrance than anything. Those from the Boulevard that have little to no knowledge of magic will have a much easier time grasping the basics because the two magics are different in every way. Creation and destruction.